Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1471: Return to the sea

In the following time, Jian Chen devoted himself to the study of Wu Soul, and hoped to find the application skills of Wu Soul in the shortest time, thus bringing the power of Wu Soul to the extreme.

For Jian Chen, Wu Soul is a huge treasure. He already owns this treasure. What is lacking is just the key to open the treasure.

As long as he finds the key and opens the treasure, he will have the strength to easily kill the returning power. Even if he is facing the strong source, even if it is a few of the strongest, he can fully survive. These few people who have returned to the source are hit hard.

Because his current **** has reached the point of return to the source, according to the description of the martial arts in the fairy tales of the moon, he is fully capable of achieving such a brilliant record. At that time, the only one in the holy world that can pose a threat to him is There is the Holy Spirit.

Wu Soul is the most shortcut way that Jian Chen can think of now. It is not as difficult as the promotion of kendo and chaos. As for Kendo, although he already has purple and blue swords, every step of the kendo is improved. Very difficult, even if he had a tea tree, he knew that even if he used up all the tea trees, the improvement in the kendo could not reach the height of the Holy Spirit.

Even if he is at the same height as the Holy Spirit on the kendo, but with the kendo, it is still not the opponent of the Holy Spirit. The martial arts force that specifically attacks the Yuanshen is the biggest weapon.

With the strength of the Yuanshen, he may not be able to hurt the Holy Spirit who is higher than him in the realm, but it can also have a certain influence on him. In the fierce battle, often a negligence will reverse the situation. .

When Jian Chen was busy studying the martial arts force, Yang Lie, returning to the sea, and laughing at the sky, the three of them were not idle, led by the three of them, and they summed up the Tianyuan continent, the desert continent, the beast **** continent and the sea. All the strong emperors of the Holy Spirit taught the formations from the Holy Land and taught them a batch of exercises.

Although these arrays are the lowest order method of the sacred world, they are placed on the Tianyuan continent, and their grades are far more than the holy martial arts. Several sacred emperors join hands to form a formation, although they cannot be injured. The source is strong, but it can still be done in a few days. If there are more people in the formation, the power of the law is stronger.

And Yang Lie, returning to the sea, the three people of Feng Xiaotian frequently appear in the eyes of the Holy See, so that the true identity of the three of them is gradually known by the strong people of the four races, and the ten guardian family status of Tianyuan mainland It is a rapid climb, becoming the top force behind the flame mercenary group led by Jian Chen.

On the mainland of the beast, the little white tiger is still carrying the inheritance of the beast **** on the ninety-ninth floor of the beast temple. The inside of the situation is unknown. Today, the beast **** continent is still led by Peng Emperor, even now the beast **** continent There have been a lot of holy emperors, but they can't shake the status of Pengdi.

The desert continent, the top of the God of War, the tower of the tower of the Golden Horse, sitting on the throne of the Temple of War, there is a strong ray of light around the body, intertwined with the light belonging to the Temple of War, as if a certain fusion .

At this moment, the momentum emanating from the tower is obviously stronger than that of a few years ago. His strength has made a rapid breakthrough in this short period of time.

Although the strength of the tower is now measured by the standards of Tianyuan, it still stays in the realm of Nayuan, but it has already reached the late stage of Nayuan. As for the combat power, it is stronger, and even has the power to fight with the source. '

"If I can completely control this Temple of War, the sturdiness of this Temple of War will shock me. I just need to put this temple in the entrance of the space passage and block the entrance. Those who are in the sanctuary will It’s a pity that it’s a pity that with my current strength, I can only use the power of the temple to cultivate.”

"With this Temple of War, Uncle Arkins can avoid a death, as long as he hides in the Temple of War, even if the Tianyi Tiger of the ancient times has exceeded the limit of the limit, and reached the realm of life with the heavens and the earth, it is estimated that I can't break this temple in a short time, just as the pride of the war gods, so that Uncle Arrigins does not bother to avoid, preferring to die."

The iron tower sat on the throne and made a whisper. After becoming the **** of the hundred races, the whole tower was like a baptism, which made him more mature.

Although he is still him, his mind has changed, not as embarrassing as ever, and sometimes he is stupid.

The Emperor’s elder sword in the city of mercenaries did not show up, and was still refining the supreme temple left by Mo Tianyun. This temple is obviously extraordinary, with the strength of the Tianjian Emperor, refining So laborious.

The Guangsheng Holy Masters Association, the president and the elders are also retreating, with the strength of their eighth-order Guangshi sect, to fully resurrect the soldiers of the king who had been left to them by Jian Chen, in order to be abandoning the world. Before the big battle, add more power to the Tianyuan continent.

Whether it is the Tianyuan continent, the beast **** continent, the desert continent, or the deep sea, all the strong are preparing for the next big war, only those who have low strength and can’t help in the battle with the holy abandonment. It’s as leisurely as it used to be.

These warriors, few people know the power of the holy abandonment, they only know that their own strong side has blocked an invasion of the holy abandonment, killing hundreds of holy emperors in the holy abandonment, and has set a very brilliant The record, therefore, the heart believes that the abandonment of the world does not threaten the world in which they live. Over time, the three words of the abandonment of the world are in their hearts, from the initial shock, panic and other emotions. It gradually became dull until it finally became a topic of discussion after their meal.

In a twinkling of an eye, five years have passed. At this time, it has been six and a half years since Jian Jian’s killing of the abandonment of the source of the source. In the six and a half years, Jian Chen completely disappeared into the eyes of everyone and stayed in the field. Retreat from the big mountain not far from the city of mercenaries.

In the six and a half years, in addition to the one and a half years since the beginning of the year, Jian Chen used to resurrect the Emperor's artifacts. For the remaining five years, he was all invested in the study of Wu Soul.

But unfortunately, he may have looked at his own savvy, or he has seen the magic of Wu Soul. In the five years he invested, he has not only researched the methods that can really exert the power of Wu Soul. Instead, he wasted some of the five teas of the sacred tea.

"This martial arts force is too magical and mysterious. If you want to study the method of display, it takes a long time, and it will not be completed in a few short years. Now, the space channel of collapse has been formed again, although it has not yet stabilized. But it takes only three years for the longest to pass the source." In the dark cave, the sword dust opened his eyes, and his sharp-eyed eyes flashed brightly. In this dim cave, it looks like two glowing gems.

"Three years, the longest is only three years. I can't continue to waste this precious time in the martial arts." Jian Chen stood up and whispered, but his gaze looked into the distance. Sea area.

"Today I can think of ways to enhance my strength, perhaps only in the sea." Jian Chen whispered, and then turned into a shadow and left the cave that had lived for six years and rushed to the sea.

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