Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1493:

The knowledge of Jian Chen’s “seeing” everything in the Changsheng Valley is clear and clear, filled with the sorrowful atmosphere of the Changsheng Valley, and the sword dust is silent. At this moment, the heart of Jian Chen can’t help but come. There was a pain, and there was a bit of sadness in the look.

Jian Chen stood quietly in the hall of the House of Deputies. At this moment, although he was in the Flame City, his heart had already flown into the Changsheng Valley, which is a million miles away, and finally gave a sigh.

Outside the Flame City, a space suddenly and violently distorted, and the space was torn apart, and a colorful space door appeared. I saw a Nubins in a golden coat walked out of the door of space with ease. Blinking, it disappears like a teleport.

After the time of two breaths, Nubis has appeared in the city hall of the Flame City, and swayed into the magnificent hall of the main hall in the center of the city's main government. Some guards along the way have been bowed to each other. With respectful meaning.

"Sword dust, disappeared for more than ten years, you finally came back, hey, my great Nobis has been used to the days with you, in the ten years that you are not here, my great Nobis has It’s really not used to it.” As soon as he entered the hall of the proceedings, Nubis laughed, and the return of Jian Chen made him happy from the heart, because as he said, those years with Jian Chen were The most exciting time in his life, along the way, is always full of thrilling things, and now the days have calmed down, which makes Nubis, who has already liked the days before, one Time is a bit difficult to adapt.

The return of Nubis allowed Jian Chen to suppress the pain in his heart, and soon returned to normal. His eyes swept away the people who still stayed in the hall of the deliberation at the moment, saying: "This time, everyone is called, yes. I want to see if any of you have the opportunity to get a big build, you don't want to resist, I will bring you into another world." When the voice falls, only the size of the finger is true, and the palm of the sword is from the palm of the hand. It emerged from the sky, and under the control of Jian Chen’s mind, it quickly became bigger. In a blink of an eye, it became an ancient tower with a height of more than ten meters. Fortunately, this hall was built with more than 20 highs and accommodated one. The ancient tower, which is more than ten meters high, does not have to worry about being broken by the top of the tower.

Because Jian Chen has not yet fully refining and refining the tower, so many of the abilities of the true tower can not be controlled, naturally, there is no ability to let the lost tower of the real tower autonomously suspended in midair, so only true The tower is placed on the ground.


The broken tower was just on the ground, and there was a dull muffled sound. The entire land was shaken violently. The range of the vibration not only affected the Flame City, but the aftershocks were still flying fast. Spreading in all directions, it eventually spread to hundreds of thousands of miles away. The small half of the Tianyuan continent triggered a century-old earthquake.

The Great Hall of the Flame City was filled with cracks in an instant, although the energy of the small gold in the hall of the council made the hall extremely incomparably strong, even the Holy Emperor could not destroy the points, but in the true tower In front of the vibration caused by the ground, it became fragile like tofu.

The tower really fell on the ground, not only a roar, but a simple earthquake, so I saw the land occupied by the true tower, the whole ground is sinking at a rapid speed, and more than ten meters high. The true tower also fell to the ground with the rapidly sag of the earth.

The tower really collapsed with its own weight, and the speed of the sinking was very fast. When it was just a moment of rest, the whole tower was almost completely immersed in the ground. Only one-third of the spires fell on the ground. .

Seeing this scene, Jian Chen suddenly slap his head. He forgot that the tower could not leave his hand. If he was held in his hand, the tower was just as light as a feather, but if he left his palm, then The weight of the tower itself will be displayed without any reservation. Even if it does not use the half strength of the tower, but the tower can also wear a star through the weight.

Jian Chen did not hesitate, and his body flashed on the spire of the tower that was about to dissipate, and gently pressed the palm of one hand to the top of the tower.

At the moment when the palm of Jian Chen’s palm was pressed on the tower, the momentum of the tower’s rapid sinking suddenly stopped, and then it quickly shrank. After only a few breaths, the tower was again reduced to a finger size. Jian Chen was in the palm of his hand and left a large pit with a depth of more than ten meters in the original place.

"Brother, you are jealous of you, and you have broken the hall of the parliament. What kind of baby are you?" Bilian said with a look of grief, and her eyes stared at Jian Chen, who was holding on to the sword. In the palm of your hand, there is a strong curiosity in your eyes.

Looking at the hall of deliberation that has become broken, Jian Chen showed a smile on his face and said: "This baby is too heavy, it can't be put here, it seems that we have to change a place."

Next, Jian Chen left the Flame City with a few people, looking for a solid ground to place the real tower. As for the damaged hall, there will naturally be people in the Flame City to deal with it, affecting the strong earthquake of a small half of the Tianyuan continent. Jian Chen did not pay attention to it.

Not far from the Flame City, there is a mountain range. This mountain range was originally a place rich in tungsten alloys. It has caused great concern in the entire Tianyuan continent. However, as the Jinling origin in the tungsten alloy vein matures, it turns into Xiaojin. After that, this tungsten alloy vein completely lost its original value and became an ordinary mountain that could no longer be ordinary. No more tungsten alloy could be found.

In the depths of this mountain range, there is a deep canyon. Few people know that even if this mountain range is a common mountain range, the bottom of this canyon is not as loose as other places, but very hard.

At the moment, at the bottom of the canyon, Jian Chen, Bi Yun Tian, ​​Bi Hai, Bi Lian, Yu Yue, Du Gufeng and Nubis are standing there, and in front of them, it is a thousand feet tall. The tower, the ancient tower is covered with sword marks, every sword mark is shining, and the scorpion shoots a compelling sword.

Above the ancient tower, it supports a huge enchantment, covering the entire mountain range, covering the existence of the ancient tower.

"Take this true tower on the body, sometimes it is also a trouble, hey, if it is true, there is a spirit of the tower." Looking at the front foot, there is a towering tower, the sword dust is quite helpless, he Although I found this place to be used to place the tower, I had to make the tower really so large and bear the weight of the tower in a larger area. Only in this way can we ensure that the tower is not Will continue to sink,

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