Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1496: Xiomi died

Jian Chen whispered the moon, and the tip of his nose smelled the faint fragrance that came out of the moon. He said softly: "Moon, these years have suffered you, let you wait for me for so long, you will blame me."

The moon rises, the autumn-like eyes look at the sword dust with tenderness, and the eyes are full of gentleness, whispered and said: "Sword dust, I have never blamed you, because I know that you have been through these years. It’s very hard, or since you left Carcass College, the days that followed have been very bitter. You can have today’s achievements. You must have paid a lot in these years, and even almost paid your life. And, as your fiancee, you can only watch as you work outside and can't help you. I have something to complain about."

"Jian Chen, do you know, in fact, in the heart of the month, I have always been proud of being your wife. Even though I am still only an unmarried wife, you are very good, very powerful, and have the talent for cultivation. The world has no idea how many fascinating women are fascinated by you. The moon is very grateful for the marriage that the father and the mother set for you and me."

Looking at the sword dust, her voice was not only pleasant, but also very gentle. Then she stood on the flying purple sword and gently turned around, holding her arms tightly. With the sword dust, put his whole body in the arms of Jian Chen, said: "Sword dust, you have promised to the moon, will be a month, you still remember, you have forgotten."

"Of course, remember how can I forget such a thing, just the month, except for you, there are other women in Jian Chen." Jian Chen said softly, as if he had thought of something, his face showed a complex color.

On the face of the moon, he smiled and said: "Jian Chen, your father has a four-room lady, then do you know how many Wang Hao my father has?"

Jian Chen shook his head. Although he was a native of the Gessen Kingdom and a national defender of the Gessen Kingdom, he did not understand the royal family of the Gessen Kingdom. Even the king of the Gessen Kingdom had even Princess, how many emperors do not know.

Looking at the stunned color on the face of Jian Chen, Yu Yue screamed out, and said: "If you lose the identity of the national guardian, you don't even know this, or I tell you, my father's Wang Hao has a total of 28 people, and my mother is only one of them." After talking about her mother, the look of the moon is a burst of gloom. When she was born, her mother died, if there is still a portrait, I am afraid Yu Yue did not know what her mother grew up.

"Those who are expensive, which are not three wives, you are like this, my father is the same, and you are better than you and my father. I don’t know how many women are against you under the sun. Dear, the heart of the moon has long understood that you are not a woman can monopolize, so the month does not care how many women around you." Yu Yue continued, the tone is very soft, very considerate.

"If I tell you, I already have a child." Jian Chen said, with a few minutes.

Regarding the Shangguan proud sword, even his parents did not know, the first person he told was the quiet moon.

The moon was slightly trembled, and some looked at the sword dust with amazement. After a short silence, he said with a little trembling tone: "Jian Chen, is this really true?"

"It's true. Now I haven't seen him for more than ten years. Now he has grown up." Jian Chen sighed, and he couldn't help but think of the Shangguan proud sword of Sansheng Island. Because he himself knows that he is not a good father. In these years, the time he spent with Shangguanaojian is very rare, even with his fingers.

"This has happened, I went to Sansheng Island and stayed until the day when the holy abandonment struck." Jian Chen was secretly in the heart, but before that, he had to go to the Huang family because Huang Wei was there. .

"Although the moon does not know who the person is, but the month believes that the person is definitely not an ordinary woman, Jian Chen, there will be opportunities in the future, take me to see your child, can you?" Yu Yue said, the soft tone Although very calm and calm, Jian Chen can still feel the faint feeling of loss in the tone of the moon.

Jian Chen nodded, and the next two went all the way. Although the Changsheng Valley was a million miles away from the Flame City, the flying speed of the Purple Sword quickly crossed this distant distance.

The Changsheng Valley is located on the edge of the mountain range. The sword dust drove the purple sword to the outside of the valley of the Changsheng Valley, and then walked into the valley with the moon.

Years have passed, but the Changsheng Valley is still the same as before. It seems that there is no slight change. Even if weeds grow out, the villagers who live here will be cut off for the first time. The longevity valley in the past has a peaceful atmosphere. The tranquility gives people a feeling of paradise, but today, the Changsheng Valley is already covered with white cloth. Almost every household hangs a white cloth in front of their own house in accordance with local customs, and a kind of floating With a bitter white flower, the entire Changsheng Valley is filled with a thick sorrow.

Jian Chen and Yu Yue walked into the village of Changsheng Valley. He found a chubby with a sad face in the center of the village. He was kneeling on a knee in front of the coffin. The whole person was like a stone sculpture. It seems to be motionless, and at the side of Xiaopang, his mother's eyes are red and swollen sitting on the ground, the look is filled with a deep sadness, and the soul is lost, as if the soul has been lost.

Jian Chen’s eyes stared at the coffin, with a bit of sadness, and his mood became more and more heavy as he stepped into the Changsheng Valley. He knew that the person lying in the coffin was a repairer who had had a life-saving grace. Uncle Mi, Xiu Mi is incomplete due to congenital defects, so this life can not break through to the realm of the Holy King, only has a millennium life limit, now the uncle of rice is a thousand years has passed, life has come to an end, exhausted and died, even if it is taken In 10,000 years, even 100,000 years, millions of years of heaven and earth treasures can not make rice repaired.

These 100,000-year-old Tiancai Dibao can be reborn, so that a waste person who can't cultivate the power of the Holy Spirit can become a genius in a short time, even if it has the effect of returning to life, as long as you still have a breath, you can Resurrected in the shortest possible time, but the effect of these heavenly treasures is unstoppable, but it does not make people regenerate a soul.

It is possible to recreate a heavenly treasure of a soul out of thin air, even if the sword dust is not encountered in the small yellow heaven.

Many villagers around have recognized Jian Chen and have nodded their heads at Jian Chen. In the days when the uncle Mi Mi died today, all the villagers in Changsheng Valley are very uncomfortable. No one wants to talk too much. Or nod.

Jian Chen passed through the crowd and walked straight to the coffin of Uncle Mi Mi. He stared at the coffin silently and looked at the sound, then went deep into the coffin.

His heart is filled with an unspeakable bitterness. He is a ninth-order sacred priest who can not only resurrect the sacred soldiers, but also possess the ability to resurrect, as long as the gods are not destroyed, the souls are not scattered, even the fallen saints. The Emperor strong, Jian Chen can make it resurrected. However, now, the death of Uncle Mi Mi, there is no way for Jian Chen Tang Tang Jiu Jie Guang Shi Sheng Shi.

Because of his ninth-order sacred priest's ability, there is no way to make up the soul of Uncle Mi, and let his soul be perfect.

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