Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1505: Zha Caiyun wakes up

Beyond the sacred empire of one of the seven super-master cities of Tianyuan Continental, there is an original mountain range. Today, a purple Changhong suddenly appears on the horizon, like a purple meteor, which cuts the sky at a very fast speed. In a moment, it disappeared into the depths of the original mountains.

This purple Changhong is the sword dust. The sword dust is on the purple sword of more than ten meters long, and by his side, the piano goddess wearing a purple long skirt is on the empty foot. In the leisurely walk, the space is generally empty, and the space around her body is slightly trembled, constantly changing, and at her feet, there is a circle of visible space, as she takes every step. Her body is like a teleport that instantly spans a distant distance, and the speed is no slower than the sword dust.

The strength of Qin Shengtian Witch has surpassed the Holy Emperor and entered the realm of the source realm. Moreover, from her perspective on the use and control of space, she has surpassed the ordinary Nayuan strong.

The strength of Qin Shengtian Witch can grow so fast, Jian Chen is not surprised at all, no matter whether he and Qin Shengtian witches absorb the yin and yang that surrounds the yin and yang shrine, it is only Xiaobao. Can bring a huge fortune to the Qin Shengtian witch.

Xiaobao is the body of innate chaos, even in the fairy world is extremely rare, Qin Shengtian witch as the mother of the innate chaos, by the heavens and the earth, the road of cultivation will be all plain, smooth sailing, if not on the way, will It is bound to achieve the throne.

This emperor is not the emperor of the Tianyuan Continental, but the immortal emperor.

Even in this world that has been sealed, Qin Shengtian Witch can ignore the seal and break through the holy emperor to enter the source. Jian Chen is also suspected because of Xiaobao’s sake.

Although the seal that prevents everyone from entering the source is very powerful, this seal is also flawed. It is impossible to control the self and Xiaobao of the chaotic body. It is impossible to block the tower of the gods, and it is also impossible to hold Xiaojin, Xiaoling. The innate spirit born of heaven and earth.

Jian Chen and Qin Shengtian Witch entered the depths of the original mountain range and finally stopped in front of a log cabin standing on top of a mountain. The log cabin has stood alone for decades, often in the sky. Under the raging wind, the cabin has become extremely fragile, like an old man who has entered the Jubilee Year. He is screaming in the wind and seems to be overwhelmed and fall apart.

The purple scorpion sword has been turned into a four-foot long sword and tightly attached to the back of the sword dust. Jian Chen is standing next to the Qin Shengtian witch, quietly looking at the log cabin in front of him, the eyes of the Qin Shengtian witch are also staring at this. The old chalet, the look is very complicated.

The people in the wooden house seemed to notice that there were outsiders coming. With a snoring sound, the wooden door was slowly opened, revealing the figure of nothing.

I saw you standing in the small door, the set of white dresses worn on him was already a bit old, and the look of the face was full of deep feeling of exhaustion.

Although the appearance of nothing has not changed much, when Jian Chen looked at it, he found that the moment of the moment was not the same as that of the original, but it was much older.

At the moment when the "screen" looked at the Qintian Witch, the stunned look suddenly filled, and the trembling voice was filled with surprises and incredible looks. There was a complex mood and array in it. Bitter.

Looking at the 昊 那 那 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊 昊She has always had deep resentment against her, and she does not even want to admit this father, because in her opinion, she is not only sorry for her mother, she has never let her mother live a happy day, and finally her mother even I have never died, and even for her, I have never really cared.

But until after listening to Jian Chen’s words, Shangguan’s curtain suddenly discovered that although she was very hateful, she still had a certain position in her psychology. After all, it was her father and also She is the only relative in the world.

It’s just that this position that is not occupied by the Shangguan dynasty’s mind is actually insignificant compared to the hatred of the Shangguan dynasty. He simply does not have the effect of understanding. This time she came here only because she was in the Holy The short period of time before the next invasion of the abandonment may be the last time they existed.

The next time the Battle of the Holy Abandonment is over, the world may no longer have her Qin Shengtian Witch, and there is no such thing as the existence of these two people, or she can survive by the strength of the source realm, but there is no possibility of Dissipated between heaven and earth.

"爹" Shangguan curtain was difficult to open, and the tone was a little trembling and oyster. At this moment, her heart was full of flavors, and even she could not tell what it was.

This hoarseness made the cockroaches stand on the spot, and the body trembled fiercely. There were two rows of turbid tears flowing uncontrollably from his eyes.

"Screen, you and you are finally willing to call me a sigh." No expression of excitement, this moment, he feels like a dream, because the voice of the Shangguan singer has already been in his heart. I don't know how many years I have been looking forward to, and even in the end I have become a luxury.

The Shangguan singer bites his lips, does not speak, his eyes are removed from his body, and he falls in the cabin behind him. As her right hand slowly rises, there is a vast and terrifying energy rushing out. In an instant, they condensed into a magical violin and played it gently.

The sound of the piano is light, but with a bit of low, every sound of the piano, like an infinite magic, can penetrate all obstacles and shoot into the gods.

Jian Chen heard this similar to the Fushen song used to appease the soul of Changyang's ancestors on the Three Holy Island, but it is somewhat different from the Fushen song. When this sound is introduced into his ear, he actually feels his own god. All of them were affected, and at this moment, he became surprisingly quiet, deep in the Yuanshen, and there was a sense of refreshment, as if this piano sound had the effect of treating the Yuanshen injury.

The vibration of Jian Chen’s heart is the most intractable injury in the Yuanshen. Under the sun, all the heavenly treasures that can heal the wounds of the Yuanshen are worthless. They are rare in the world, very rare, and the Qin Shengtian witch only plays the music. It has such a magical effect that makes him feel unbelievable.

Moreover, Jian Chen is a feeling. In addition to being able to heal the wounds of the Yuanshen, this sound has other effects. Just listening to a piece of music can be of great benefit to the Yuanshen.

Soon, the sound of the piano dissipated, and the end of the song, the demon jingming piano disappeared from the hands of the Shangguan dynasty. At the same time, the gaze cloud in the wooden house lying in bed for a long time, the eyelids trembled a few times.

PS: Continue the code word. When the second chapter is finished, it will be updated. The time is later.

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