Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1518: finally come

Like the Kea, the Big Four brothers did not choose to leave, but stayed in the Flame City, where they waited for the advent of the Holy Abandonment.

Although today's Flame City has far surpassed the seven super-super cities on Tianyuan's mainland, it is far from being able to compare with the seven super-main cities. Even one-tenth of the seven super-master cities are far from being, so within this Flame City, the Big Four brothers will inevitably meet Keya.

Although the four big brothers and Kay are innocent, and there are also the genus of the sword dust, so that the four of them can not go to the hostile position with Kayya anyway, but every time they see Kea, they are four. In the heart of the brothers, there will be a strong killing and it is difficult to control. This makes the four big brothers all puzzling, and I don’t know why this kind of reaction, so in this period of the Flame City, Ada The four brothers are trying to keep a distance from Kea and avoid close contact with Kea.

Similarly, Kea also knows that the four great brothers and the sword dust are acquaintances, so they are still at a considerable distance from the four big brothers, and they have taken the initiative to follow her colorful swallowing beast and now succeeded in the breakthrough. It is a nine-order World of Warcraft, so even though her strength is far weaker than that of the Big Four brothers, but in the face of the strength of the Argentine Emperor's nine heavens, only the four emperors of the Holy Emperor's strength, Kay is There is no fear at all, because Kay has a very strong self-confidence, even if the strength of the four big brothers reaches the peak of the Holy Emperor, even higher than the little green, but if they fight, their four brothers are absolutely Not a small green opponent.

The Flame City regained its calmness, and the Tianyuan Continent gradually returned to its normal order. The weak and powerful warriors still lived the usual life, and the powerful and powerful ones were all in a tight preparation.

The strength of the holy abandonment has not been fully revealed, so as not to cause panic in the whole continent. Only those who are qualified to participate in the war with the holy abandon will know more.

Therefore, those weak and powerful warriors on the Tianyuan continent believe that the world they live in is indeed threatened by the abandonment of the world, but it is not incompetent, because not only the majority of the emperor, but also the majority of the emperor. And there are still several strengths that transcend the supreme power of the Holy Emperor. On strength, it is no weaker than in the past.

On the seventh day of the marriage of Jian Chen, the sword of the dust that has disappeared for many years suddenly came back and appeared in the Flame City.

In the same year, Bidao won the possession of the poisonous sword sage, inherited the practice of the poison sword and the sentiment of the heavens and the earth. These years have been alone, hiding in the deep forest and retreating in the old forest, until the world, until recently The talents were completed, and they completely inherited all the venerable swordsmen and broke through.

The return of Bidao, the most happy is Biyuntian, the tears of excitement, the two brothers and sisters, who fled from the ruins of the Bijia of the Great World War, all the way to each other, far away from home, experienced countless bumps, and finally It was extremely difficult to come to the Kingdom of Gessen to settle down. It has already established an indelible brother and sister.

Bijia's ancestor Bihai also ended the retreat. Looking at Biyuntian and Bidao, the spirit of Bihai is very complicated. I want to be the glory of Bijia in the past. Although it is not a top family, it has the strength of a hermit family. Ding Wangsheng, a deterrent party, but nowadays, a big family of only a big family has only two children, Biyuntian and Bidao.

Later, Bidao gradually learned about the events that took place in Tianyuan’s mainland during these years of retreat. When he learned that his nephew’s sword dust had such brilliant achievements, he suddenly felt embarrassed and felt that everything was like a dream. It's too unreal.

For his own embarrassment, Jian Chen naturally wants to help with all his strength. Here, I will take out the five grades of Ziyun Xiantao and the Wudao tea leaves to enhance the strength of the Bidao, so that the Bidao will become a good emperor, just the spirit of Ziyun Xiantao, Bidao Only a small part of it was absorbed, and more than half of it was wasted, so his strength of improvement is far from being comparable to that of the four majors.

Soon after, Yu Yue and Huang Wei also entered the retreat again. The two women received a gift from Changyang Mingyue. They were two million-year-old hailstones with a thumb size. They were carrying water when they were practicing in Changyang Mingyue. The guards secretly stayed, and she was given one by one to Yu Yue and Huang Wei.

Next, Jian Chen stayed in the Flame City for a few days, then bid farewell to everyone, and came alone to Sansheng Island.

When he set foot on the Three Holy Island, the Shangguan dynasty had already returned from the Tianyuan Continental. Jian Chen did not know how the Shangguan sect handled her between Yu and Wu and the Caiyun cloud after he left from the place where he had no seclusion. The relationship, but now seeing the Shangguan screen, he can clearly feel the subtle changes in the Shangguan scene, this change, like the transformation of the mind.

Not only that, but what surprised Jian Chen is that he vaguely felt the strength of the Shangguan curtain, and it seemed to have improved during this time.

Since then, Jian Chen has lived in Sansheng Island and lived a leisurely day. In addition to taking a little time every day to teach Xiaobao to practice, and continue to hone Xiaobao’s fighting experience, occasionally he will survive. In the same way as the fishermen on Sansheng Island, they sailed out of the sea and fished.

In the following period of time, Jian Chen intends to stay with Xiao Bao and Shangguan Screen, and wait until the holy abandonment.

Tianyuan Continental, there is no such thing as him. Everything has a strong temper, and it is a slash of the sea and the wind and laughs. The three of them have lived for a long time. Except for the strength is not as good as the sword dust, all aspects of experience have won the sword. dust.

In a twinkling of an eye, Jian Chen has lived on the San San Shengdao for three months of dull days. These three months are the most relaxed and comfortable of Jian Chen since he set foot on Tianyuan. The happiest days, there is no intrigue, no life and death disputes, and no need to work hard for survival almost every day, always be cautious.

In the past three months, Jian Chen also refining the crystal fragments that he had acquired in the True Tower, which contained the kendo sentiment, and gained a lot, and his realm of the kendo was even from Jian Yuanxiao. Cheng Cheng has become a middle, although his strength has not improved, but the combat power has risen a lot.

The purple-blue double sword was further refining by Jian Chen, and became the life-defying flying sword of his life. It can be collected in the body, as for the Dantian, but because the sword spirit of the purple-blue double sword is currently in a weak period, it needs Absorbing the force between the heavens and the earth and the force of the sun to slowly recover, so Jian Chen can only helplessly put the purple and blue swords on his back.

On this day, in the ruins of the city of mercenaries, there was a dark, deep bottomless abyss, where the space was violently fluctuating all the year round, extremely unstable, and there was a turbulent space from time to time. Gushing out, straight into the sky, and finally disappeared into the void outside the sky.

Here is the space passage between Tianyuan and Sanctuary.

However, at this time, the fluctuation of this space seems to have become a violent abrupt. Within the space channel, the violent spatial turbulence is more and more shocking from time to time, and at the end, even vaguely Seeing the vague shadows of the road is approaching.

At the same time, on the Three Holy Island, the sword dust sitting on the top of Sansheng Mountain suddenly opened his eyes. The plain eyes suddenly became sharp in an instant, like two swords, and they were extremely sharp. Look at the direction of the Tianyuan continent.

"finally come."

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