Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1524: Ouyang Yangwen

Fully flew to the edge of the exit of the space channel, Jian Chen finally removed the powerful impact of his body, and immediately could not help but spurt a blood, the clothes of his upper body had already been hit by the hammer on the chest. For a moment, the penetrating wound on the chest that had the size of the bowl was so conspicuous that the flesh and blood had already disappeared.

Jian Chen stood on the edge of the space channel and gasped slightly. He looked down at the wound on his chest and immediately turned his gaze to the opposite side. Because of the distance, the figure had become very blurred, and there was no immediate shot. Instead, he will heal immediately as soon as possible.

This time, Jian Chen did not hesitate to use the power of the light of the Holy Power. In an instant, his body was wrapped in a thick milky white light, and the soft light of the Holy Power was quickly integrated into his chest. The wound, in addition to the super resilience of the chaotic body, under the two-pronged approach, immediately caused the injury on his body to recover at a very amazing speed, the transparent hole at the size of the bowl at the chest, disappearing The flesh and blood have also re-growth.

Although the injury on Jian Chen is very heavy, with the strength of his 9th-level Guangshi Shengshi, it will take a long time to recover.

On the opposite side, Xiong Zhong’s body was also retreating, and finally slammed into the rear of a holy abandonment of the Holy Emperor’s body, and the holy abandonment of the Holy Emperor was hit by Xiong Zhong. A blood was sprayed directly underneath, and the whole person was knocked out and flew out.

Several Saints of the Holy Abandon came cautiously to Xiong Zhong and looked at the wounds of Xiong Zhong. The subconscious opening said: "Elders of the bear, you are fine, do you want to call the elders to support."

Xiong Zhong snorted and there were two white spurts from his nose. He pushed the holy emperor who spoke away and said coldly: "To deal with a person who is not in the area, I Xiong Zhong still does not need to find the guy in Ouyang Yangwen to help, if the person named Jian Chen has two powerful soldiers, and the understanding of the rules of the kendo is not low, and can stop me from the footsteps of Xiong Zhong." Speaking of this, Xiong Zhong’s mouth sneered a sneer and said: “Rules, this is the key to the realm of God. In my sacred years, the Holy Spirit has been born in countless years, and the number of strong sources is even more I don’t know what it is, but no one can ever understand the rules until the emergence of the Holy Spirit has broken the legend that my holy abandonment cannot understand the rules. It has become a legend of our holy abandonment, and that sword dust, Although I also understand the rules, but the strength is too low, this battle, I will be loyal to Xiong Zhongding, not only can improve my Xiong Zhong’s record, but also can permanently eliminate the aftermath, and the two swords, and never Fall into the hands of Ouyang Yangwen."

Xiong Zhong’s eyes flashed cold and cold, and he did not want to give more time for Jian Chen to breathe. He suddenly rushed forward. However, this time, when his body was just moving, the muscles of his face were an abnormal shaking. It is caused by severe pain.

"The power of this **** rule can not heal the wound. This is the power of the strong gods. It is a great threat to the source. Although there is only a faint trace left in my body, I will return to the late strength. It can't be cleared in a short time." Looking at several sword wounds on his body, Xiong Zhong's brow suddenly wrinkled. The residual force in these wounds must be divided to some strength to suppress. The power of the rules continues to cause even more serious damage to him, but once he does, his strength is bound to suffer.

"Xiong Zhong, really can't go back, don't be reluctant, you look at you, not only make you feel embarrassed, but also hurt, hey, these are hurt by the rules of the Kendo rule, not so good Dealing with, and as far as I know, the person who understands the kendo is not able to return to the source, and the late return to the source is actually hurt by people who are not returning to the source. If I were you, I would have been hiding. The abandonment did not dare to come out to see people, lest they continue to be embarrassed." A feminine voice came from behind, without concealing the irony of Xiong Zhong.

Xiong Zhong’s face suddenly sank, and there was a cold murderous flash in his eyes. The head did not return to the cold voice: “Ouyang Yangwen, you don’t care too early, the same is the sword, but you and Compared with that person, it is still too far away. His strength is indeed far worse than me, but even if you fight with him alone, you will not be better than me."

"Xiong Zhong, you are wrong in this sentence. When you meet that person, the injury is normal, but if I met him in Ouyang Yangwen, it would be no different to kill him and pinch a cock." The soft voice Once again, with pride, full of disdain for the sword dust.

When the voice fell, I saw only three figures in the back of Xiong Zhong. The man on the left was a short old man. He was very old. The wrinkles on his face had been huddled together, bald and bald, squatting. It seems that even walking is very difficult, giving people the feeling that they have reached the end of their lives and will soon be buried in peace.

The man in the middle is a young man who seems to be in his twenties. The young and handsome can't describe it. If he can still see that he is a man from some characteristics, otherwise it is very easy to think of him as a man. The stunning woman who is in the position of the country is only in this young man. She lacks the yang of the man, but it is full of a sense of femininity and looks uncomfortable.

The man on the right is a very glamorous woman, a devil-like figure, a long black hair, a stunned gaze, a delicate facial features, and a flattering expression of casual expression. This woman looks like a human being.

"Gongxi Ming, take Jingyun, how come you come." Xiong Zhong said with a blank expression, his eyes shot a ruthless cold mans.

Hearing the words, the woman covered her mouth and laughed, and burst into a sultry and charming, giggling: "The Holy Spirit has a command, can we not come, Xiong Zhong, the movement you made in the space channel is too big, already provoked The Holy Spirit did not like it, but I saw it clearly, and the Holy Spirit’s brows were frowned."

"The Holy Spirit King really frowned." Xiong Zhong’s face finally changed, as if he had made any mistakes, he became a little embarrassed.

In the abandonment of the world, this Holy Spirit is not a sultry generation. It is even more benevolent than the predecessor of the Holy Spirit. But he is a deterrent to the source of the Holy Spirit. More than all the Holy Spirit kings in the history of the Holy Abandonment.

Because the strength of this Holy Spirit King is too strong, it is no exaggeration to call it the first in the history of the Holy Abandonment. It is not only the first person who has learned the rules in the history of the Holy Abandonment, but also the promotion of the realm of the gods. Qualification, and his current combat power, has even reached the realm of God, even the weakest realm of God.

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