Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1534: Magic attack

The **** red face has a vague facial features. At this moment, it looks very embarrassing. It is like a ghost. It gives a feeling of horror. With the **** cloud like blood, it can’t help but feel broken. Hemp, just look at one eye, it is creepy.

There are thousands of **** faces, and the empty eyes suddenly look at the three Nayuan strongmen who rushed from below. They opened the giant mouth again, and a huge suction shrouded the three Nayuan. This suction is very horrible, even if the Nayuan strong is somewhat difficult to resist, and the three were originally rushing to the face with a very horrible speed, and this pull of the suction, suddenly let the speed of the three of them again Added a few points.

The three holy abandoners and the source strong ones looked dignified. When they approached the giant mouth, a vast and terrifying energy emerged from the three of them. In the blink of an eye, they condensed into a set of energy armor on the surface of the body. Strong energy fluctuations, and the weapons in the hands, even the swordsman who shot hundreds of feet into the huge grimace.

Under the attack of three Nayuan powerhouses, the ghost face of a thousand feet trembled fiercely, and the entire face was blurred. It seemed to be re-formed into a thick cloud.

At the same time, the three holy abandonment sources were also disappeared from the mouth of the grimace. The bodies of the three men were shrouded in a cloud of incomparable blood and disappeared into the eyes of the people. The line of sight is even more bloody, and even with their eyesight, they cannot penetrate.

In the blood-red world of the grimace, there is a breath that makes the three gods of the three of them feel a sudden sigh of relief, so that the suppression of the hearts of the three of them is more intense, and there is a share in all directions. The rich **** fog is constantly coming to them. When this **** mist touches the surface of the body that is condensed by the energy to the armor, it suddenly sounds like a "beep" and only sees the energy of the three of them. Armor is melting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Fully, I thought I could fight against the three of us with a secret method. I have the courage to come out and fight with us." A Nayuan strong man screamed coldly, and his body exudes a huge breath, and his voice is like thunder. , a sound wave visible to the naked eye spreads in all directions, and the voice just fell, he raised the sword in his hands, bursting with the radiance of the sun, with a powerful smashing smashing to the front Nothingness.

I saw a huge swordsman with a hundred feet long and broke the blood fog in front of him. It was like a broken bamboo shoot at the front. Wherever he passed, the blood mist around him violently trembled and rolled, eventually disappearing at the end of the blood.

At the same time, two other Nayuan powerhouses have also taken shots. Each of them has a very strong strength. The strong power of one stroke and one style has exceeded the limit of this world. Under the joint efforts, the **** world that was suddenly hit, the blood cloud filled in the void, seems to have become a little thin.

But in this blood cloud, the energy armor on the surface of the three of them is not consumed all the time. The blood fog that surrounds them seems to be endless. Even if they can break up, they can clean up an open space. But this open space will be filled again with blood fog, and the blood fog will contact their energy armor, and they will continue to corrode their armor, which contains a strong corrosive force, let them three I simply don't dare to contact these blood fogs directly with the flesh, but I continue to consume my energy to maintain energy armor.

At the center of the blood cloud, his hair was gray, and Houston, sitting in a linen coat, sat cross-legged, surrounded by **** seas, making a dull roar, and the eyes full of vicissitudes looked down at the three in the blood cloud. Named Nayuan, slowly raised his hand.

Just in the moment when Houston raised his hand, this blood cloud suddenly tumbling, faintly, as if there were endless ghosts and screams of cold, this violently tumbling blood cloud, there is a horrible Ghost faces continue to illusion, they groan, roar, and appear in the blood cloud.

However, for all of this, Houston seems to be unaware of it. His gaze has been locked in the three Nayuan strongmen, sitting cross-legged in the blood cloud, lifting the palms, pointing at the three men.

This finger pointed out that the blood cloud suddenly violently trembled, and the former looming ghost face, but at the moment it is very clear and clear, a grimace is completely formed by blood fog, making a creepy scream and roar The sound, the claws of the claws rushed toward the three Nayuan strong, the number is very large, dense, seemingly endless.

Far apart, the three Nayuan strong people heard the screaming sound that made them feel creepy, and all of them looked very dignified.

"Hey, pretend to be a ghost."

The three people were cold and huddled together, and the look was full of guards. It was also at this moment that the endless grimace appeared in the eyes of the three of them, coming from all directions, and then they stacked the three-folded parcels. Inside, crazy biting the energy armor on them.

Some of the ghosts went straight to their heads, and the skulls that were condensed by the blood fog touched their heads, and they sneaked in and plunged into the gods of the three of them. In the midst of the scene, the three strong sources of the situation changed their face, revealing the color of pain.

"It's not good, these things can actually hurt the gods." One of them made an exclamation, and took a direct shot. With the power of the source, a giant palm of a hundred feet was shattered on the spot. The ghosts of this hundred-foot space disappeared.

However, in the next moment, more ghosts rushed over, and those who were crushed were also re-formed in the blood cloud after a breath, as if they were not dead.

The palm of the hand condensed by the power of the source has also become a lot of illusion after crushing countless devils, because in this huge palm, it has been covered with countless devils, under the bite of these devils, the origin The condensed palm is rapidly dissipating, and this blood cloud is enhanced little by little.

And the three Nayuan strong, the entire body was shrouded in a strong source of power to prevent these ghosts from entering their gods, the three of them are all full-powered, killing countless devils, but these devils Just being killed, the next moment will reunite and will not kill.

On the other hand, the power of the three of them is in this blood cloud, and they are being swallowed up all the time. The consumption is very big. They want to find out the practitioners of this blood cloud. However, in this blood cloud, they It seems that I lost my eyes and turned into a blind man, and I could not sense where the operator was.

"These things can't be killed at all. In this place, we are completely passive. We can't continue, and we will go back." A strong source said loudly.

Immediately, the three did not hesitate and immediately flew outwards. All three of them felt that this blood cloud is constantly absorbing their power and becoming stronger.

At the center of the blood cloud, Houston, sitting cross-legged, suddenly stood up and stepped out. The figure disappeared immediately. It was like a teleport. It appeared in front of the three Nayuan who fled, waving the blood. The power of the cloud suddenly appeared in a sea of ​​blood, forming a magnificent blood river that drowned the three Nayuan powerhouses.

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