Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1536: Xiaobaihu exits

At this moment, a shivering sound of the tiger shouted, accompanied by a vast and embarrassing momentum, a huge white figure flew from the distance, the speed is very fast, as if in the void In the middle of the shuttle, you can ignore the distance between the space, the moment is still thousands of miles away, the next moment has already appeared in the battlefield of the Tianyuan continent.

No one can see the speed of this white shadow, even if the strength is the strongest to return to the source of origin, all of them even only feel a flower in front of them, there is a huge white figure in the sky.

It is a huge white tiger, a hundred feet tall body, so that this white tiger is suspended in the sky, like a mountain, invisible, there is a huge pressure to spread out, so that the heavens and the earth are Trembling, especially on the back of this huge white tiger, the pair of white bodies are full of white wings, and there are hundreds of feet of huge wings. It is also covered in the sky and stretches between the heavens and the earth, slightly flashing, and there is a gust of wind blowing between the heavens and the earth. .

This is Xiaobaihu, and finally successfully completed the inheritance of the Beast Temple, the strength has increased greatly, and the source of the world has entered. Although it is only the beginning of Nayuan, the huge pressure that emanates from it makes Sanctuary all Nayuan strong people are shocked.

Moreover, in the white tiger's body, there is a gray fog in the faint smattering, incomparably powerful, exudes a compelling killing gas, this power seems to belong to the heavens and the earth, beyond the source, let the holy Those who return to the source of the field are all shrinking.

In the Temple of the Beast, Xiaobaihu not only achieved the strength of Nayuan, but also realized the true meaning of life and death, realized the way of killing and mastered the power of rules.

"It is the ancient **** beast Tianyi Shenhu."

Between the heavens and the earth, there was a burst of exclamations. The people of the four kingdoms of Tianyuan and the mainland were no strangers to the ancient gods and gods of the ancient gods. At this moment, they saw a huge white tiger suspended in the heavens and the earth. The look is all for one.

Suddenly, the huge tiger head of Xiaobaihu was lifted up and looked at the sky outside the sky. He clearly saw the sword dust that had already been bathed in the blood under the siege of the two middle-aged strongmen. Four shots, became a red, exudes a huge murderous, a deafening sound of the tiger's whistle, murderously leaping toward the sky outside the sky.

This leap, Xiaobaihu's figure disappeared immediately, as if in the void, can ignore the distance of space, such as teleports generally appear in the sky outside the sky, the tiger claws waving, a terrible killing power into one Light rain shrouded a strong man in the middle of the source, and a war broke out.

These strong players in the middle of the period are very jealous of the power of killing, because this is the same as the kendo, it is the power of the rules, the key to the realm of the gods. Usually, such power can only be the realm of the gods. grasp.

Xiaobaihu has mastered the power of killing, even if it is only the realm of Nayuan's early stage, but its strong combat power is absolutely beyond the reach of others. In the same realm, unless the same strong force with rules is mastered, otherwise, No one can be its opponent. In addition, this strong man in the middle of the source is very jealous of the power of killing, which makes them evenly matched.

Xiaobaihu held down a strong man in the middle of the source, suddenly reduced the pressure of the sword dust, immediately seized the time to heal, and took out a drop of purple scented bamboo juice, lightning in his own eyebrows, restore his own yuan God.

Once he has returned to his peak, even if the two strong players in the middle of the game join forces, it will never be his opponent.

It was also at this moment that Poseidon suffered a heavy blow. Under the siege of the three strong sources, all the way to the blood was blown out.

The three strong-minded people immediately triumphed and pursued. They surrounded the sea gods in a triangle, and they all shot the blood of the sea god. The body suffered an unimaginable heavy blow and began to collapse. The moment of life and death, the **** of Poseidon God decisively escaped and cast a secret technique, at the cost of burning the power of the gods, in exchange for speed beyond the lightning speed, escaped and disappeared on the battlefield.

As soon as the sea gods left, one of the three Nayuan strongmen immediately rushed to the crowd below, and came to the front of Kay, who was commanding the flying ant. Without saying a word, Kaiya disappeared into the distance with one hand.

The strength of Kea is only a heavy day for the Emperor. In the face of a strong source, there is no resistance at all. However, as Kea is taken away, he is battling with a powerful source. The beast suddenly became violent and uneasy, trying to rescue Kea, but his opponents entangled it, and could not get away.

Millions of miles away from the battlefield, there is a barren hill that is not alive, but now, the entire barren hills are covered by a layer of snow and ice. Although it is a hot summer, the sky is shining, but it cannot melt these ice and snow. Looking into the distance, as if the whole world has become an ice sheet.

At this moment, the sound of the air suddenly came, and the Nayuan strong man grabbed Kea to the barren hill covered by snow and ice.

"What do you want to do." Kea stared coldly at the middle-aged man in Nayuan. There was no fear in the look. Instead, there was a cold air that gradually filled out, but her eyes were deep. At the same time, still reveals a trace of despair.

The middle-aged man was stained with blood, and he did not know whether it was his own blood or the blood of Poseidon. He looked at Kea calmly and said: "I am the holy apostolic temple to protect the sunset, you don't need to be nervous. I am not hurting your heart, just want you to be my main and become my maid."

"Impossible, you can kill me, but if you want me to be your maid, this is absolutely impossible." Kea said coldly, determined to be firm.

The sunset smiled and said: "You don't have to veto me so quickly. You can rest assured that I want you to be my maid. I don't want you to serve me, but because I value your ability, those flying insects, because It is under your command, and there is a powerful World of Warcraft that is strong enough to compete with the strong source. I must have already recognized you as the main player. Otherwise, the Warcraft will not fight against a temple. I will pay attention to you from time to time. I only value this because I need such power. Now, whether you are willing to be my main, you can rest assured that my sunset will never treat you badly."

"Infatuation dreams." Kayya said coldly, she did not hesitate to reject, she has made a decision, even if she is buried here, she will never be dominated by the setting sun.

Looking at Kaya's firm look, the brow of the sunset was slightly wrinkled. "Girl, I wouldn't want to hurt you, but if you insist on doing this, then I have to say that I have to do something that is against my wish." ”

Kay's face was a bit whitish, but she still said with a firm tone: "If that's the case, then you will kill me. I want you to recognize you as the Lord. This is absolutely impossible."

The sunset was cold, and there was a cold flash in the eyes. "If this is the case, then don't blame me, but the powerful Warcraft has already recognized you as the main, then if I kill you, then the Warcraft will not die, I am afraid that I will restore my body of freedom and it will be difficult to accept. These are not what I would like to see, but I happen to have a technique of shackles. I just need to break up your gods and leave a trace of soul. A glimpse of the soul will lead you into a cockroach, so that I can control those flying worms through this cockroach. Although it is troublesome and has a certain failure rate, it is the best way at the moment. ”

It’s just that the sunset doesn’t know that the colorful swallowing beasts did not recognize Kea as the main, but volunteered to follow Kay’s side. They were almost obedient to Kea, and they only looked like they were masters and servants. Relationships, and those flying ants, Kea also does not know how to control, but because of the colorful swallowing beasts, these flying ants will follow the orders of Kea.

After listening to these words, Kea's face became pale, and her footsteps unconsciously receded. When she thought of the sunset to make her own soul, she felt chilling. After a short hesitation, she gnawed her teeth. The palm is shot at his forehead and wants to do it himself.

In front of a strong source, she knew that she did not have the ability to escape. In order not to let herself be refining, she only made such a choice.

But how could the sunset watch Kay? He grabbed Kea’s hand and said indifferently: “I still want to commit suicide in front of me. You are overestimating yourself.” The voice just fell, the sunset pointed. To Kay's eyebrows, his fingers were like a sharp knife, piercing from Kea's eyebrows and straight into the roots.

Yin Hong’s blood flowed from Kay’s eyebrows, and Kay’s face showed painful color. The fingers of the setting sun pierced her mind, almost reaching the front of the gods, and at this moment, Kea’s The Yuanshen was also imprisoned by an invisible force. If you want to abandon the flesh and escape, you can't do it.

"To make you a scorpion, you only need to leave a glimpse of your soul, the excess, or dissipate it." The sunset said, the fingers gently applied to the **** of Kay.

"Boom." Suddenly, Kea felt as if there was an endless roar in her head, and there was a painful pain coming from the gods, which made her body tremble fiercely, and she could clearly feel her own yuan. God is breaking down bit by bit, and consciousness is gradually becoming blurred.

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