Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1544: The power of the temple

Tianyuan Mainland, all the strong people of the human race, whether it is the Holy Emperor, the Holy Emperor, or the Holy King, all rushed from the ground and flew straight to the temple in the sky.

Since the war, all of them have understood that the power of the holy abandonment is not something that Tianyuan can resist. Now they have fallen into the dead end. At this moment, the supreme temple of the mercenary city appears, the vast momentum Suddenly gave everyone a hope.

Today, this supreme temple has become their only reliance.

At the same time, the orc, the Baizu, and the rest of the Haizu are not behind, flying to the sky at the same time, flying to the highest temple at the fastest speed. On the way, everyone is already secretive, as long as As soon as they approach the Temple of the High, they will not hesitate to inject all the power of the body into the temple to give full play to the power of the temple.

Tianjian’s words were shouted out in the language of Tianyuan’s mainland, and the beasts of the Orcs, Haizu, and Baizu had already stayed in Tianyuan’s mainland for many days before the war, so the language of Tianyuan’s mainland had already been mastered. However, these people in the abandonment of the world do not understand the language of the Tianyuan continent. Their previous communication with the Tianyuan continent is more based on the transmission of the gods and can cross the obstacles between the two languages. Therefore, The words that Tianjian had just shouted, no one in the holy world can understand.

When these powerful sources found that all the people of the four kingdoms of Tianyuan and mainland China flew to the temple in the sky at the same time, they thought that these people wanted to enter the temple to take refuge in order to escape and sneer. The eyes are full of disdain.

Although the temple was full of sound when it appeared, the power of this temple has been seen before. Although it is very extraordinary, it can only pose a threat to the Holy Emperor. In front of the strong source, it is still like a fake, waving. They can be shattered, so they have not stopped the people of the four races from approaching the temple, but the volley is floating there, with a slap in the face.

In just a few breaths, all the people of the Tianyuan Continental Four-Family Allied Forces disappeared into the blue light emitted by the High Temple, and then under the sacred sacred sect, everyone came to the temple. In the same way, Qi Qi put his hands on the temple at the same time, the power of the body was vented without any reservation, and the hands were continuously injected into the temple.

Suddenly, the Supreme Shrine’s blue light rose, and the power was overwhelming, filled with the whole sky, and the strange animals that were condensed by the blue light became more solid at this moment, lifelike, like a living thing. The sound of the beast is spinning around the temple.

With the energy injection of these people, the power of the temple suddenly increased, and a blue color band condensed by the blue light emerged from the temple, and once again attacked those strong powers at an incredible speed. go with.

These blue color bands are all advancing at the speed of light. The speed is fast, even if the strength reaches the late Ouyang Yangwen, they can't escape. In an instant, the blue light ribbon is approaching, and the whole body is bundled into one. Big scorpion.

This time, because the Supreme Shrine has a lot of strong people from Tianyuan, together, the strength of the eruption of the temple has far exceeded the power of Tianjian alone. Therefore, this time the blue color band It is much stronger than before. Under the shock of these abandoned people, the Sanctuary has not been able to smash these blue-light ribbons as easily as before.

Only those elders whose strengths have reached their source of origin still shook the blue light ribbons into smashes as before. Although the glare ribbons still cannot bind them, some of them can clearly feel this. The color of the ribbon once increased a lot.

Those who are still bound by the Nayuan daring dare to say that the sleek ribbons wrapped around them are flexible and face-changing. After the sacred warriors of this world enter the temple, the power of the temple is enhanced. In this way, it is not a good phenomenon for them to have the power to bind the strong source.

Suddenly, these strong source of the source of the source issued a low drink, the strength of the body's origins surged, and all of them launched a full force to break away from the shackles of the blue ribbon.

However, even so, they can't break these ribbons, they can only spread these ribbons with a strong source of power, and they can no longer break the ribbons.

When these ribbons were stretched out, there was even a strong Nazi strong person who controlled his sword with the idea to stand on the ribbon. The blue light ribbon suddenly swayed, but it quickly stabilized. The sword did not break the ribbons.

Seeing this scene, Ouyang Yang’s eyes flashed in the cold, staring at the suspended temple in the sky, looming in the cyan ray, and sighed: "Although there is a group of holy realms to join, let this seat The power of the temple is enhanced, and it already has the energy to deal with Nayuan. But in the face of returning to the source, it is still not enough. See how I break this temple."

Ouyang Yang Wen held the sword with his right hand, and the sword and the sword merged. The sword light that broke out of the smashed light broke through the blue light, and rushed into the blue light with a lightning forward, and shot on the temple.


When the two touched each other, a deafening roar sound suddenly erupted. The terrible energy aftermath ruptured the world and caused the collapse of the vast expanse of the void.

At the moment when the sword was shot on the temple, Ouyang Yangwen’s face changed suddenly. His eyes were incredible. He felt that the temple in front of him seemed to be a very strong fortress. In the temple, not only did he not smash the temple as he imagined, but even the traces were not left, even the temple did not shake, and the strength of his late return was instigated. I can't see this temple in front of me.

Immediately, a strong anti-shock force came, and the entire right arm of Ouyang Yangwen was numb, and his body flew out.

The Shrine of the High is shrouded in a thick layer of blue light, looming, unscathed standing in the original place, exudes a huge pressure.

In this scene, Ouyang Yang Wenfa was shocked on the spot. He looked at the temple in front of him with a stunned look. The heart was filled with turbulent waves. This is what a temple, so strong, so that his strength can not be destroyed.

He Ouyang Yangwen lived for tens of thousands of years. What he saw in this life, what he heard, except for the Holy Spirit Temple, there is no temple, and it can be compared with the temple in front of him.

In the abandonment of the world, the rest of the elders and the law of protection are also worried. The face is unbelievable. With the strength of the elders of Ouyang, it is impossible to damage the temple. How powerful this temple is.

"Oh, this temple is strong, but it is only a treasure. As long as it is a treasure, if you want to exert its power, you need a constant supply of energy. The more powerful the treasure, the more energy it consumes. This temple is so extraordinary, it is not an easy thing to maintain this temple. No wonder all the people of the previous realm have gone to the temple. It turns out that I should see if you can persist. How long?” Ouyang Yangwen soon understood, and his face immediately showed a sneer.

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