Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1562: Last hope

The beast **** mainland has two rulings in the end, no one will go to sympathy, and no one will go to beg for mercy, even if the crowd of the Peng dynasty in the crowd, just silently watching this scene, a sigh in the heart.

"The seal has completely disappeared. I have not felt the repression of the incoming soul. We can make a breakthrough now." The sea of ​​glory reveals the excitement, and with a look of excitement, it is already waiting. .

"Unfortunately, Changyang Mingyue has left with the Ice Temple. Although I have not been in contact with this girl for a long time, I know that this girl is not a person who flees. She will not be willing to leave with the Ice Temple. It must be forcibly taken away by the water guards in the Temple of Ice. Now we are missing a strong Mirror. If the Holy Spirit of the Holy Abandonment attacks the High Temple again, we will want to maintain the suppression of the channel by the Temple. It’s a bit harder, so we have to break through in the shortest possible time, but in order to prevent all three of us from leaving, it will affect the suppression of the temple. We can only break through at most two people at the same time.” Yang Lie said, there is also some that can’t wait, if not before There is a strong seal array in this world. The three of them have long been able to break through the realm of the Holy Land and re-enter the source.

"Grandpa, grandfather, you have to go through the breakthrough. The High Temple has us here. As long as our power is not exhausted, the Holy Spirit King will not be able to open the suppression of the High Temple." Jian Chen said to Yang Lie.

"Sword dust is good, Yang Lie, returning to the sea, you two will go to break now, maintain the temple of the highest, need more source strong, I will stay in the temple of the highest, wait for you After both of them entered the source, I was going to make a breakthrough." Feng Xiaotian said.

Yang Lie and Guihai were slightly hesitant, and then left here, directly tearing the space to build a space door to an unknown place. They did not choose the retreat in the High Temple, but in the High Temple, it is safe. But once the holy temple is attacked at the critical moment, it will inevitably affect them.

As the passage to the sacred world slowly disappeared, the space outside the sky was broken, and the space of the destruction of the power of destruction was gradually beginning to heal, and with the re-emergence of a ray of sunshine, the whole world was shrouded. The darkness is also slowly fading, and the heavens and the earth are restored to the Qingming.

Beyond the High Temple, Jian Chen, Shangguan Screen, Poseidon, Tianjian, etc., together with the surrounding tribes and the Holy Emperor, who have been together to maintain the High Temple, have returned to the High Temple, and everyone is ready Prepare to contribute to the Supreme Shrine.

It’s just that the departure of Changyang Mingyue has left one less source of power in this world. This makes many people in the holy realm seem to be in a heavy mood. Even if it is violent, the wind laughs, and the sea will not be much more than three people. It will be able to re-enter the source of the source for a long time, but it is far from being able to make up for the strength of a returning source. Because even if the three of them are entering the source, it is only a source of Nayuan. Even if the three are added together, it is definitely not the opponent of the returning source.

For a time, the dull and oppressive atmosphere pervaded the entire Temple of the Most High, and many people in the realm of the Holy Land have even had a desperate color, thinking that they can only live for the last few decades, once the supreme The temple has lost the power of repression, and that is their end, and the end of the world.

If there are still a few strong-minded people sitting here in the town, I am afraid that some people in these holy realms who are not mentally minded have already fallen into the final madness in despair and made some extraordinary things. After all, people are desperate, each A desire will be magnified infinitely.

Of course, not everyone will be like this, but such people are definitely not without it.

There are also some people who have raised the idea of ​​fleeing this world and going to the Holy Land. After all, the seal is broken now, and the Holy Land is not as inaccessible as before.

But soon, the words of Feng Xiaotian dispelled all those who had this idea. "Under the source of the realm, it is impossible to pass through the two boundaries. At the moment of entering the passage, it will be the gateway. The crushed bones are dead, and the death is terrible, far more than being buried in the hands of the Holy Abandon."

"Big brother, the powerful young lady is gone, what should we do now?" Inside the temple, Xiaoling looked helplessly at the sword dust, full of fear and uneasiness, she was just a little girl with immature mind, The dull atmosphere outside was felt by her, and even she was affected by it.

"Sister Xiaoling, don't be afraid, there is nothing to be afraid of, big deal is a death." Xiaojin said, the faceless color, but he looks only three or four years old, the height is less than one meter, but now Comforting a little spirit that is a lot older than him makes this scene look a bit funny.

Jian Chen touched Xiao Ling’s head and smiled. “Do not worry about Xiao Ling. Believe in big brother, big brother will have a solution.”

"Well, Xiaoling believes in big brother." Looking at the self-confident expression of Jian Chen, Xiao Ling seems to have taken a reassurance, nodded his head, and his heart has become firm.

It’s just such comfort. Only Xiaoling can believe it. Tianjian, Poseidon, Fengxiaotian and others have not taken this matter seriously. They frown and frown.

Jian Chen’s gaze glared at the official scene, and his heart sighed. In the original, Changyang Mingyue was a hope to help the world to survive this robbery, but with the departure of Changyang Mingyue, this hope was also shattered. The last hope of this world is between him and Shangguan.

Perceived the eyes of Jian Chen, the face of Shangguan’s face became somewhat unnatural, and the light in his eyes flashed a few times. Finally, it seemed that he finally made up his mind and said to Jian Chen: “I agree with your proposal.” Shangguan The curtain also knew the situation at hand. If it was before, she might be able to put her hopes on Changyang Mingyue, but now she understands that his father and the life of the Shangguan proud sword are on his own.

When I heard this sentence, Jian Chen suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. He also said: "Well, after my grandfather successfully entered the source, we immediately set off for Long Island."

Both Shangguan and Jianchen were communicating by voice, so no one but the two of them knew that they had reached an agreement.

Yang Lie, the three of them were once the source of the strong, had a breakthrough experience, so this time the breakthrough of the three of them can be described as a light road, in just two days, all three have stepped into the realm of the source, But it is only the beginning of Nayuan. If you want to restore the strength of the year, you need to slowly cultivate by absorbing the power of the source.

In the Temple of the High, there are three more powerful sources in the real sense. The two talents, Jian Chen and Shangguan, can finally leave with confidence.

Soon, the news about the departure of the two of them was passed out and passed to the ears of the people. They were looking for a way to completely solve the threat of the abandonment of the world. After several years, even decades later they returned. Come, the holy abandonment will no longer be able to shake the Tianyuan continent.

Such news, naturally, many people do not believe, but at such a point, it is no longer they believe it or not, because this is their last hope.

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