Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1565: Holy Spirit Retreat

When Jian Chen and Shangguan dynasty went to the space of the yin and yang sacred stone with the hope of the four ethnic groups, such as Tianyuan Continental, they brought disaster to them, and even the persecuted people of the four races fell into the culprit of despair. The Holy Spirit, now standing at the top of the world's mountains, faces the constantly distorted space channel in front of him.

The Holy Spirit King has a very ordinary face that looks very ordinary. A long black hair is draped on his shoulders. Whether he is dressed or dressed, he is extremely ordinary. He has never deliberately dressed himself. The one that is thrown into the crowd and does not attract attention, perhaps the only one who can give some impression on the Holy Spirit, is the extraordinary fortitude and irony on his ordinary face.

However, under this ordinary appearance, there is a strong force and a terrible prestige that makes all the strong people in the holy world give up their trepidation, so that even if the strength reaches the late stage of the return to the source, Xiong Zhong and Ouyang Yangwen did not dare to have the slightest violation.

At this moment, the Holy Spirit King held his hands and stared blankly at the space passage in front of him. In the dark and deep eyes, from time to time, there was a good flash of light, his eyes, sometimes ordinary, and sometimes fierce, and when it When it is fierce, it seems to be transformed into a powerful and astounding sword. Even if the strength and the Holy Spirit are as strong as the realm of the source, they will feel unparalleled.

On the side of the Holy Spirit, there is a black iron sword floating on it. This iron sword is forged from unknown materials. Under the black appearance, this iron sword looks extremely ordinary, unremarkable, and those four Compared with the sword shot, it is like Yinghui and Sun.

However, this iron sword, at the moment, without any support of power, floats in the air alone, pointed downwards, and the hilt is facing up behind the side of the Holy Spirit.

Behind the body of the Holy Spirit of the Holy Spirit, Ouyang Yangwen and other elders of the law-protection, but one by one, held their breath, quietly standing there, the atmosphere did not dare to take a sip, no matter the strength to reach the source of the law Or the elders who have returned to the source, at this moment, they have lost the majesty of being a strong source. Compared with their scenery and conceit in the Tianyuan continent, they are simply two people.

These elders of law-protection have already lost a few people. These people are all degraded in the Tianyuan mainland. There are even many people who are still white, look wilting, and look like a sick person. Even the robes are stained. Bloodstains, obviously some people have suffered injuries in Tianyuan, and have not recovered yet.

"I didn't expect to have such a powerful temple in Tianyuan. This temple is indeed a treasure. It is no worse than the three treasures of our abandonment. Even I can't destroy it. This is not really simple. Even let us evaluate the mistakes of their strengths again and again, in the absence of the power of the source, it is unexpected to be able to produce so many sources and sources." The Holy Spirit said slowly, his voice is thick. Low, not mixed with emotions.

Ouyang Yangwen, Xiong Zhong and other elders are quietly standing there, and the atmosphere is not dare to take a sip. They have some understanding of the Holy Spirit King. They know that the Holy Spirit King at this moment seems calm, but it has actually moved. angry.

Because this time, they lost a strong source.

In addition to the returning elders, even the protection of the Nayuan environment has lost several in this battle.

This time, stepping into the Tianyuan continent, the loss of the holy abandonment can be described as very heavy. Although they still have seven elders and more than 20 guardians, this loss has already made the holy abandonment hurt.

"The sword dust of Tianyuan mainland is so powerful. The elders of the two of you who are in the middle of the source are not his opponents." The Holy Spirit king opened his mouth again, his voice was still low, and his eyes looked at the space passage in front of him.

At the beginning, he passed through the space channel with a flowing sword and handed a hand in the void outside the Tianyuan continent. Although Jian Chen also realized the kendo, the strength at that time was far less powerful.

Although time has passed for a decade or two, during this time, some talented people can make major breakthroughs, but Tianyuan mainland has no source of power. Under such circumstances, no matter how talented you are. Against the sky, it is difficult to step into the source, and it is even more impossible to make a major breakthrough.

"Returning to the Holy Spirit, the strength of Jian Chen is indeed very strong. In the case of being hit hard, I can't kill him with the white elders. I can only suppress it, and his resilience is very amazing, no matter how much. After a serious injury, he can recover in a very short time." An old man of the old dragon stood up and said.

Ouyang Yang’s eyes flashed, hesitated for a short moment, and his complex complex said: “The Holy Spirit, there is still a message, the subordinates do not know what to say improperly.” When saying this, Ouyang Yang’s heart is also very Well, he doesn't know how much he will react when the Holy Spirit hears the news.

"Say." The tone of the Holy Spirit still has no slight change.

Ouyang Yangwen took a deep breath and slowly said: "The strength of the sword dust, although it has already surpassed the middle of the source, even some of the late return is not his opponent, but his true strength is not yet the source. The situation, Jian Chen, is actually the Holy Emperor."

Ouyang Yangwen’s remarks, a lot of protections and the elders’ face changed a lot, and their faces were incredible.

"How is this possible, the sacred realm and the source realm, this is a gap that cannot be crossed. The gap between the two is not overemphasized by the heavens and the earth. Although the Jian Chen understands the kendo, it can cross this gap. But it is impossible to go against the sky, and even with the strength of the Holy Emperor and the source of the war, but also reached the end of the source, only one step to reach the source." A protection law immediately exclaimed, forgot to forget There is the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Jian Chen has learned the kendo. This is the power of the rules. He can fight with the strength of the Holy Emperor and the strong source of the Nayuan. Everyone will not feel how surprised, but with the strength of the Holy Emperor, it will burst out. It is weaker than the power of the late return, which makes many people feel uncomfortable.

Because of this power, even the Holy Spirit of the year, I am afraid I did not have it.

Ouyang Yangwen looked nervously at the Holy Spirit King. Don't look at his arrogance in the Tianyuan Continent, a genius of heaven and earth, but in front of the Holy Spirit, he is a war.

Out of Ouyang Yangwen's expectation, after hearing this news, the Holy Spirit King is still very calm and calm, it seems that this sensational news that makes everyone unbelievable, can not make the heart of the Holy Spirit a little bit awkward.

"Sword Dust" is the whisper of the Holy Spirit. Since he had dealt with Jian Chen at the beginning, the name was deeply engraved in his heart, letting him recite the name more than once.

It was also at this moment that the eyes of the Holy Spirit became so deep that he looked deeply at the constantly distorted space channel in front of him and fell into a long silence.

The elders of the abandonment of the sanctuary stood silently one by one, and the Holy Spirit king fell into meditation, and none of them dared to disturb.

After a long time, the Holy Spirit finally turned slowly and walked down the world hill. He said: "I want to immediately retreat and try to break through the source. During this period, there is no very important thing, no one can disturb, Holy Spirit Hall. The daily affairs are carried out by your seven elders. Ouyang Yangwen, you have stayed in the late stage of the return to the source for many years, and broke through the source as soon as possible. When I left the customs, I took the people of the Lingxian family out of here. ”

The words of the Holy Spirit King fell into the ear of the law-protecting elders, and suddenly all of them were shocked. This retreat, the Holy Spirit King has to break through the source, then it is not to reach the legendary realm of God.

The realm of the gods has always been the legend of the holy abandonment. No one has ever been able to reach this realm since ancient times, because in the sanctuary, there is no way to comprehend the rules, and the rules are the key to the realm of the gods. After all, it can only stay in the source of life, it is impossible to break through the source and enter the realm of the gods.

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