Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1568: Changyangfu New House Master (2)

(The last chapter was written incorrectly, and the strength of Changyangba was written from the Holy Emperor as a holy king. Now it has been revised.)

Although Changyang Pa is the head of the Changyang government, it is because of his fourth son that he has a very famous reputation in the Tianyuan continent, the mainland of the beast, the sea and the desert continent. His identity is superb, but Changyangba Compared with his current identity, the power in his hands is weak and pitiful, because he can be mobilized, or the earliest group of people in the city of Luyang, and the few who joined the name of Jian Chen. The sky sage of Changyang Prefecture and the number of holy kings, but some of the sacred emperors who went to Changyang House joined the Changyang House because of the worship of Jian Chen. They are willing to follow the sword dust, but for Changyang. The owner of the Changyang government is more respectful.

As for the sacred kings and saints who lived in the forbidden land of the backyard of the Changyang government, the princes and the emperors of the ancestral dynasties are high and scary. Any one of them is a grandfather of Changyang Pa, and Changyang Pa meets them every time. All have to perform the elders' rites, this power is not even used by Changyang Pa.

This makes Changyang Bazhi have a reputation as a Changyang government, but the power of the Holy Land that can be controlled by him is weak and pitiful, and is completely inconsistent with his noble identity.

It was with this in mind that Bilian let the five flames of the gods enter the Changyang government, and at the same time obey the chief yang of the Changyang government, becoming a top force that can be controlled by the head of the Changyang government. The role of the scene to the town.

After returning to the Changyang Mansion of Luoer City under the **** of five Flames, the Changyang Pa immediately entered the retreat and began to restore the power of the Holy Spirit.

The five flames of the gods, although they are only guards in name, but because they are the strong emperors, this makes their identity in the Changyang House very high, even in the Changyang House, even the descendants of the Sun, these five guards are Respectfully, and the five of them, in Changyang House, each has their own independent small courtyard, which is located in the central and southeastern and northwest regions. It is surrounded by Changyang House and becomes the patron saint of Changyang Prefecture. .

When the head of the Changyang government was out, the five guards followed closely, and the rest of the time, the five guards were retired in the Changyang government. Only when the Changyang government needs them, they will appear.

Three days later, Changyang Pa recovered some of the power of the Holy Spirit, and then went out to find Biyuntian.

Three years ago, when Jian Chen and Shangguan dynasty left Tianyuan, they left the sacred to Biyuntian. Biyuntian practiced in the space of the sacred space, and his strength leaps and bounds. Now he has become the seventh-order Guangming sage, like Tianyuan Continental. The Holy King has a life span of three thousand years, so the years have not left any traces on her face. Although she is already a child, she still looks like she is only thirty years old.

In a garden with birds and flowers in Changyang Prefecture, Changyang overtook all the servants in the garden, and Biyuntian sat in a white jade pavilion. The entire pavilion was covered by a layer of enchantment.

"French, you have to find out what is important in the whole body, so you are so cautious." Seeing Changyang Pa to cover the pavilion with enchantment, Biyun Tian Cang was curious and asked.

On the stone bench, Changyang Pai squatted on the stone bench and said: "Mrs., the child’s treasures left by Xiang Er, not only made me more powerful, but also reborn, let me in just a few decades. To reach the realm of the Holy Emperor, but also have the hope of stepping into the Holy Emperor, and now there is a change that cannot be understood by all of us in the heavens and the earth. Several Supreme Supreme Masters in the Temple once said that this inexplicable occurrence between heaven and earth Change, let the rules of heaven and earth improve a little, not only let us practice with half the effort, but also make it easier to break through the bottleneck, and this change will gradually affect the Holy Emperor and the warrior at the level of the Holy Emperor over time. Therefore, under the influence of the world, I want to remove the position of the owner and then concentrate on cultivation."

"French, then you intend to pass the position of the owner to whom." Biyun Tianshen calm, in her decades, the biggest wish in her heart is to let Jian Chen inherit the position of the Changyang government, but now, a Changyang government The position of the owner is already insignificant in the eyes of Biyuntian.

Changyang Ba sighed in the sky and said: "Inheriting the position of the head of the government, the most suitable person in the heart of the husband is not Xiangxiang, but can not say that Xianger has no interest in the position of the owner, and Xiangxiang Achievements, fear is not worthy of this position, the second Ahu, which is suitable for inheriting this position, has cut off the seven passions and desires, cut off the family and cultivated in the Qingxin Pavilion. Now, among the four sons under the Changyang tyrant, there is only Under the gram."

Biyun Tian smiled lightly and said: "Fei Jun, among the four children under your knees, Ahu, Mingyue and Xiang'er are very capable. They all have their own world, but the gram is still nothing, you pass I give it to Ke, and I don’t object."

"Well, since the wife has said this, then this matter has been settled. I will let Chang Bo announce this matter now. Seven days later, Keer officially inherits the position of the head of the Changyang government." Changyang He did not need to ask others, nor did he need to seek the opinions of other veterans in the government. The heirs of the next head of Changyang House were thus determined by Biyuntian and Changyangba.

Changyang Prefecture’s chief Yang Yangba is about to step down, and the third son of Changyangke quickly spreads out. In less than a day, it spreads throughout the Tianyuan continent, the mainland of the beast, the sea and the desert continent. The impact of this is huge, even if the new emperor of the three empires on the Tianyuan continent takes office, it is far from one ten thousandth.

Because today's Changyang Prefecture is the family of Jianchen, the first strongman of the Terran, Changyang Prefecture's current governor, Changyangba, is the father of Jianchen. Changyangke, who is about to receive the title of the owner, is also the third brother of Jianchen because of the sword. The relationship between the dust and the dust finally makes the extraordinary old and new replacement of Changyang Prefecture become different on the Tianyuan continent.

Among the four races, many of the Holy Emperor and the strongest of the realm of the Holy Land, as well as some powerful powers, were blessed by Jian Chen. Therefore, when they received the news, they began to prepare gifts and preparations. After seven days, I went to Changyang Prefecture to congratulate Changyangke on inheriting the position of the owner.

At the same time, in the very luxurious temple in the Changyang House of Luoer City, the Changyangke couple who are about to become the head of the Changyang government are also excited.

"French, in a few days, you are the head of the Changyang government. When you come, your name will be heard all over the mainland, even the other three races know your name." The 30-year-old woman, who looks like a beautiful woman, has a lot of looks and manners, and is full of the feelings of everyone. The eyebrows are even more arrogant with a bit of disguise. At first glance, I know that I grew up in a big family. Miss Qianjin.

This woman is a married couple of Changyangke, named Xie Yan, who has been married for many years and has a son, just 20 years old this year.

As the only wife of Changyangke, Xie Yan naturally enjoys an extraordinary status in Changyang Prefecture. She was given a 100,000-year-old Tiancai Dibao to change her physique, which made her reborn and become a good material for cultivation. To make her young, she has the strength of the Sky Master.

Of course, the 100,000-year-old Tiandi Dibao in the hands of Changyang Ba is left by Jian Chen.

Changyangke has also matured a lot. At this time, his appearance has become a middle-aged man in his 30s, with a few points like the weakness of a scholar, and his strength, also because of the reasons of Jian Chen. , stepped into the realm of the Holy King.

At this time, Changyangke was also excited. I didn't expect his father to pass it on to him. This is absolutely unexpected for him. Among the four children of Changyangba, he is the most abolished one. It is because of Jian Chen, I am afraid that his ultimate achievement in this life is only the land sage, this life has nothing to do with the Holy King.

Even though he is now a holy king, he still feels that he is still unknown, because the brilliance of his second sister and the fourth brother is too dazzling, and all of them have become the strongest source, in the Changyang Mingyue and Jian Chen. Under the endless radiance, the achievements of the holy king in the Changyangke district are like the light of fireflies, not to mention the fact that the holy king hermit is not a few decades ago, the holy emperor is not out, and the emperor is even more extinct in peacetime. Under the form of this sacred warrior, his little holy king is even more insignificant.

The position of the head of the Changyang government is very different. Now the Changyang government looks at the four major races, and whoever does not know, whoever knows, as long as it becomes the head of the Changyang government, even if its strength is not strong, then With a very high status, this important identity will enable him to really raise his head.

More importantly, as the head of the Changyang government, it is possible to command five powerful flames to defend the sanctuary, and to master the five emperors whose strength is above the five heavens. This is the supreme honor, even necessary. At that time, you can also mobilize the power of some fierce mercenary groups. Chang Yangke never thought that one day, he could hold such a heavy weight.

"Congratulations to his father is about to become the head of the Changyang government." A handsome young man with his knees on his knees, said with excitement, this young man has some similarities with Changyangke. There is an unspeakable pride in the eyebrows.

He is the son of Chang Yangke and Xie Yan, named Changyang Xu, who is the only child of Changyangke.

Because of the fact that the son of Jian Chen’s son is proud of the sword, he has not known anyone except Shangguan, Xiaoqian, Xiaoyue, Qinqin and a few people in the moon. Therefore, Changyang Xu has become the only grandson of Changyangba. The love of Changyangba, when Changyang Xu was young, Changyangba deployed a lot of precious Tiandi Dibao to make a liquid to Changyangxu to infuse the body. From an early age, he began to use the Tiandi Dibao for Changyang Xu as a mandarin. Bone, there are countless years of the millennium, and even the rare years of tens of thousands of years, it is no exaggeration to say that Changyang Xu grew up in the liquid medicine from childhood, so treated, even if it is Jian Chen did not have it in the past.

This makes him have a very strong potential, the speed of cultivation is even more amazing, and the ranks and cultivation exercises in the family are also free to read. After all, the current momentum of Changyang Prefecture does not need to be as cautious as before. Protect all kinds of battles and practice exercises.

Changyang Xu did not disappoint Changyangba. At the age of 20, he possessed the strength of the Great Master. At the age of Changyang Xu, many people have just condensed the sacred soldiers, even if some were born in the antiquity. The disciples of the family have not achieved such an achievement at the age of Changyang Xu.

In the younger generation, Changyang Xu became the first master of the veritable, coupled with the prominent family background, which made Changyang Xu become empty-faced in front of outsiders.

Looking at Changyang Xu, Chang Yangke’s eyebrows finally showed a sense of pride. He admitted that he was the most abolished of the four brothers, but in the next generation, he thought he had surpassed the big brother and Four brothers.

"Xu Er, you must work hard to cultivate, in the future you must become a character like your uncle, give your father a long face." Changyang Ke said with a strong heart, he has high expectations for his son.

"Father, the future goal of Babe is to surpass Xiaoshu and replace Xiaoshu as the first strongman of the Terran." Changyang Xu said with great enthusiasm, quite conceited.

Changyang Xu’s replacement of Xiao Shu’s words fell into Changyang Ke’s ear, and suddenly Changyang Ke’s brows were slightly wrinkled, and he said sternly: “Xu Er, you have such achievements at this age, and you cannot do without the help of Xiao Shu. Your uncle must put respect, know."

"I know, my father, I will definitely respect my uncle in the future." Changyang Xu said in disapproval, for my uncle who is like a myth, I have not seen several times since I was a child.

Xie Yan took a look at Changyang Ke and said: "What are you doing so harshly? Xuer aims to surpass Xiaoshu. He has this idea. We should be happy because it is not blaming. You don't want to look at your child. Will you stand at the peak of the Tianyuan continent in the future?"

The Holy Empire, in the city of the gods, one of the seven super-master cities, a young man with a strong face and a resolutely youthful wandering on a bustling street, and next to the youth, followed by two dressed in white The woman in the long skirt, the two women seem to be only twenty years old, and they have a long-lasting appearance, and they have the attitude of being in the country, and they have attracted countless people to show their sense of surprise.

At this time, the news that Changyangfu, the three young masters of Changyang Prefecture, was about to inherit the position of the head of the Changyang government, came to the scene, and in a blink of an eye, the whole city of the gods was sensational, and soon became a household.

"Changyang Ke, isn't that my three uncles?" Hearing this news, the young man in a hard suit looked.

"Xiaobao, your grandfather is about to abdicate, let you Sanbo inherit the position of the owner, with the current reputation of Changyang Prefecture, the transfer of things will definitely make a grand grand event. On that day, there should be many strong people to participate. Do you want to check it out." Beside this young man, a woman said, her voice is sweet and beautiful.

"Sister Xiaoqian, Xiaoyue sister,?


?? Let's take a look, after all, it is my three uncles, and in the three uncles of the grand ceremony, I should be able to see Grandpa and Grandma. Said the young man, his look was a bit complicated.

This young man is the Shangguan proud sword. The two women who are with him are the other two holy people of Sansheng Island. They are also the apprentices of Qin Shengtian witch, Xiaoqian and Xiaoyue.

PS: The four thousand words big chapter, this chapter counts the number one, and the second one keeps on trying the code word and strives for a new high.

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