Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1701: Mid-human

In a twinkling of an eye, it has been a month since Shen Jian broke off an arm of Mo Yun. Although Shen Jian has not officially become the seventh elder of Mofu, but since he revealed the amazing strength, the Mofu All the elders of the realm of the realm are fascinating to him, and everyone's attitude towards him is obviously a lot of enthusiasm, and even with a bit of admiration and respect.

With the advancement of status, several elders in the Mofu often came to visit the seventh elders' palace, but without exception, everyone did not see Shen Jian as expected, even the sword dust rarely appeared in the ink. The government, the two entered the retreat, and finally let these elders who came to visit the gods can only return without success.

So far, in the upper and lower Mofu, only the masters of the Mofu government and the ancestors of the gods of Mofu know the power of Jian Chen and Shen Jian. Only the two of them understand that the low-key sword dust is The strongest person.

However, regarding these news, the Governor of Mofu and the ancestors of the Mofu were very strict and did not disclose to the third person, even if it was raining, he did not know.

Because nowadays, the existence of Jian Chen and Shen Jian has become the biggest card of the Mofu, the biggest reliance, and the strongest killer of the Mofu and Andao families.

During this month's time, Shen Jian has been retreating and trying to hit the middle of the human god. Although Jian Chen can't improve his chaotic body, he also learned the kendo in the secret room.

"Jianyuan Dacheng realm can consolidate the first Xuanjianqi, Jianyuan Dazheng realm can concuse the second, then Jianling Dacheng third, Jianling Dacheng fourth, Jianxian Dacheng fifth, and If you want to consolidate the ninth sacred sword, you need the realm of the sword god." Sword dust sitting in the secret room, a pair of calm eyes burst into the sharp light of a sharp sword, just the bloom of his eyes The brilliance brightens the dimly lit room.

"Zi Qing Jian Ling said that there is no Xiaocheng in the realm of the sword god. The Zhongcheng Dacheng points and the sword gods are already the ultimate in the kendo. In the whole year, countless immortals with swords are powerful, and only the purple gods can reach the realm of the sword god. The old master of Qingjianling and the first strongest of the immortal world are annihilating the fairy, so it seems that the realm of the sword **** is equivalent to the hundredth law of the sacred world. "The darkness of the sword dust, the law of one hundred layers, already To the extreme, such a generation of people, they have already blended with the avenue, such as the existence of the heavens, representing one of the three thousand avenues, supreme, extremely terrifying.

"Sword God, I am too far away from me. Now I only want to reach the realm of Jianyuan. Once my sword is full, I can concise the second mysterious sword, which will not only make me the first." Power is enhanced, and it is also possible to use two Xuanjianqi attacks at the same time. At the beginning of the Lujia ancestor Tianshen's early strength, resisting my first mysterious swordsmanship was to use a few defensive treasures to survive, if He does not have those defensive magic weapons, and may even be directly killed by my first mysterious sword. If I step into the realm of Jian Yuan, the power of Xuan Jian is enhanced, and the early days of the gods like Lu Jia’s ancestors, even if he has Defensive treasures, as long as they are not too much against the sky, can't block me with a mysterious sword. If two of mysterious swords come out, I am afraid that the gods may be destroyed directly in the middle of the day." Jian Chen thought in secret. The heart is full of expectation and craving. In the case that the body of chaos cannot be improved, the only way he can enhance his strength is to make a breakthrough in the sentiment of the rules of kendo.

If he is full of swordsmanship and condenses the second mysterious sword, even in Dong'an County, the number of people who can threaten him will never exceed one.

"I have stayed in the realm of Jianling Dacheng for a short time. It is only one step away from the perfection. As long as I give me some time, I will be able to complete the perfection." Jian Chen's eyes became deep. Everyone else goes forward in the rules and sentiments, and it takes a long time to settle down. But in the eyes of Jian Chen, if his kendo is going further, he only needs some time that is insignificant in others' eyes.

After all, Jian Chen’s talent is very strong, and the fit to the kendo is very high. It is simply a master of swords.

At this moment, suddenly a strong breath came out from a distance. At the same time, the power of the heavens and the earth became violent, and a moment was formed over the seventh presbyterian palace in Mofu. A huge vortex of origin.

"Shen Jian broke through!" Jian Chen eyes showed a happy color, and immediately went out.

At the same time, in the other six elders' palaces in Mofu, the six elders of the realm who were retreating inside also opened their eyes and looked at the seventh elders' palace. Everyone was shocked.

"This is the breath of Shen Jian, and Shen Jian has broken through?"

"How fast Shen Jian's cultivation speed is so long, he has just stepped into the early days of the gods, and even broke through to the medium term."

"How did Shen Jian cultivate? In just a few months, it broke through from the early days of the gods to the mid-term. If this continues, it will not take long for him to reach the realm of the gods. How can this talent be worse than the rain? ""

Some of the elders in the realm of Mofu could not remain calm, and they stared at the seventh elders' palace with a look of horror. Only the mainstay of the Mofu House looked as usual. It seems that all this is taken for granted.

The Governor of the Mofu House and the six elders of the realm of the gods have all gathered outside Shen Jian’s palace to come to congratulate Shen Jian’s strength.

From the top of the Mofu, there are so many elders in the realm of the gods. For them, every step forward is a very difficult thing. Therefore, whenever there is a breakthrough in the realm of the gods, it is a great event to celebrate in Mofu. .

In the seventh presbyterian palace, the sword dust in the white robe stood in the middle of the main hall. Although there was no breath leaking out of it, at the moment, the feeling of giving him the whole person has become a unit. Sharp sword. The eyes of Jian Chen are no longer like the usual wells in this moment, but they become extremely sharp, as if the sword that has been squirted is like, it is emitting its proper edge.

Shen Jian broke through the middle of the human god, and he has waited for several months on this day!

Jian Chen looked at the door, and the sharp eyes like a sharp sword seemed to penetrate the obstacles. He saw the Mofu House and six elders in the realm outside the palace, his lips moving slightly, and standing against him. The guard at the gate said: "Let them go back, and say that Shen Jian wants to continue to retreat, not to see the guests."

A guardian of the peak of the source heard the sound of Jian Chen, and his face suddenly showed a trace of hesitation. After all, these people are all the elders of the Mofu, even the masters of the Mofu are here. But this hesitation only appeared at that moment, and disappeared into the guard's face, and walked with respectful respect, and told the words of Jian Chen to everyone.

The owner of the Mofu government did not care. After laughing, he hugged his fist to the seventh elders' palace and left with the rain. There was no dissatisfaction between the demeanor.

The rest of the elders of the divine are also smiling and returning to their own palaces.

"The shelf of Shen Jian is bigger than me." Xi Yu is with the owner of the Mofu government. He is quite dissatisfied with his demeanor. If Shen Jian does not see the rest of the elders, she does not care. After all, Shen Jian does have this strength. However, even my own father is not seen, this is a bit too much.

After all, her righteous father is the master of the ink house.

"Rain, it is not rude!" However, when the words of the rain have not been finished, the face of the Mofu House who walked around was slightly changed, and immediately it was a serious drink.

She was stunned by the rain, and she rarely saw such a serious expression on her father’s face.

"Yifu?" Xiyu felt a little puzzled. Even if Shen Jian is very strong, a sword can break Mo Yun's arm, but the righteous father can't do it.

The Lord of the Ink House looked serious and said to the rain: "Rain, in the future, the sword dust brother and Shen Jianxiong must be polite, the attitude is respectful, and they must not be bothered by their dissatisfaction. Do you understand? "After finishing this sentence, the Lord of the House of Ink will leave."

He Yu is watching him grow up. He is also extremely trustworthy for Xiushi. Although he can't directly tell about the strength of Jian Chen and Shen Jian, he has already expressed something to the rain in this way. .

The rain looked at the back of the righteous father, and the brain had long echoed the words that the righteous father had said before, showing the color of uncertainty.

PS: Continue to write the second chapter, but the second chapter is late, it is expected to be around 1 am, if the writing is not smooth, it will be postponed, you do not have to wait at night.

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