Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1708: God **** shot

Ink, roaring and screaming, the world of bombing has changed color. Under the violent battle aftermath, the land of tens of thousands of miles has been cracked like a spider web. If it is not a holy world, one flower is one. Grass, a sand and a stone are extremely strong, placed on the Tianyuan continent, I am afraid that only one after wave can easily destroy a star.

The Lujia and Ando family people have been attacking one day and one night in a row, and the Mofu has spent a lot of Shen Jing in order to maintain the operation of the formation.

"Our God of the Ink, I am afraid that it can't be supported for too long." The Lord of the House of Ink floated in the sky and said with a dignified face.

The six elders of the gods in Mofu were all serious, and they obviously realized this problem.

"Yifu, I still have more than 10,000 pieces of Shenjing, although there are not many, but it can also maintain the array for a while." Xiyu said, the first one took out all of his crystals. .

"There are thousands of things on my body."

"I have more than 10,000 of them."

"I have 30,000 of them."

After the rain, the rest of the gods in Mofu also took out all of their own Shenjing. As the elders of the Mofu, they will get a number of Shenjing as a salamander every once in a while, but These gods are also used to cultivate, and add some other expenses, so the remaining number is not a lot, and even a **** elder has only a few hundred pieces of the gods, it is a shabby pole.

Shen Jian hesitated a little, and also took out a space ring and handed it to the owner of the ink house. He said: "I have nearly a million gods, and most of the Chinese and top grades are needed. I need to supply the array." Most of the million gods were harvested from the Lu family, and the remaining part was still given by the original ink house, and was left by Shen Jian to break through the middle of the human god.

Shen Jian suddenly took out nearly a million gods, and there are also Chinese and top grades. Such a large handwriting is naturally shocking to the elders of the Mofu. It is difficult to look at Shen Jian’s eyes one by one. The look of faith, when Shen Jian became so rich, the top grade Shenjing, this is not even in the ink.

In the eyes of the Lord of the House of the Lord, he was not happy with Shen Jian. He took the space ring of Shen Jian and personally added the crystal to the eye.

Lu Tian suspended in the high heaven outside the enchantment and stared coldly at the ink house. Although the three gods could take the same shot and use some effort to break the battle, they are not willing to waste their strength in this respect. They are all refining their batteries, silently adjusting their own state, and keeping themselves at the peak of their time. As soon as the enchantment breaks, they will launch a storm-like attack.

However, when Lu Tian saw that the master of the ink house dumped a large number of Chinese crystals from the space ring or even the top grade Shenjing, his face immediately became a blue-green, strong killing in the chest, and finally could not help. Give a burst of drink and take the initiative to attack the enchantment.

Because these Chinese products and the top grades of Shenjing belong to their Lujia, the Mofu actually used the Shenjing belonging to their Lujia to maintain the operation of the array, which made Lutian angry and violent.

Lu Tian's body flames rose, and the fire burned the sky, making the heavens and the earth become red. Holding a red-hot long sword broke out, and it was directly a sword.

In the roar of the roar, the enchantment of the Mofu was under the sword of Lu Tian, ​​and the scorpion directly fell down. The enchantment light quickly became dim, and the large number of crystals placed in the array were even more A few breaths of time exhausted all the power of the source and turned it into a pile of powder.

"Fast, pour into the crystal!" With the screaming in exchange, immediately there is a **** to come to the eye of the crystal to complement.

"Andorf, the venomous poison god, work together, as soon as possible to destroy the ink house, the old man does not want to let the ink house in this world even if there is more than one day." Lu Tianhan said, the heart is very hateful to the ink, secretly: "if It’s not that the man named Jian Chen attacked the Heiyun Mountain Range. The news of the Shangpin Shenjing in the Black Cloud Mountains may leak out so quickly. With the strength of our Lu family, at least it can be blocked for several years or even more. long."

Andorf and the venomous gods looked at each other and stopped watching. They immediately attacked the guardian enchantment of the ink house.

The weapon of the venomous poisonous **** is a wooden stick with a green body. It emits a strange green light. It is very toxic. I saw that she was holding the wooden stick and gently pointed it to the front. The stick immediately surged rapidly, and instantly became a A huge log with a diameter of several tens of feet hit the enchantment.

Andorf was shot with one palm, and turned a huge palm of a hundred feet to the enchantment.

Lu Tian also issued a second attack, the long sword fire rose, the power of the sky, the same sword smashed to the enchantment.

The three gods shot, the sound is so amazing, so that all the elders of the Mofu have a feeling of suffocation, and they can not produce the slightest resistance.

"This is the power of the gods. In front of the gods, the human gods are as weak as the ants." Some of the elders in the realm of the gods are somewhat white, and their hearts are full of bitterness.

The three gods also attacked the enchantment at the same time, and their Mofu's guardianship method could not last long.

"Lu Tian, ​​let me come to meet you." At this moment, Shen Jian spoke up, his face was expressionless, his body exudes a sense of the sky, and the hand holding the cloud sword directly took the enchantment.

"Shen Jian, can't"

"Shen Jianxiong, come back soon, you are not the opponent of the gods"

"Shen Jian, come back soon"

Several elders in the realm of the Mofu family saw that Shen Jian had crossed the enchantment and wanted to fight with Lu Tian. His face changed a lot and he made an exclamation.

The figure of Shen Jian’s stalwart stood outside the enchantment. A long hair had no wind and no wind. In his pupil, a clear view of a long sword with a blazing flame was approaching, but he did not have the slightest fear. Instead, he did not have the slightest fear. The war was awkward, and he sipped low: "Broken sword!" The stream cloud suddenly burst out with a smashing sword.

"Well, this Shen Jian is over"

"It’s a pity that such a strong talent has died here."

"Shen Jian, your talent is very strong, and you will not necessarily beat you in the later stages of the gods, but after all, you are faced with a god, how can you be an opponent in the mid-term strength of your god?"

Some of the elders of the Mofu show the color of sorrow, and they mourn for Shen Jian in their hearts. No one will think that Shen Jian will be the opponent of Lu Tian. After all, one is a **** and the other is a god. There is a gap between the heavens and the earth. .

The Liuyun sword broke out and the swords of Lu Tian and Lu Tian finally collided together. Only a steel-like chorus came. Lu Tian’s long sword suddenly burst into flames, and the Taoist fire was intertwined. Together, the temperature between the heavens and the earth suddenly rises, and the fierce flame directly overwhelm Shen Jian’s figure.

"Oh, this is the law of the gods, and it is still the most fierce and violent law of the fire. This Shen Jian has more than half of the bones." Several of the elders in the ink house shook their heads.

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