Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1713: Andor compromise


With the voice, I saw that the whole person of Jian Chen had turned into a sword light, chasing the fast-moving incredible speed to the lost Adolf. At this moment, Jian Chen showed the speed to the extreme, not only It is beyond the scope of the naked eye, and even the gods in the early days of the gods can't see clearly. Rao is the strength of Moling, facing the rapidity of Jian Chen at the moment, and can only capture it with all his strength. A vague white light.

"Heaven, fast speed!" Mo Ling made a scream, and the look was shocked. The speed of Jian Chen now made him feel very surprised.

This speed is really a lightning bolt, no, even faster than lightning!

What Adolf understands is the law of the wind. Although it is not the fastest time, it has the title of rapid speed in the world. Once it escapes, it is really few people can catch up. However, in the face of Jian Chen's word lightning, Andorf's law of blast is as slow as a turtle.

Even a time of breathing is not enough, even in an instant, the lost Andover, who has escaped, has been chased by the sword dust that seems to be lightning.

"No, it's impossible, how can he have such a fast speed!" The Adolf gods who fled in the front captured the sword dust that was chased in the rear. Immediately, his face changed greatly, full of horror, and when a thought came out of his mind. The lightning from the sword dust has already been traced to his back, and Andorf can even clearly feel the compelling sword sent from the back.

fast! It was too fast, and there was no time for Andover to think too much. Andorf didn’t even have time to escape. It was just a thought in his mind. The lightning from the sword dust came from his back. Wearing the past, even people with swords, directly through the body of Andorf.

This scene looks extremely terrible!

"Hey!" The blood in Antooth's mouth spurted, his face turned pale and papery, his face was wilting, and a transparent hole in the mouth of his mouth appeared in his chest. The flesh and internal organs inside had disappeared, especially Around the wound, there is a road of sparkling. (

Jian Chen and his men took the sword from the chest of Andover. It is reasonable to say that the size of the sword dust is not only the size of the bowl, but the speed of the lightning caused by the sword dust is too fast. At this speed, even the space around the body is affected, and the body is even stretched, so the hole left in the Andover is only the size of the bowl.

Andorf’s heart was terrified. He stared at Jian Chen with a look of fear. He was shocked and couldn’t speak. The power of the law of the wind was condensed around his body. The law of the wind was against the rules of the kendo that remained in the wound. If there was a kendo. The power of the rules continues to ruin his body, which will make his injuries worse.

In the distance, the lightning disappeared, and the figure of Jian Chen was re-emerged. The white clothes fluttered and the long hair flew. The hand-held snow sword flew over without a hurry. The eyes stared coldly at Andorf, saying: "Your law of the wind It’s fast, but my sword is faster than you. Under my sword, do you think you still have the ability to escape?”

"Dare to ask, what is this swordsman reading;" Andorf asked, and his look was decadent. He did not expect that Jian Chen would be so anti-theft, not only the strength is amazing, but even Lu Tian has no power to fight back in his hands, and he still masters such a fast speed, but he can’t beat the other side, but he can’t escape even .

"One word lightning!" Jian Chen said with no expression.

"A word of lightning, a word of lightning, it is really the speed of lightning." Andorf murmured, the head of the hair, a wolverine, shaped like a sly, at this moment, there is no sense of the charm of the wind.

However, immediately, Andorf looked a glimpse of his eyes, staring at the cold-eyed sword dust, saying: "You can't kill me. If I die, the news of Dumumu Wangyu will be spread out immediately. The entire Dong'an County, even in a very short time to the other county towns of the Pingtian Kingdom, although we have no main **** in Dong'an County, but in the thirty-sixth county of Pingtian Shenguo, there are five county towns with the main **** sitting In addition to them, there are many gods in the Imperial City. If they receive the news, they will come here quickly. If you want to keep the news of Duanmu Wangyu, you must not kill me. ”

Jian Chen snorted, flying snow sword until Andorph's eyebrows, cold voice: "How do you make me believe in your words? And even if you really have arrangements, but as long as the news of your death is not spread out, that Duanmu Wang Yu’s news has naturally not leaked."

"When I die, my life stone will be broken. Even if the news is not passed on, the people I arrange will know." Andorf said.

"Sword dust brother, and slow hands!" Mo Ling's voice came from afar, quickly came to the front of Jian Chen, looks very complicated and stared at Jian Chen, very politely said: "Jian Chen brother, Andorf can not kill, He said that it is true. When he dies, the news of Duanmu Shenyu will be immediately spread out, which is very unfavorable to us."

The sword dust brows slightly wrinkled, saying: "Lu Tian is already dead, and the end of the wood **** Wang Yu will also be spread out by the people arranged by Lu Tian."

Mo Ling is also frowning, saying: "In these years, our ink house is also secretly checking this matter, but only found that the Andoran family has a backhand, indeed, as Andorf said, when he died, his life stone would The person who broke the news and mastered the news of Duanmu Shen Wangyu will quickly spread the matter, but this person who carries the news in the Andoran family can't find it in the ink house. As for whether Lujia has the same same as our Mofu and Andao families. We are not aware of the backhand, because we have not found a little bit of news since we inspected tens of thousands of years.

Jian Chen slowly put down the flying snow sword and said to Andorf: "Andoff, I will not kill you, hand over the piece of the king of your Andao family, Wang Yu, and I want all of you in the Ando family. wealth."

Adolf blinked and said with anger: "Let us all the wealth of the Andu family, you are too much too much, that is the foundation of our Andao family. I can give you the Dumu **** Wang Yu, and our Andorra family also It will also keep this secret, but all the wealth of our Andorra family cannot be given to you."

"Your life is more important than the life of all the people in your Andorra family and the wealth of the family. I think your heart is also clear. If you still want the Ando family to continue to stand, you will sacrifice all your wealth. If not, I will kill you now, and then go directly to your Andorra family. You can still get all your wealth. Although the news of Duanmu Shenyu will be leaked out by the people you arranged, this news may have been landed. The people of the family leaked out one step at a time, and your people leaked and did not leak, and it was irrelevant to read;" Jian Chen said coldly.

Andorf's face was cloudy and uncertain, and the light flashed for a moment. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, you want our Andorra family to give you, but you must ensure that we don't hurt our Andorra family." Andorf also has no choice. The family's wealth is gone, you can earn it back slowly, but once the family is gone, life is gone, it is really nothing, even if you have amazing wealth, you have no life to enjoy.

Jian Chen’s face smiled and said: “As long as you’re not doing any special moves, I will not hurt you, but you can’t leave me for a while.”

There was a roar of sound from afar, and I saw that in the hundreds of thousands of miles away from the Ink, the venomous venom was attacking a battle.

"Damn Lu Tian, ​​the old lady did not promise you to come over to the ink house at the beginning. The arrangement you arranged has sealed the void, saying that it is to prevent the people of Mofu from escaping, but now they are trapping the old lady. Now, without breaking this battle, the old lady can't get out."

Ps: The first chapter is sent, the second chapter continues to write, upload it after uploading. The red envelopes of this week are very powerful. I said that the first time I received so many red packets, I said that the gray chicken is often gray. I wonder if this week can break the number of five hundred, hehe.

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