Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1719: Open Dongfu

The silver-white flying sword is very fast, and the distance from the fire is already close. Therefore, between the Jianguang flash, the silver-white flying sword has already arrived in front of the fire family ancestors.

The fire changed his face. When he blocked the retreat of the people in the Mofu, he expected that Mo Ling and Andorf would probably start to work, so he was always vigilant, but even if he had been secretly guarded, but this way When Jianguang appeared, he still felt a cold sweat.

This sword light is too fast, just like a teleportation, and the person who shot is also without any signs, so that when he reacted, Jianguang had already forced his eyebrows.

Between the electric and the flint, the fire bursts out with a burst of fire. The law of the fire of the gods surrounds him, forming a kind of protection, and in his body, there is a sturdy source of venting, and it is in him. Condensed into a shield in front of you.

However, these defenses made by Huo Lian are fragile in front of this Jianguang, and they are simply unable to resist. The sword light has broken the heavy defenses of his cloth, and has driven straight into the eyebrows of Huo Lian.

The pupil of the fire was reduced to the size of the eye, reflecting the sword light that was approaching quickly. In his incredible gaze, Jianguang shot his eyebrows and directly penetrated his head. The gods broke. The form is destroyed.

The fire quickly turned into a dim gaze filled with unwillingness. He still had no actual combat skills, and there was no life-saving thing to use. He was killed in such a face.

The body of the fire company slowly fell down and fell from the height of hundreds of meters to the ground, and in the position where he had previously stood, the figure of Jian Chen did not know when it appeared there, with a handle in his hand. The snow sword of the **** of the gods.

The space ring worn on the fire and fingers is also in the hands of Jian Chen.

"The fire even fires and even died." The young **** of the Nanyun family stared at this scene with a stunned look. The strength of Huo Lian is the same as that of him. It is the realm of the early gods. However, one face is killed and there is no power to fight back. This does not mean that if the other party wants to kill him, he can't escape.

"No, hurry!" The **** of the Nanyun family was pale and without any hesitation. He immediately fled at the fastest speed and fled to the front of the world.

"The word lightning strikes!" Jian Chen no expression, immediately turned into a lightning chase up, and then caught up with the far-flung Nanyun family gods that have escaped, in the other side's almost sluggish eyes, from The back of the back passed, and the chest broke out and rushed out.

The **** of the Nanyun family made a sigh of sullenness, widened his eyes, and stared at the sword dust that had been smashed from his chest in a horror, and had been scared.

He has lived for more than 100,000 years and has never seen such a terrible sword!

"Who are you, I am a Nanyun family, you can't kill me." The Nanyun family's **** whispered, on the surface, there was only a transparent hole in the size of his mouth, but the sword. Dust has now reached the realm of Jianyuan's perfection. The power of the swordsman is so great that it only loses half life and loses the power of the war.

"You shouldn't come here!" Jian Chen said coldly, wearing a sword directly through the eyebrows of the **** of the Nanyun family, letting it disappear.

The arrival of the gods of the fire family and the Nanyun family made Jian Chen realize that the news of Duanmu God Wang Dongfu was already spread. These two gods are mostly to investigate the truth of the news. Once the news of Duanmu Shenyu is true, Those superior families in Dong'an County will surely devote all their power to the fastest speed, so he must not leave these two people to communicate with Dongan County.

The space ring on the finger of the **** of Nanyun was taken down smoothly, and the sword dust flew in the direction of Moling.

In the distance, Mo Ling, Andorf and a group of elders are staring at Jian Chen with a shocked face, and they have a deeper understanding of the strength of Jian Chen. Although they have all seen the powerful strength of Jian Chen all the way to crush Lu Tian, ​​but far from the scene of the current shock.

The fire god's **** of fire even killed a sword, which is too shocking for them.

The gods in this area are already the characters of the ancestors, and they are the top powers of the high, but such strong people are so vulnerable in the hands of Jian Chen.

"The talent of this sword dust really makes me feel envious." Shen Jian is the most calm person in this group. He can be said to have witnessed Jian Chen from the weak emperor all the way to today. In such a way, even the talent of Jian Chen is terrible.

Not only this world, even in the last world, the talent of Jian Chen is the crown of the world, no one can, and young, has been invincible.

"Yan Er has saved such a powerful person back." The heart of the rain is also very complicated. I thought that she also strongly opposed the move of the ink to save the sword dust and Shen Jian. But who can think of it? The two people who were rescued and rescued are now the great benefactors of the Mofu.

"The news of Duanmu Shen Wangyu is mostly leaked. We must rush to Dongfu as soon as possible." Jian Chen said to Mofu and Adolf.

"If you don't want to be late, let's go now." Mo Ling was also serious, and then everyone immediately rushed to the place where the Dongmu God's Dongfu was located.

Soon after, Jian Chen and his entourage came to the junction of the three families of Lu Family, Mofu and Anduo Family. Here is a tens of thousands of miles of primitive mountains. The power of this source is relatively thin, and there are some weak Warcraft. There is nothing strange about it on the surface, so there are few people involved in this mountain range.

After coming here, Mo Ling and An Daofu became the leaders. Jian Chen and Shen Jian followed the two men all the way to the depths of the mountains. Behind them, they followed the Mofu and Ando families. More than ten elders in the realm of the gods.

Deep in the original mountain range, Mo Ling and Andorf took the sword dust and Shen Jian to stop on a seemingly ordinary mountain. Mo Ling said: "When it comes, the entrance to the Dongmu God King is here. We got together and opened the door to Dongfu.

Jian Chen did not hesitate to take out two pieces of Duanmu God Wang Yu, and Mo Ling also took out the piece of Mofu, three pieces of wood Wang Yuyu suspended in the air, exudes a compelling soul. Pressure, in front of this pressure, even Jian Chen and Mo Ling, the three men of Andorf could not help but reveal a serious face.

The three pieces of the end of the wood **** Wang Yu's own combination, connected together, formed a flawless treasure jade, bursting out of the dark green light, there is a mysterious force in the treasure jade out, swaying the world, like a certain The rules blended together, and the space of the moment shook violently. The space formed a wave of water, which made everyone's vision blurred.

Moreover, with the vibration of the space, there is a vast and terrifying energy fluctuation, which shook the clouds in the sky and quickly dissipated.

The entrance to the end of the temple, Wang Dong, is opening!

"Stop!" At this moment, a burst of bang came from afar. I saw four figures appearing in the distant world, and I was dare to come here at full speed.

Jian Chen, Shen Jian, Mo Ling, Andorf's eyes looked at them, and their faces became dignified.

"No, they are the people of the Wiener family." Mo Ling said quietly.

PS: I continue to write the third chapter, but the third chapter is updated later, because it should be at twelve or even twelve. Mobile phone users please visit

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