Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1727: Lord God

Shortly after the folding fan boy and the brave man known as Tai Shu left, a powerful momentum was quickly transmitted. I saw that in the sky, there were more than a dozen men in black, with no expression. The cold-eyed, the weakest of them have reached the source, especially the leading one, the momentum and pressure from him, has already entered the realm of human and god.

"Who killed our young master of the devil, chased me," said the famous person, God, coldly, after hearing the direction of the fan of the fan from the road population, he chased the past.

At the same time, in the ancestral home of the Devil's house, a powerful momentum rises to the sky, such as a string of arrows like a flying rush out, the vast pressure of the body, even reached the realm of the gods.

As the **** of the rushed out, a vast voice like thunder blew in the air: "Which buddy came to my sorcerer, so I don't put our sorcerer in my eyes." Filled with a wrath of the sky, the whole person seems to be turned into a sword fan who is chasing away from the fan.

"Heaven, the **** of the devil appeared."

"The gods who can lead the magical family come out. Most of the predecessors who have killed the young masters of the devil are also a god."

"The gods are already on the high side. It is very difficult to see each other on weekdays. I didn't expect that I just stood next to a god."

On the bustling streets, there was a hot debate. Many people were silently mourning for the fan of the folding fan. The magician was only able to cover the sky in this county town, even though the fan of the fan had the strength of the gods, but No one would think that he would escape the palm of the devil's hand.

Only a few people have discovered that the Devil's **** is gone forever, and since then, the chasing **** has never appeared in the demon home.

Pingtian Shenguo, Dong'an County, nowadays there are more and more powerful gods gathered at the entrance of Duanmu God, not only bringing together the almost eight-layer gods of the entire Pingtian **** country, but also the number of gods is constantly increasing, except In addition to the five main divine ancestors of the Five Great Counties, even the Lord God of the Emperor of the Kingdom of Heaven has come.

The number of gods gathered here today has exceeded ten.

All the gods are gathered at the entrance, trying every means to open the cave, but let them try, but they come up with all sorts of strange ways, always can not enter.

Even among these main gods, the main gods who have studied the roads are not happy, and at this moment they are unable to do anything.

"This seems to be the ancestor of the Qingyang God Country, and the people of Qingyang Shenguo have arrived."

"This seems to be the ancestor of the Shensong of the Qingyang Shenzhou."

"The ancestors of the Qingyang Shenguo Wufeng School also arrived."

"The Lord God of the Nine Stars is also coming"

"Look, that is the person who opened the Kingdom of God."

As time goes by, the number of the main gods who come here is constantly increasing. Each one is a big man of the kingdom of God. The big man who controls the other side is the dragon who sees the end of the dragon. Today, with the end of the wood **** Wang Dongfu The news has gathered in the Pingtian Kingdom.

The strengths of the four kingdoms of Pingtian Shenguo, Qingyang Shenuo, Jiuxing Shenguo and Kaiyuan Shenguo are not much different. Almost every **** has more than a dozen main gods in the country, although not all of them come here. But it also made the number of the main gods gathered here more than 30.

As for the gods, it is more!

"This is the territory of our Pingtian Kingdom. The Duanmu God Cave House is owned by our Pingtian Kingdom. We also invite people who are not our Heavenly Kingdom to leave here."

So many of the main divine powers belonging to other gods came here, and the gods of the gods of the heavenly kingdom were naturally unhappy. Immediately, the Lord God of the Kingdom of Heaven and Heaven spoke, and the righteousness said sharply.

"Hey, here is the time in the territory of your gods, but there is no rule that other people of the kingdom can't enter here. Moreover, the Dongfu of the king of the wood is not owned by your god, as far as I know, once When the end of the king of the wood, the name of the gods, the Pingtian **** country has not yet been established. "An old man wearing a black robes, a cold and scented body, sneer, this old man is the main **** of the Qingyang **** country Ancestor.

"It's a good thing to say. Dongfu God's Dongfu is not your Pingtian **** country. As for the Duanmu God himself, it is not your Pingtian **** country. You want to occupy the Dongmu God's Dongfu alone. It is simply delusional." Another master of the gods opened up, from the nine-star **** country.

"People who are in the Kingdom of Heaven, you have to think about it. You want to own the Wangmu Temple of Duanmu, but it is against all of us. Are you really able to stand up?" He was wearing a white dress. The fabulous woman of the genius of Fenghua comes from the Kaiyuan Kingdom.

As soon as the main **** of the Pingshen Kingdom opened its mouth, it suffered a tough rebuttal from the main deities of the three major kingdoms of Qingyang Shenguo, Jiuxing Shenguo and Kaiyuan Shenguo. This suddenly made the face of the **** god of the Heavenly Kingdom become ugly. They voluntarily do not want the other gods of other gods to enter the Dongfu of the king of the wood, because the more people there, the more intense the competition, the possibility of gaining opportunities will naturally decrease.

However, they have no way to do this. With the power of the kingdom of the gods, it is indeed impossible to confront the three great powers of the three strengths and their peers.

"I don't talk a little nonsense. If the door to the Dongfu government can't get in, even if more of the main gods are useless, I still want to find a way to enter the Dongfu." The wind frowned and said.

"It seems that the entrance to the Dongfu God King's Dongfu is hidden in the void. You are not as good as we are together. First, the method of hiding in the void is forced out." The ancestors of the Qingyang Shenguo Moujia talked.

The proposal of the ancestors of the demon family immediately got the approval of the people. Immediately, all the main gods acted and showed their magical powers, trying to force the entrance to the cave hidden in the void.

Suddenly, the violent roar of the roaring sound came from the ear. The lingering energy aftermath filled the world. It was really a catastrophe, and the sun and the moon were dull. This tens of thousands of miles of primitive mountains were instantly moved to the ground.

The afterglow of energy that broke out when the main **** strongman shot was not able to withstand the gods. In particular, so many gods and gods shot together, and the momentum was even more spectacular, forcing the gods around them to retreat.

"Damn, the abominable Mofu and Andorra family." Several gods of the Wiener family in Dong'an County looked at the scene with their eyes wide open, and the heart was smashing out of the fire. The Dongfu God’s Dongfu was so Concealed, so difficult to enter, so many of the main gods are blocked, if you are in the Dongfu, then you can not comfortably, happy to harvest the relics of the king of the wood.

Every time I think about this, the gods of the Wiener family envy and hate, and their eyes are thick and thick.

PS: Thank you for your red envelope. There will be three more today. This is the first one. The second one is expected to come out at 11:30. The third one is going after the early morning. Of course, the specific update time depends on the smooth writing. Maybe there will be advance or delay. Mobile phone users please visit

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