Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1738: Lord God

The voice of the fairy tales of the moon has just fallen, and the sword dust and other people have all made their own efforts at the same time. More than a dozen celebrities have also formed a battle, and combined the strengths of the people to make the strongest blow.

Both Andorf and Moling used the strength of breastfeeding and exerted the weakness of the strongest combat skills they had mastered.

Around Shen Jian’s body, there is a bit of a star illusion. As the stream cloud sword in his hand spurs out, there is a star river that morphs out. The sky is shining, and a pure and powerful force of the Milky Way emerges. Blessing on the sword, I shot it out for a powerful sword.

Shen Jian did not hesitate to display the second style of his own thoughts that he had only recently realized - the sword refers to the star river.

This time, the sword is used to refer to the Star River, which is obviously much stronger than when it was used to deal with evil spirits. In the face of Shen Jian’s move, even in the late Tianshen, I am afraid to drink this, unless the other party also has the battle of Tianjiao. force.

Above the top of Jian Chen's head, two silver-white swords with only the size of the fingers floated, giving off the sword of the sky. With his thoughts moving, the two Xuanjian gas shot at the same time, the speed is very fast, as if It has already surpassed the lightning, and in a flash it bombarded the weakness of the formation pointed out by the fairy of the moon.

The full blow of the people was almost at the same moment. In the loud noise, Mo Ling, Andorf and more than a dozen celebrities and elders were repeatedly retreated by the shock of the horrible energy, especially the dozens. The elders of the human gods all spewed out a blood, and their faces became white.

Because the two swords of Jian Chen were simultaneously emitted, the intensity of this attack has reached the level of the main god. Only the energy aftermath shocked more than a dozen celebrities. The elders were hit hard, even Mo Ling and Andorf were in Constantly retreating.

When the violent energy aftermath gradually spread, the face of Jian Chen and others became very ugly, and all of them made the strongest blow without any reservation, even the biggest cards were used. It has not been broken.

"Oh, it seems that we have only stopped here." Seeing this scene, Haoyue sighed, full of helplessness.

Jian Chen is also somewhat discouraged. It leads to the land of the end of the king of the wood, and the power of the array is beyond imagination. Although his strength in the cave has improved, it is still far from the way of breaking the array. .


At this moment, a loud noise that almost sensationalized the entire Dongfu came from the exit, and the violent energy flow came from far away, making the face of Jian Chen and others become very ugly.

In this aftermath of energy, including Jian Chen, everyone feels a strong pressure. In the face of this energy aftermath, even in the late days of the gods, I am afraid to hate.

After all, this is the result of all the attacks that have brought together dozens of main god-level powerhouses, and even the main gods have to shun.

Then, a strong source of strength swiftly entered from the exit of Dongfu, letting Dongmu, the king of Duanmu, change the environment without its own power, making it as full as the outside world. A strong source of strength.

"The entrance to Dongfu was broken." Jian Chen said with a deep voice, his face became more dignified than ever before, and his hand turned over. A white jade bottle appeared in his hand, and he couldn’t feel distressed. He poured a grain of tangling directly from the inside. Take it down and restore the power of the lost god.

Next, he has to face a lot of main powerhouses, so he must restore his strength to the peak!

"We entered the Temple of the Moon." The moon fairy said, and immediately her illusory body suddenly disappeared, and she entered the temple. Then she controlled the temple and flew out of the space ring of Jian Chen, and fell to the ground and turned into a skeleton. The temple, the gate of the temple is already greatly open.

"If you don't want to die, come in. Remember, in the temple of this fairy, all of you must seal your own cultivation." The voice of the fairy moon was heard from the temple.

Mo Ling, Andorf and more than a dozen celebrities of the elders know the fragility of the temple, and they have no opinions at all. They have sealed their own cultivation and converge into the temple of the moon.

"Shen Jian, the ones who will come in are the strong gods, and you will go to the temple of the moon." See Shen Jian revealing the color of hesitation, Jian Chen said.

Shen Jian’s cultivation was in the early days of the gods, and the kendo sentiment was equivalent to the late Tianshen, and there was still a very large gap from the main god.

Shen Jian obviously understood this point. He was slightly hesitant. After Jian Chen took care of himself, he also entered the temple of Haoyue.

After everyone entered the temple, the shape of the Temple of the Moon was also rapidly reduced, and then drilled into the space ring of Jian Chen. In a twinkling of an eye, in the cave house of Duanmu God, there is only one person left in the sword dust.

Although the Dongfu God King’s Dongfu is very large, but there is no hiding place, and the search of the Lord God cannot be escaped. Therefore, Jian Chen did not evade. Fortunately, he sat down in the same place and waited for the outside to enter. And he had just used two sacred swords and lost the power of the gods, and at this moment, he quickly recovered with the help of Shen Dan.

After a few breaths, a huge breath appeared at the entrance of the king of Duanmu, and the strong gods outside the cave had already entered the Dongfu. Dozens of powerful gods were sweeping around the cave in an unscrupulous manner. Then all condensed on Jian Chen.

"Hey! Is there someone inside?"

"I heard that this cave house came in a few years ago, is this person?"

At the entrance to Dongfu, there was a whisper of surprise, and the main gods gathered at the entrance swept in the direction of Jian Chen.

The speed of the Lord God is so fast, only a few breaths of time, these strong powers of the main gods appear in the sight of Jian Chen, each one has a strong atmosphere to exude, such as the vast ocean.

Standing at the forefront is an old man with a sacred wind bone, holding a yin and yang gossip plate, which is the master of the dragon.

The sword dust sitting on the floor with his knees slowly opened his eyes and stood up from the ground. After this moment of recovery, his depleted power of the gods has recovered. He looked slowly from the main gods gathered here. I swept over and said with a blank expression: "I didn't expect to have more than 60 main gods. This is beyond my expectation. I didn't expect the temptation of Duanmu God Wangdong to be so big." Faced with so many gods Although Jian Chen is under a lot of pressure, the surface is still not moving, and there is no fear.

Indeed, the number of the main gods who have come here has grown by more than 60 from the initial 50, bringing together the top powerhouses of the gods in the surrounding world. Each of them represents the old power of one party. The ancestors, in their respective gods, are one of the few top powers, belonging to the kind of existence sitting in the clouds.

"Little brother, who are you? Which family sect is it?" Panlong master looked at Jian Chen with a gaze. Among them, almost none of them know the story of Duanmu God Wang Yu’s spread, and even more ignorant that Duanmu Shenyu has always been controlled by three small families with only Tianshen sitting. At this moment, Jian Chen is in Duanmu God Wangdong. This naturally makes them doubt what the background of the sword dust has, the big come.

(This is the second chapter, the chapter of the addition is later.) For mobile phone users, please visit

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