Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1750: 皓月之威

Hearing the sound of Jian Chen, Lonely Soul, Hail, and Wind Unhappy, the three eyes looked at each other and gathered in the sword dust sitting on the floor.

"Jian Chen, what needs to be discussed with us, even if it is said." The humpbacked hail smiled.

"Sword dust, what is it? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? If it is a good thing, don't forget me." The lonely soul yelled at the voice, listening to the tone, it seems to be old with Jian Chen. Friends are average.

"Sword dust, let's talk about things first, if it is within our capabilities, we will definitely help each other." The wind is also unvoiced.

The exchanges of the four of them were not known to outsiders, but the hail, the lonely soul and the unhappy three people treated the sword dust quite favorably. They all made great efforts to make friends and never let go of any chance.

Although in their view, Jian Chen has a huge flaw in repairing, he really fights, and the kendo rules of the main divine cannot overcome the beginning of any one of the main gods. But they are also more clear, as long as the sword dust for some time, he can be repaired in a very short time to re-cultivation. Once his cultivation is at the same level as the kendo realm, with the power of the kendo law, few people in the same realm are their opponents, or even become the second Linghougong, taking advantage of the power of the kendo law, in the early days of the Lord God. Strength can be tied with the main **** in the middle.

If you count the horrible swordsmanship that sword dust is enough to kill the early days of the Lord God, I am afraid that in the middle of the Lord God, it may not be the opponent of Jian Chen.

Such a strong person, hail, the three of them will naturally make great efforts to make a relationship, they are holding a heart, even if they can not become friends, it is best not to become an enemy.

Jian Chen indulged for a moment, then said: "Hail, lonely soul snow, wind unhappy, I hope you can try to help me drag the three main gods early." The reason why Jian Chen found these three people, It is because the heart is the most trusting to the three. As for the other main gods, although some want to make friends with them, but for them, Jian Chen is not assured, even if some of them are from the Emperor of the Pingtian Kingdom. city.

As for the strength of the sheep in the late stage of the Lord God, Jian Chen is even more afraid. The strength of the sheep is too strong, and he is even more uneasy.

"Drag the three main gods early? Jian Chen, what do you want to do?" Lonely soul snow said quite strangely.

"The specific things, you will naturally understand later, in general, the Lord God here will most likely be able to do it to me. You only need to drag the three main gods for me to breathe for 10 hours. In return, I will give it alone. You return to God Dan," said Jian Chen.

"What? Back to God Dan?" Upon hearing the return to Shen Dan, the hail, the lonely soul, the wind and the unhappy three people were surprised and revealed a look that they could not believe.

Back to God Dan, this is a very precious kind of remedy. With only one capsule, you can restore the power of a **** god in the early days of a few breaths. The value is very expensive, and it is in Pingtian. I still can't buy it at all.

"In addition to returning to Shen Dan, I also give you two people with two drops of stalactite. In addition, my sword dust still owes you a human condition. What you have to pay is just to help me drag the three main gods to the first ten breaths. Time." Jian Chen opened, in order to help the moon fairy to approach the body of Duanmu God, he also did not hesitate to pay.

"Well, we promise you to block the time of the three main gods to breathe for you, but the rest of the main gods, we can do nothing."

Slightly hesitant, hail, wind and unhappy, the three souls of the solitary swallow agreed, although they have faintly guessed that the sword dust is mostly the idea of ​​playing the body of the king of wood, but they have no extra ideas. They all have self-knowledge, knowing that the wealth and inheritance in the space ring of the Duanmu God King can not be obtained by them. Even if it prevents the sword dust from acquiring these things, these things will eventually fall into the hands of those who are in the late stage of the Lord God. The initial strength of their main gods is hard to gain anything.

Instead of this, it is better to agree with the proposal of Jian Chen, not only to promote their relationship with Jian Chen, but also to gain some gains from the hands of Jian Chen. Of course, what really values ​​them is the one that Jian Chen has.

The sword dust was also very refreshing. On the spot, he returned the **** Dan and the stone stalactite to the three of them.

Going back to Shen Dan, Jian Chen got a total of ten, and gave it to Andorf and Mo Ling. The remaining eight and Shen Jian and two of them were four. These four medicinal herbs, he had already taken it before. Two, now there are only two stocks left in the hands, so this time to the lonely soul Yan three of them back to God Dan, or took two out of Shen Jian's hand, the remaining one he kept spare.

Although the three returning gods of the three of them are used in the sword dust, if they are used well, the sword dust can use the mysterious sword to kill the six main gods, but return to the gods to restore the power of the gods. It takes a time. In the later battles, Jian Chen simply does not have enough time to recover. But he must also use the three souls to drag the three main gods for them, which can alleviate his pressure. The thing that can touch the Lord God is that he only has to return to God.

As for the rest of the medicinal herbs, although it is also very valuable, but for the Lord God, it is nothing.

In order to help the moon fairy to successfully consolidate the flesh, Jian Chen is also a **** one.

"There is nothing to lose back to Shen Dan. Once the moon fairy goes in smoothly, I get the space ring of Duanmu God. The lost things are not back thousands of times, and my chaotic body may be smooth. Breakthrough." Jian Chen secretly concealed himself.

Nearly thirty main gods chasing the golden flying swords are likely to come back at any time. Jian Chen does not dare to delay the time. Immediately, the temple of the moon is released from the space ring. With the opening of the gate of the temple, the fairy moon is unreal. The body slowly walked out from the inside, and Shen Jian came out together.

The dozen or so main gods who stayed here naturally noticed the movements of Jian Chen, and they didn't care too much.

Jian Chen also immediately recovered the temple of Haoyue. However, at the moment when the temple of the moon was just taken up by him, the body of the fairy moon suddenly swayed, and it rushed directly to the layer to protect the law of the king of Duanmu.

"Districts and gods, but also want to greedy the things of the king of the wood, really do not know life and death!" In the main **** around, in addition to the soul of the three of them, the rest of the mouth is a sneer.

However, the scene that made them stunned appeared. When the body of the celestial fairy was close to the force of the law, it was not directly killed by the law as they expected, her illusory metaphysical body. At this moment, it became abnormally bright and emitted white light. This radiance is like a layer of white flame, burning the **** of the moon, so that her gods become dim at the speed visible to the naked eye.

And her god, under the ray of fire like this flame, slowly blended into the power of the law.

The force of the law that is close to her body is shaking slightly, and then slowly retreating, it seems that she is afraid to approach the body of the moon fairy.

And this shaking is just a scene seen by outsiders. In fact, the power of this layer of law is trembling, in fear.

At this moment, none of these main gods felt that at the moment, in the fairy of the moon, there was a huge amount of terror that could not be imagined by them, but this pressure was under the subtle control of the fairy of the moon. The power of the rules here is crushed away.

This kind of pressure is like turning into Tianwei, completely above the power of this rule, so that the power of the rules here is retreating.

Of course, releasing this horrible power, the moon fairy is also suffering an unimaginable price, and her **** is burning and getting weaker. Mobile phone users please visit

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