Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1752: Fierce

"Jian Chen, I want to monopolize the inheritance of Duanmu God"

"Sword dust, let speed go, or you will die today without a burial place"

Six of the main gods who rushed to the sword dust began to drink coldly, and all of them were murderous. When people did not arrive, they had already issued a powerful energy supply to fight the sword dust.

Jian Chen was wearing a broken armor, protecting a body that was less than one-third of his body. His robes were windless and the black hair was waving wildly. On his body, there was an amazing sword meaning. This sword is strong. The six main gods that rushed to the face, the color of the eyes is also exposed.

"A sword is awkward!" Jian Chen was low, and the flying snow sword was lifted over his head. There was a huge sword and a long squad of a hundred feet. Together with the snow fluttering, the huge swordsman directly It is a fast squat.

In this process of squatting, the surrounding voids seem to have solidified at this moment, forming a sword field that envelopes the energy attacks of the six main gods.


When the two collided, a roaring loud noise erupted, and the swordsmanship of Baizhangchang and the attack of the six main gods dissipated at the same time. A terrible energy aftermath mixed with the scattered swords of the sky, splashing between the heavens and the earth. .

The body of Jian Chen was so intense that his face became pale and pale, and the internal organs were boiling like a river. However, his not strong body is still tall and straight, like a solid shield, standing still there, resisting the aftermath of energy from the front, protecting the perfection of the fairy.

At the same time, at the top of his head, two Xuanjianqi have emerged, the light is dazzling, the sword is soaring, emitting a terrible pressure.

When Xuanjian gas came out, the face of the six main gods who besieged Jian Chen suddenly changed. The eyes showed a touch of fear and deep jealousy. The power of Xuanjianqi, all of them can be seen by themselves, can easily Kill the early days of the Lord God.

"I don't want to die at a speed to retire, otherwise, I will ruthlessly ruthlessly." Jian Chen screamed and screamed, and his body was so powerful that he had a good time, and Wanfu was unable to open the position.

Now time has passed two breaths.

The six main gods have looked at each other and looked dubious in their looks.

"We are afraid of what, we have six people. Although his secret technique is very powerful, if we join hands, we will not be able to resist it. Let's go together."

Finally, with the early cold drink of a main god, the six main gods finally no longer hesitate, surrounded by a group, each other, quickly rushed to Jian Chen.

In the eyes of Jian Chen, the cold light flashed, and the thoughts moved. A Xuanjianqi suspended in the top of the head immediately turned into a white light, and shot at a speed beyond lightning to attack one of the main gods.

At the moment when Xuanjianqi fired, the six main gods also hovered over their physiques, and they all tried their best to resist this arrogant sword. The turbulent fluctuations of the body and the power of the whole body formed a morality. The sword is very mysterious.

But the speed of Xuanjianqi is really too fast, and the speed is almost beyond their reaction, although the speed of their hands-on is already very fast, but with Xuanjian’s temperament, they are still far apart, and their attacks are still When he did not touch this mysterious sword, Xuanjianqi was already near the eyebrow of one of the main gods.


I saw blood splashing, and one of the main gods had a blood mark in front of her eyebrows. Xuanjianqi penetrated the eyebrow of the Lord God without any hindrance, and destroyed his god.

After the other five main gods used to defend against the attack of Xuanjianqi, they also hit the sword dust at the same time.

Jian Chen body shocked, blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth, I saw four more horrible wounds on his body, bright red blood stained the white robes. As for the fifth attack, it was on the broken armor.

This armor is not a magic weapon of the artifact level. Although it has been damaged seriously, the material is very strong. After suffering the attack of a main god, there is no trace left on it. But the powerful anti-shock force is a lot of applied to Jian Chen.

The footsteps of Jian Chen finally couldn’t help but take a step back. It’s just that the anti-shock force uploaded from the broken armor is too strong. It’s a step backwards. Obviously, it’s impossible to remove this power. In the second step, he was fiercely biting his teeth. He inserted the snow sword in his hand into the ground and stopped his body. It was just such a move, but the injury on his body became more serious. A blood spurted out.

He can't retire, and if he takes a step back, he will collide with the **** of the moon fairy!

Jian Chen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Despite his heavy wounds, he could not see the slightest weakness in his demeanor. In the room, he had already taken out the real seven from the space ring. The healing medicine of the product was revived, and even the same one was swallowed down.

As the medicinal herbs entered the abdomen, the injuries in his body immediately healed quickly, and even the gods that had lost a mysterious sword and lost their spirits began to recover quickly. .

At the same time, the chaos of the sword dust body is running wildly, and the advantage of the chaotic body is maximized by him, cherishing any little time to heal at full speed.

Under the double cure of the power of chaos and the healing of holy medicine, the injury that Jian Chen has just suffered is suddenly recovering at a very amazing speed, and the recovery speed is fast. If any of the main gods here see it, they will be shocked. It’s stunned.

Today, five breaths have passed.

At this time, one of the five main gods began to display the true-level combat skills. Behind them, there was a vast ocean, which seemed to be connected with the heavens and the earth, rolling the whole world. The power is swallowed up by the sword dust.

"Vulcan refers!" Another master **** began to display the combat skills, the body flames, condensed into a huge finger toward the sword dust point.

"The darkness is dull!"

"Big palm!"

"Death is a ghost!"

The five main gods have used the real-world combat techniques. The horrific pressure is filled between the heavens and the earth. Five extremely terrible attacks have been ruined and ruined, and the power of destroying the earth has been rolled toward the sword dust.

The face of Jian Chen became more and more dignified. Between the movements, the second Xuan Jianqi was sent out by him, and the battle skills of the five main gods on the opposite side began to roar.

Xuanjian gasified into a lightning bolt. In an instant, it was easy for the first sword to collide with the gas. In the roaring sound, the first warfare technique was defeated by Xuanjianqi without any suspense, and then the speed of the Xuanjianqi was not reduced, and it was sent out. Jianqi continued to shoot at the second, third, fourth, and fifth battle skills.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

As a series of roaring sounds came, all the skills of the five main gods were broken by Xuanjianqi, and Xuanjianqi did not dissipate, flashing dim light, such as a dead soldier who was not afraid of death, straight Rush to a main god.

The main **** looked incomparably dignified, and immediately made a big drink, and his strength came out, holding a huge sickle with the power of the law and doing his best to squat on the sword.

With this blow, he obviously has already fought his life!

PS: Please listen to the public prestige of Xiaoyao, micro-signal: xinxingxiaoyao110, the pen name of Xinxing Xiaoyao plus an alarm phone, directly search for "Heart Star Happy" can also be found. Mobile phone users please visit

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