Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1755: rescue

"Since the **** of the gods is with the sword dust, then the sword dust must not be let go." A late-powerful strongman of the main **** said, the killing of the eyes is chilling.

"Yes, you must never let go of the sword dust."

"This sword dust actually stunned us when we left, and sneaked away with the gang of his accomplices to steal the relics of the king of Duanmu, and must not spare him."

The main gods in the surrounding area were filled with indignation, and they were very uneasy. They did not get the flying sword of Duanmu God, but even the other relics of Duanmu Wang were taken away. Let them be willing.

The main **** of the Pingtian **** country, the late strong man, opened the sheep, together with some of the main gods from the kingdom of Pingtian, also stood in the crowd, but for the experience of Jian Chen, they did not say a word and kept silent.

At this time, an old man in a black robe walked out, staring coldly at Jian Chen, and said: "The old man has mastered the spirit of the soul, waiting for the old man to draw out the sword of the **** of the dust, to be disposed of by everyone." Then he walked straight toward Jian Chen.

This old man in black robes is the ancestor of the sorcerer of Qingyang Shenguo, and his strength has reached the realm of the main god.

As for the actions of the ancestors of the Moh family, everyone did not stop it. As the eyes watched, Jian Chen took away the possession of them. Naturally, they all hated in their hearts, and wanted to kill the sword dust quickly.

The ancestors of the devil came to the front of Jian Chen and directly reached out and grabbed the sword dust. However, when his hand touched the broken armor of Jian Chen, the pupil could not be checked.

"Artifact, this armor turned out to be an artifact." The great vibration of the ancestors of the demon family, the heart of the storm.

Artifact, but a powerful magic weapon that transcends the true level, is very precious and scarce, even if it is a sacred king like Duanmu.

Because under normal circumstances, only the beginning of the mixed element is qualified to possess the magic weapon of the artifact level. In the beginning of the Promise, the people who possess the artifact are very rare. In the holy world, even the top powers of many infinite realms The magic weapon used is a semi-artifact and the best magic weapon.

Any piece of artifact, for the ultimate leader of the Promise, is a dream.

There are too many records about artifacts in the sacred world. Although the ancestors of the demon family have never seen artifacts, they have mastered many information about artifacts in the mid-term strength of his main god. Therefore, at the moment of touching the broken armor, It was immediately recognized.

However, the surface of the ancestors of the Devil's ancestors was not moving, and the gaze looked like this broken armor. He said: "I didn't expect that Jian Chen actually wore a real eight-piece armor, but it was a pity that it was too bad. Serious, but the material to make this armor is a bit of value." Speaking, the Mo family ancestors smashed the broken armor from the sword dust, and took it back from the space ring.

But his heart is far from being so calm on the surface, but it is unusually excited, and the extraordinary excitement is only deeply hidden by him.

Although this armor has been broken, it is an artifact after all, and the remaining value is not worth mentioning for those who are strong in the beginning, but for any one of the main gods, it is a treasure.

"I made it, I sent it. I didn't expect that I actually found a **** armor. This is an artifact, an artifact." The ancestors of the demon family turned their hearts to the sky, but they did not dare to show it, pretending to be nothing. With his hand, as he changed his hand, he began to use the secret method and wanted to take away the **** of the sword dust.

"Hahahaha, Ben Shao has already seen the sword dust. You must not hurt him. Otherwise, you are not welcome to you." At this moment, a voice came from behind everyone.

I saw a young man in a white robe, who looked like he was only in his twenties, and he was handsome and handsome. He also entered here. The young man’s face had a cynical smile, and he held a folding fan in his hand. Walked by the side of many gods and went straight to Jian Chen.

Behind the fan of the folding fan, a burly big man followed closely, like a loyal guard.

The appearance of this young man made all the main gods in the field face a slight change. When they cracked the entrance of the Wangmu Temple, they saw the fan and the boy. The coming is not small, mostly from a powerful big family power, so they are disregarding some rude behaviors made by the fan.

The movements of the Mo family ancestors are also one of them. They look at the fan of the folding fan and their faces are also slightly heavy.

"No, Jian Chen took away what was originally ours. If we want to surrender this person, it is simply delusional, and it is impossible, unless it is the dust that the genius of the gods handed over everything that was obtained." A main **** stood up later and said with a strong tone.

Although the fans of the folding fan have some heads, this matter involves their interests, even if they are related to their breakthrough to the kingdom of God. Therefore, even if they have some taboos on the strength behind the fan, they must stand up against it. Not to mention the strong power of the main gods gathered here at this moment, but there are dozens of them, representing several gods around, everyone wants to get the creation left by the king of Duanmu, and naturally he will stand on the same line with him. on.

"Haha, it’s not that you have the final say. Ben is now taking away the dust of the sword. If there are seniors who are not convinced, you must stand up and stop the less." The young man swayed the folding fan, laughing and joking. Said, arrogant, can not be put in the eyes of these Lord God.

He came directly to the front of Jian Chen, looked at the Shen Jian at the same time, and then took out a space magic weapon in the shape of a temple, took Shen Jian into it, and then used his own arms to hold the sword dust, swaying and swaying Going in the direction of the exit, I don’t care about the lord’s gaze.

"Leave step, don't let go of the sword dust, today you want to leave here." The former **** who spoke earlier stopped in front of the fan of the folding fan, his face said gloomy.

"Yes, don't hand over the sword dust, you two don't want to get out of here today."

"Handing over the sword dust"

After the strong man in the late stage of the Lord God, several other gods stood up and blocked the way of the youth of the folding fan. They looked cold and cold, and there was a cold flash in their eyes.

"Let's relax." Just then, the burly man standing behind the youth sang low and waved directly at the several gods in front.

Suddenly there was a terrible wind that whistled and rolled directly to the main gods.

Although this wind did not spread out from the pressure, when he rolled over to the main gods, these gods did not have the slightest resistance. The body flew like a leaf. .

PS: After writing this chapter, it is already drowsy and the mental state is very poor. If you continue to write, it is difficult to write the quality. Today, the original three chapters should be updated, but the third chapter is only a day later. Please, please include, mobile phone users please visit

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