Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1772: Escape from birth

The shooting of the two Xuanjianqi is also the power of the gods who have consumed the sword dust. The strong sense of vertigo came, and the body of the sword dust looked a little vain.

The sword dust bites one's own tongue. When the pain of the heart is heard, it is a clever mind of the sword dust. The mind that is full of faintness and strong sense of dizziness suddenly changes at this moment. It’s clear.

"Da Luojian decided!"

"Taiyi sword!"

Jian Chen's gaze reveals a firm mans, and the faintness is a bit of crazy color. He swayes the sword at the fastest speed and shoots out two swords.

boom! boom!

Two roaring sounds came, and the two powerful swords of the sword dust touched two of them. Although his swordsmanship was powerful, he was already in a weak state, the power of the gods. Almost empty, the power of the kendo rules that can be mobilized can not be compared with the heyday, which makes the power of these two swords weaker than usual.

The two swords fired by Jian Chen were smashed, and the two energy from the middle of the Lord God practiced, but the speed was not reduced, and the momentum went straight to the sword dust, but its power was also weakened a lot.

The force of chaos in the dust of the sword is running, and the defensive power of the chaotic body has been played to the extreme. He is in front of the body of the sorrowful fairy who is hit by his body. With a sigh of anger, he picks up his fist and directly slams his head. The two energies were practiced, and on the fist, there was a layer of chaotic power entwined, emitting a violent destruction of violent atmosphere.

The power of the Yuanshen is lost, the rules of the kendo have been difficult to play the power to counter the strong power of the main deities, and his flying sword is also self-destructing, so the only weapon that can be used by Jian Chen is his own fist.

As for the purple and blue swords, in the face of so many main deities, it is simply a self-seeking death. Although these main gods do not recognize the purple and blue swords, even many gods do not necessarily recognize the purple and blue swords, but they are afraid that the news will be spread out, just to be heard by those who know the purple and blue swords.

In the roar of the roar, Jian Chen’s fist hit the two energy exercises with the force of Wan Hao. His body trembled fiercely. The fists were now a flesh and blood, and both arms became fresh. Bloody.

The violent pain came, and the brow of the sword dust was wrinkled. At this moment, he felt that his two arms were about to lose consciousness, accompanied by severe pain and numbness, and even made him feel his two arms. The presence.

At the same time, the other four energy exercises from the middle of the Lord God were also bombarded on the sword dust. The sword dust immediately spurted out a blood, and the body flew out.

Behind Jian Chen, it is the fairy of the moon. The body of Jian Chen naturally hits the body of the fairy of the moon. The bodies of the two are almost glued together and flew far away.

A unique woman's body fragrance and soft things came from the back, but Jian Chen didn't have any thoughts at the moment. His face had become pale, his mouth coughed up blood and he was hit hard.

Although his chaotic body is very powerful, but now his opponents are in the middle of the main god, and the number is still more than a dozen.

In the face of the strong man in the mid-term of the Lord God, the rules of the kendo of Jian Chen are not dominant, and the cultivation itself is weaker, and there are no weapons. In addition to the superior defense and resilience of Chaos, he Almost no advantage is taken.

"Sword dust, you obviously have escaped, why should you come back?" At this time, the voice of the moon fairy was heard in the ears of Jian Chen.

Although the fairy of the moon was badly hit and fell into a situation of almost desperate situation, she was still very calm, and there was no trace of panic. She did not seem to realize the crisis that she faced today.

"The reason why I came back is not to help you. Otherwise, you may be in the dark of the master of the dragon, and you will be sent to a place that he has already arranged. Now don't say so much, you should go first. They are too many people, I can't support it for too long." Jian Chen looked solemnly, then pushed the hand and pushed the body of the fairy moon far away. At the same time, taking a healing sarcastic in the Wangmu Temple of Duanmu God, the power of chaos in the body is also fast operation, recovering the injury in the body at the fastest speed.

The look of the fairy in the moon is somewhat complicated, and I look forward to pushing myself out. I am alone in the face of more than a dozen swordsmen of the main deities. I sigh in my heart, and the figure in the retreat suddenly rises. Advance, and quickly rushed toward Jian Chen.

"What are you doing back? The two of us are not their opponents at all."

Seeing that the fairy of the moon has returned, Jian Chen’s heart is anxious, and some angry and screaming loudly. He is stunned by the power of chaos, facing more than a dozen main gods, and can still hold back a small moment. Once the celestial fairy escapes from here, he will use a flash of lightning to escape.

However, now that the fairy of the moon has gone and returned, this has made Jian Chen’s escape plan for himself also lost, and it cannot be implemented at all. He simply did not know how to escape the mid-term pursuit of these Lord Gods with the moon fairy.

"This fairy is coming back, not to save you. Do you think that you can escape from the battle of more than a dozen gods? Can you still escape?" And there is also the late God. "The moon fairy did not say good, quickly came. In front of Jian Chen, the time when the sword dust is not reacted, the arm covered by the wide sleeves will donate the waist of the sword dust, while burning his own blood to display the secret method, suddenly a huge moon emerges, the sword The dust and the moon fairy are shrouded in a dazzling brilliance.

This strong light makes people dare not look straight. Even those who are more than a dozen main gods can't help but close their eyes in front of this light. This light came quickly and went fast. When the light disappeared, I saw that this huge moon had lost its trace. Together with the disappearance, there were Jian Chen and Yue Yue Fairy.

"Not good, let them escape."

The dozen or so main gods looked gloomy at this side of the void, and made a hateful curse. The gods were spread out overwhelmingly. They wanted to find the traces of Jian Chen and the Yueyue Fairy, but in the end they found nothing. .

Within the scope of their ignorance, let alone see the traces of the fairy and the sword dust, even the breath of both of them is not captured.

Obviously, in this short moment of effort, they have left the scope of the gods of these gods far away...

The master of the entanglement of the dragon held the yin and yang gossip disk, and a gloomy face flew back from the distance, looking at the space where the sword dust and the shadow of the fairy tales had been lost, and the body of the gas was shaking. Mobile phone users please visit

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