Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1790: Lizu Grand Ceremony (1)

After the breakthrough, the people did not immediately go out, but after three days of building up, they all broke through.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that my blackfish would have a day of becoming a god. I think that the strong source of the source beyond the Holy Emperor is already unattainable to me, but now, some weaker sources Supreme, I can easily pinch to death with a finger.” The black fish laughed, thinking that in the past, he and Ruijin, Honglian three were still in the space of the sacred space like the prisoner, what is the world outside? I have never seen it. But now, this is only a gap of a hundred years, but he has grown from the original identity of the prisoner to the current strong man.

In the short period of time, but in the past 100 years, both the status and strength have undergone such a huge change, which makes the black fish have a dreamlike feeling.

"Haha, I didn't expect my great Nobis to have a day of adult deity. I really hope that I can move my current strength to the ancient times of Tianyuan, to the strength of my gods, and what goes beyond the emperor. The four strongest, all of them gave me a side to stand." Nubis, who is in a golden coat, is also laughing, very happy.

Other people who broke through to the human gods, although did not say anything "words of rhetoric", but also revealed excitement and excitement in their faces.

Looking at the excitement of everyone, the face of Jian Chen can't help but reveal a smile from the heart. The whole body feels relaxed at this moment.

This feeling, such a state of mind, is the first time that Jian Chen has appeared on him since he came to the Holy Land.

Especially watching the joy after the people became gods, and the strength of the fearless foreign enemies in Dong'an County, Jian Chen felt that he had been fighting all the hardships he had experienced in the sacred circles in the past few years. worth it.

Because of the killings he experienced in the sacred world, he finally created a small world for these friends who followed him to the upper bounds.

"Sword dust, these years really hurt you." A purple long skirt, the glory of the Shangguan dynasty came to the face of Jian Chen, a pair of eyes and eyes, full of tenderness looking at the sword dust.

Jian Chen faces with a smile and looks at the Shangguan dynasty. It is like a fairy-tale beauty, slowly raising his hand, gently touching the cheek of Shangguan, and his eyes are full of tenderness. Color, softly said: "As long as you can make your peace, everything I do is worth it."

Shangguan dynasty did not say anything, open the slender jade arm and hold the sword dust tightly, gently put his head on the chest of Jian Chen.

In her heart, she understands that in the past few years, Jian Chen has made it difficult for him to be alone. Although they do not know what kind of dangers Jianfeng has experienced outside, it is only a heavy blow from Shen Jian. The coma in the temple of the moon, you can see what kind of danger the sword dust has encountered.

Jian Chen also clung to the Shangguan curtain, and his heart became extremely quiet. At this moment, his heart was raised with a long-lost feeling of warmth.

Although neither of them spoke, they were silent, but for the two of them at the moment, they were silent.

Not far away, those who just broke through also quietly retired, did not make a little bit of noise, leaving the time and space of this moment to the sword dust and Shangguan dynasty couple

Early the next morning, there were more than a dozen elders in the elders who left the Tianyuan family at the same time. With the invitations, Feng Chi’s electric rushed to the east of Dong’an County to send these invitations to the county. The hands of the superior family.

The elders of these people are not the people from the Tianyuan continent, all of them are the original people of the Mofu and Ando families.

Only at this moment, there is no Mofu in Dong'an County, and there is no Ando family, only one Tianyuan family.

The people of the Mofu and Ando families have all become members of the Tianyuan family.

"Tianyuan family wants to hold the main hall of the tribe"

"The home of the Tianyuan family is very likely to be the strongest of the main gods. They have to hold the main hall of the tribe and have to go."

"Is the owner of the Tianyuan family finally going to have some action? I am afraid that from then on, the Tianyuan family will become a day in Dong'an County."

"Come, come and prepare for the gift immediately. Three days later, all the gods in the family will accompany me to congratulate the Tianyuan family."

The invitations sent by the Tianyuan family have aroused the attention of all people in the superior family. A famous **** ancestor has an invitation, and he is serious and ready to be gifted.

Since the beginning of the Tianyuan family's homeowners, the status of the Tianyuan family in Dong'an County has also changed from the previous obscurity to the existence of no one dare to provoke. For the invitations sent by the Tianyuan family, these superior families in Dong'an County cannot but go.

"Three days later, the three of you went with me to see the Tianyuan family." The Nanyun family, on the stone tower of the hundred feet high, Nan Yuntong, one of the top three strongest people in Dong'an County, faced the other three gods seriously. Said.

The Wiener family also received an invitation from a **** of the Tianyuan family. Today's Wiener family, after losing the two ancestors of the middle of the gods, has become the bottom of the family in the eyes of all the superior families in Dong'an County. If you don't go to the Wiener family, there is also a **** who travels outside. The ancestors of the environment, fear that the Wiener family is now not qualified to stand in the county.

At this moment, in a secret room of the Wiener family, Wiener, Wiener glare and Venayan are sitting cross-legged in the void, and the invitation sent by the Tianyuan family is in the hands of Wei Naiyan. With two fingers, it is very casual to clip this invitation in the hand, the young and handsome face is also revealing the color of indifference.

"Xiao Yan, what do you think about this thing?" Wiener looked at Wiener from her gaze and asked.

"This matter, let Xiaoyan take full responsibility for it. In the future, we will have the Wiener family, and Xiaoyan has the final say. We are still listening to Xiaoyan." Wiener glare said. Now that Wiener has become the main god, the status is naturally different. Even Wiener and Wiener glare, the two elders of Wiener, in the face of Wiener, occasionally show a respectful color, but even dare not speak out loud.

Wei Nayan Shen Shen said: "I didn't expect Dong'an County to have a second main god. This is beyond my expectation. Although the main **** of the Tianyuan family has some unknown roads, it is also a same level as me. The strong, the home he built is mainly to hold the main hall of the tribe, and our Wiener family is naturally going."

"There have been two main gods in a county town. After that, the county town, who is the final decision?" Wiener said from a blind face, such an example does not say that in the Pingtian Kingdom has never appeared, even Among the surrounding **** countries, there has not been an example of a county town with two main gods.

Only as an imperial city of the kingdom of God, that is where many gods gather!

Wen Yan, Wei Na Yan's mouth sneaked a sneer, said: "This Dong'an County, naturally by our Wiener family has the final say, our Wiener family, is the orthodox family of Dong'an County. As for the Tianyuan family, if they want to stay In Dong'an County, I naturally don't have any opinions, but I welcome them very much, and I will divide them into a lot of sites."

"But if they want to cover the sky in Dong'an County, then I have to let them get out of Dong'an County." Mobile users please visit

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