Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1822: Greedy heart

The Fei Xue Sword is a Chinese saint, and this stunned rainbow sword is just a good thing. There is only one difference between the two, but the price is hundreds of times different.

This made Jian Chen very surprised.

Sword dust stared at the stunned sword that exudes a strong sword and was wrapped in a sword. It was silent for a while, but the light in the eyes flashed, showing hesitation.

Obviously, the price of this shocking rainbow sword is far beyond the expectations of Jian Chen. It is even more terrible for the six million top grades, but it is the top grade of Shenjing, not the middle and the next.

Although he still has the top ten gods of the gods of the gods of the gods of the heavens, it is more than enough to buy the sword.

However, these Shenjing, he originally intended to be converted into Chinese and the next product Shenjing, provided to Shangguan Screen, a group of people practicing, but did not want to waste too much here.

Six million top-grade Shenjing, that is 600 million Chinese products, such a huge resource, enough for all of them to cultivate into the realm of the gods.

Of course, the premise is that their rules of law can keep up.

"The son, the price of this stunned sword is actually relatively low in the Shangpin sacred, and many of the slightly better sacred wares have reached the price of tens of millions. I wonder if the son needs to buy this handle. The top saint?” the waiter said, although the tone was very polite, but the one in the words was anxious, and anyone could still hear it. As for the last sentence, even the faint ambiguity with a bit of accompaniment, there is a big sacred ritual, you have to buy it, buy it quickly, do not buy it and quickly leave.

Because Jian Chen has provoked the sheep family, if Jian Chen continues to stay here, she will inevitably get into trouble. The heart naturally hopes that Jian Chen will leave early, so that the eyes of the sheep family will be transferred out.

Jian Chen also seemed to hear the extraneous sound of this waiter's words. His eyes glanced at the waiter. His tone was faint: "The price of the Chinese saint is only 100,000, and it is only the top 100. The price of the sacristy is so expensive."

"It seems that this son does not understand the preciousness of the top saint." At this moment, a soft voice came from not far away, and the voice was like a scorpio, very pleasant.

I saw that the woman named softly forgot to come over, a pair of autumn-like eyes glimmering, very calmly staring at Jian Chen, said: "The reason why the Chinese saints and the top saints are so huge The price difference, because the top grade is very difficult to refine, and the refining materials are extremely difficult to find."

"In the Pingtian **** country, there are many refiners who can refine the Chinese saints. Almost every county has such a refiner, and even some county towns have several such refiners. However, the refining masters who can refine the sacrificial wares are rare, and such masters of refining, look at the surrounding kingdoms, but only a total of four or five."

"But in our flat gods, such masters of refining are not all, and all the top saints are brought back from other gods. Therefore, the top saints will be so precious."

Speaking of this, the girl named softly looked deep into the eyebrow dust and continued to say; "As for the best saints that the son had previously wanted, it is even more precious, not only the price is more than this sword Hundreds of times or even thousands of times higher, and there is still no price."

"More girls told me." Jian Chen held a fist to the soft, and the soft interpretation of this, finally let him have some understanding of the top saints and the best saints.

"The son is not polite, but you have previously provoked the sheep's family, and the sheep's family's daily style of work, this matter will not be a good time, the son is better to leave here earlier. Even if the son has some background, is not afraid That sheep family, but the girl who led the way for the son, Yang Tie fear will not let go easily." Softly said to Jian Chen, the tone is very dull.

It is said that the sword dust brows slightly.

The charming maid who received the sword dust, the face was really scared at this moment, no trace of blood, even the body was slightly trembling, full of fear.

"This handle is a rainbow sword, I bought it." Jian Chen suddenly said to the maid, waving, the six-piece top-level Shenjing directly fell on the ground, making a dull sound.

The maid's look suddenly stayed, staring at the six-sided tops, and the breathing became a little bit rushed, and the heart was also very surprised. I never thought that Jian Chen actually had the ability to buy the Shangpin. Device.

And take out this whole six million top grade Shenjing, even the brows did not blink.

Even the girl named Soft, her eyes showed a strange color, and she did not expect that Jian Chen had so many crystals.

This six-party crystal, even for some of the main gods, is a very large number.

"You, please, later, I will go and ask the general manager." The maid ran in a hurry, and the look was full of excitement and excitement.

She successfully sold a top quality sacred device, not to mention that the commission is an astronomical figure for her, and such performance can also promote her position. Once she has a certain identity and status in the real sword, then there is no fear of Yang Tie's revenge.

Soon, the management of Zhen Jiange hurriedly walked over and successfully completed the transaction with Jian Chen.

Soon after, Jian Chen walked out of Zhenjiang Pavilion with a stunning rainbow sword that had just spent six million Shangpin Shenjing. He found a large luxury inn and directly wrapped up one of the most luxurious suites. After the "closed" sign, the horse began to refine and stun the rainbow sword.

"With this sacred instrument, my strength will be enhanced a lot, but unfortunately I can't find the best saint." Jian Chen felt secretly in the heart, even if he activated the defensive array in the room.

When Jian Chen closed the refining and smashing the rainbow sword, Yang Tie also came to the Real Sword Court with a lot of people from the sheep family. Among these people, there are not only a few famous people, but also an elder who has reached the gods. .

In the face of the impetuous sheep family, Zhen Jiange also did not dare to neglect, the manager personally came forward, smiled and said to Yang Tie: "Yang Gongzi, very unfortunate, you come one step late, the person you are looking for has already Leaving, no longer in our real sword."

"Hey, that person is gone, this is naturally going to hunt him all over the city, but in your real sword room, there is a maid and that person is a group, this maid must have to take away." Yang Tie said coldly. The real sword is in the doorway, and he does not dare to take people directly into it.

"Sorry for the sheep son, Xiao Ke just sold a top-quality saint, made a great contribution to the real sword pavilion, and has now been promoted to the deputy deacon of Zhen Jiange, you can not take her away." Zhen Jiange said with kindness .

"What? Selling a good sachet? Is that person really buying a sachet?" The sheep was shocked, but the face suddenly showed a huge surprise.

"Young master, since that person has the ability to buy the best saints, the background behind him is certainly not weak, and may even be the main god-level family. This matter should not be reckless, but can't be ruined for no reason. A strong family." The elder of the sheep family said in front of Yang Tie.

"No, this matter is related to the pressure and face of our sheep family. You can count it like this, and that person must find it." Yang Tie said coldly, his eyes were full of excitement, and he smiled coldly: "However, If he is willing to hand over the top saint, it will not be awkward."

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