Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1830: General

"Miss, you guessed it well. This is the owner of Tianyuan in Dong'an County." Peng Wanhu said that when he thought that the former lady had not figured out the identity of others, he couldn't wait to talk to each other. Peng Wanhu was a bitter smile. .

This young lady is usually very smart. How can this suddenly become so sloppy? Doesn’t she see from the reaction and action of the banned army below that she came here this time, isn’t she trying to arrest people?

Confirmed the identity of Jian Chen, Xuan soft look suddenly stayed, staring at Jian Chen's young and full of a handsome face with a strong yang, his face is an unbelievable look .

She has already thought that the background of Jian Chen’s identity is certainly good, and it is very likely that she will be an independent god-level force. Otherwise, it is impossible to have so many Shenjing to buy the best saints.

However, she never imagined that she had to buy the best in the real sword, and even the behavior that was misunderstood by him was only to attract attention. The youth who caused their concern turned out to be the domestic rumors of Pingtian. , the God of Heaven, the family of the sword dust!

This huge identity turn, for a time to make Xuan soft feel a little incredible.

And a few guards around Xuanrouo, at this moment is also a big mouth, his face is incredible color.

The shock of Xuanrou and others is presumed. At this moment, the guard captain, the whole person feels like falling into **** from the human world. Not only does the whole body tremble violently, but even his feet are shaking.

"Well, it's over, how can this person be a Tianyuan family, a sheep iron, a sheep iron, you say that you are not good, but you have to provoke the Tianyuan family, this time I can be miserable by you." The guard captain mourned in his heart. The face has already become pale.

Don't look at him as the captain of the Guard of the Imperial City, but the Imperial City is so big, the Guards naturally have a lot, and the captain like him, the entire Imperial City Guard does not know how much. Although it is the official background, but the status is not necessarily high, such a character once offended the main deity, then no one can keep him.

Even if there is a main god-level strength behind it, there are very few Lord Gods who speak for him.

After all, taking the initiative to provoke a strong master of the gods, and this master of the gods to take the initiative to marry you, can be completely different.

Suddenly, the captain of the guard suddenly slammed down and slammed down to the sword dust. The forehead collided with the floor and made a "squeaky" sound. He did not use the power of the source to protect himself. Just a few times, his forehead It is already bloody.

"The owner of the family is small and has countless eyes. I don't know if it is the owner of the house. You personally moved to the imperial city." The attitude of the captain of the **** immediately changed. He kept swearing and pleading with regret.

The main gods are strong, even if they look at the entire Pingtian **** country, they are only a dozen or so. Everyone has a pivotal position in the Pingtian god. He knows that once he has offended such a strong person, the consequences are true. How serious it is.

Although he still has this relationship with the sheep family, he married a cousin of Yang Tie, but his wife has no position in the sheep house. The sheep family will never speak for him.

Peng Wan's eyes stared coldly at the captain of the guard. His eyes did not show a little bit of sympathy. He turned to look at Jian Chen and asked: "Homeowner, I don't know how to deal with this person?"

Jian Chen waved his hand and stared at the captain who had already blurred his forehead. He sighed and said: "Let's go, but as the captain of the guard, I hope that you can perform your duties seriously and cut. Do not seek public gains."

The guard captain, such as Meng Dawei, was grateful and left here like an escape.

"Homeowners, the leading adults invited the homeowners to go to the generals of the general government, do not know the owner" Peng Wanhu said.

"I just want to go to the General's office to visit the Xuan Tong collar, but it is too much eye-catching with your **** ban. You should go back first, then I will go to the generals." Jian Chen said.

"Yes!" Peng Wanhu hugged his fist against Jian Chen, and then left the place with two gods and banned soldiers.

Peng Wanhu left, Xuan soft and soft woman, naturally will not stay in the room, immediately is also very polite and farewell to Jian Chen.

In a twinkling of an eye, in the Tianzi room where Jian Chen lived, it became empty again. Only some blood was left on the ground, witnessing everything that had been experienced before.

Jian Chen’s eyes glanced at the blood on the ground and sighed: “I didn’t expect that at the foot of the emperor, there would be such a thing. It seems that this imperial city is not as beautiful as I imagined. The rules of the shackles of the ordinary warriors, but they can not bind those big family forces."

When the sighs fell, the sword dust also jumped out of the window, and the whole body turned into a faint afterimage, which swept away in the distance, and the movements were as windy and fast as electricity. The martial artists on the lower street were shaped. There is no slightest awareness.

Within the imperial city of Pingtian Shenguo, there are five major generals, which are located in the southeast and northwest of the imperial city and five central directions. The four major generals in the southeast and northwest are the generals who guard the borders of the Pingtian gods. They He stayed in the frontier for many years and rarely returned to the Imperial City.

The general government of the central government is the residence of the gods who ruled the army.

The mystery is not only a strong power of the main god, but also the commander of the banned army. It is the most powerful army in the world. It is the status of the patriarchal world. On the existence.

It’s just that the squad has always been low-key, and it’s rarely out of the limelight. Therefore, the reputation of Pingtian’s domestic name is inferior to that of the sheep.

After leaving the Fenglaiqi Inn, Jian Chen went straight to the General's House. Although the Imperial City was very large, at his speed, it took only a small moment to stand in the General's Office. Outside the gate.

"Ha ha ha, Jian Chen brother, you can finally come, it seems that my general is really too small, waiting for you to wait for decades, I finally waited for you." Just then, one The briefs of the simple out of the generals came out, haha ​​laughed.

"I want to visit the mysterious leader in the next morning, but I have been retreating before, and it was only after the clearance." Jian Chen arched his hand at the arch of the sin, and then was invited by the scorpion to the general.

In a conference room in the General's House, Jian Chen and Xuandou talked about each other, from the cultivation of sentiment to the cultivation of experience, and then to all the essays of the Holy World, after a dozen hours, Only then have some momentum to stop.

"Right, Xuan Tong collar, there is something to ask." Suddenly, Jian Chen looked positive and said to the sacred.

"What is the sword dust brother, although you said, don't say anything to ask for advice." Xuandou said heroically.

Jian Chen stood up and waved, and then took a crystal from the temple of Haoyue and gently placed it on the ground.

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