Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1842: Sheep appearing

"The sheep owner, I can only say that it is not the time for you to come. Now we are going to join the family and hand over the best materials we just bought from the auction to the owner. So we can’t go to the sheep house at the moment. However, the kind invitation of the owner of the sheep, I will truthfully sue the owner, I believe that soon after, we will go to the sheep house with the family to visit." Xi Yu said, calmly said, look around, will invite these words The bite is particularly heavy.

When I heard that the rain was going to meet with the Tianyuan family, the face of the sheep proudly changed suddenly, and the look became dignified. I asked, "I am sorry for the elders of the rain. Listening to the meaning of your words, the owner of Tianyuan is also coming. "This time they came to invite the rain to go to the sheep house, but it is definitely not as simple as a guest. If the Tianyuan owner happens to be here too, then it is really difficult to do."

"Yes, the owner has already arrived in the Imperial City." Xi Yu said.

"The Tianyuan family is in the imperial city? Oh, cherish the rain elders, do you think we are so deceived?" The sheep of the sheep proudly sneered.

"This must be the sheep and the heart of the predecessors, the sheep and the heart of the predecessors, but the rain really does not understand, cherish the rain in this matter to deceive you what is the benefit?" Xi Yu said calmly, but the heart is faint Anxious, I hope that Jian Chen can come back soon.

Although she did not know why the sheep family had to "invite" themselves to be a guest, such a posture, at first glance, knows that the visitors are not good, and most of them will not have any good things.

The sheep did not speak, the light in the eyes flickered, and the heart was analyzing the true and false in the rain. If the Tianyuan family is really in the imperial city, it is really hard to do it.

"Sword dust is not in the Imperial City, and immediately bring them back to the family."

At this moment, the sheep proudly waited for the six gods to hear the sound of the sheep.

The voice of the old ancestors made the sheep proudly wait for the people to settle down. The sheep proudly showed a gentle smile again on the face. It was just this smile. How to look at it with a bit of coldness, said: "I am elder, we are old. The ancestors have important things to see you, and they will not delay the elders of the rain. The rain elders will see our ancestors and then join with your family." When speaking, the sheep proudly sideways, Pity rain made a gesture of please.

"You let it go, we don't care what your ancestors are looking for. If we don't want to go, can you still dare to use our Tianyuan family?" Mo Yan was angry, hands on his hips, shouting loudly, provoke The passers-by around have been looking at it, but no one dared to say anything.

In this imperial city, few people do not know the sheep family, and few people dare to offend the sheep.

Xi Yu pulled the sleeve of La Mo Yan, suggesting that she should not talk, and then clenched her fist: "The sheep owner, please tell the sheep to open the old predecessor, I am just an elder of the Tianyuan family, and no important thing can do the Lord. After we meet with the family, we go to the sheep house to visit."

The sheep proudly flashed in the eyes and said: "For me, the task of completing the ancestors is the most important thing. Since the ancestors personally spoke, Miss Yu Yu still let the ancestors wait, it is not Ok, therefore, please pray that Miss Rain will follow us."

As soon as the voice fell, a powerful pressure drove from the sheep's body, like a mountain, which seemed to directly cover the rain and the ink.

At the same time, as the elders of the late Tianshen, and the elders of the four middle-aged realms of the gods, they also radiated a powerful pressure. At this moment, all the six strong gods have released their own pressure, targeting the rain and the ink.

The face of Xiyu’s face suddenly changed. In the past few years, although her strength has improved rapidly, she is only in the middle of the gods. Infinity is close to the late Tianshen, facing the four parents who are not weaker than her, and two gods. The late masters are naturally not opponents, and the strength of being suppressed can only be played out of seven layers.

"Hey!" The face of Mo Yan is directly pale and like paper. The mouth of the mouth spurts the blood of the red, and under this huge pressure, it has already been hit hard.

If the six gods of the non-sheep family are mainly aimed at the rain, I am afraid that this is only the pressure, it is enough to make the ink loss half life, or even direct death.

After all, this is the pressure from the six gods, how to bear the strength of the Emperor of the Muryan District?

"Yaner sister!" Li Yu said with an exclamation, immediately protected the ink, and looked at the eyes of the sheep family filled with the wrath of the sky, shouted: "You have hurt the ink, you know Knowing how much love the family has for Mo Yan, if the sister of Mo Yan has something long and short, the owner will never give up."

The sheep proudly said: "In this case, please pray that the elders of the rain will go to our sheep house to be guests. Once they are hurt, they will fight here. The little girl is so weak, and she is so careless. It is the responsibility of the elders of the rain."

"You..." The rain is pointing at the sheep and proudly, and the gas is so trembled.

"Well, I am going with you. I want to see what your sheep family wants to do." In the end, the rain is still compromised. For the time being, no matter who she is, she is not an opponent at all. Even if she really fights, it is difficult for her to protect the ink face from harm. The aftermath of the battle broke out by the strong gods, even the strongest source must be god. It is said that it is heavy, even directly degraded, not to mention the ink that has not yet entered the source.

Although the Imperial City has rules for prohibiting fighting, it is only for ordinary people. It is naturally not subject to punishment for the identity and status of the Lord God.

The sheep house, the rain and the ink, although they are being asked to come, but the two of them are also treated very high in the sheep house. Since the rain has entered the door of the sheep house, the sheep are proudly complete. I will be in the living room.

"I don't blame the rain elders. We are also trying to complete the ancestor's task. It is a cure for the holy medicine, which is enough to cure the injury on the girl." In the living room, the sheep proudly confronted the two women. Losing a smile, and taking out a jade bottle personally handed to the face of Mo Yan, showing a sincere look.

Because he also understands in his heart that if the fire is too important for the ancestors, the ancestors are not willing to sin against the Tianyuan family.

"Hey, who is rare for your broken medicine." Mo Yan did not appreciate, the jade bottle fell directly on the ground, the jade bottle suddenly became shattered, and a scorpion medicine contained inside was also rolled out, emitting A rich Dan fragrance.

This medicinal medicine, the grade is indeed good.

The sheep did not care. He knew the identity of Mo Yan. He was only the niece of the ink house of the Mofu government. It was not an important figure. He gave this medicinal medicine and only looked at the love of the Tianyuan family. Only.

"Proud, you go down first." Suddenly, a voice came in the living room, only to see a face of fortitude, the whole body did not have the slightest breath, the middle-aged man who looked like an ordinary person did not know when he had already entered the meeting. Inside the living room.

He came quietly, like a ghost, even the strength of the sheep and the rain, they did not notice.

When I saw the middle-aged man, the sheep’s proud attitude immediately became respectful. The middle-aged man was given a ceremonial ceremony, and then he retired with respect and respect.

The middle-aged man’s eyes fell on the rain, and he nodded with admiration. He said: “I have heard of you, I have heard of you, and I have stepped into the gods at a young age. It’s really awesome. In time, it’s not the main god. It’s difficult. Now I have some envy of the sword dust. Just after I founded the Tianyuan family, I have a master with such outstanding qualifications. I can sigh why my sheep family does not have such a stunned family like the rain."

"You must be the head of the sheep family, and the sheep will open the old predecessors." The rain stood up and opened the fists to the sheep, but there was no respect in the demeanor.

"You guessed it well, I am the sheep." The middle-aged man smiled.

"Yang, the old predecessors have sent a number of elders of the gods, and even the family members of the sheep have personally appeared. This is the purpose of recruiting people, the purpose is to invite us to come to the guest, presumably things are not so simple." Rain asked, she thought about it and couldn’t think of what the motives for making such a move were. She didn’t seem to have anything worthy of consideration.

The only piece of fire money that is slightly worthy of money is the wealth of the sheep family. If it is really needed, why not buy it directly at the auction venue?

"It doesn't matter, this invitation invites the rain to come to the guest, just to make a deal with you." The sheep opened down in the opposite side of the rain, giving people a feeling of approachability.

But the rain is still keenly felt that the sheep open looks approachable, but there is still a high-profile posture that cannot be concealed in the bones, especially when looking at his own eyes, it is more like watching an ant.

"Transaction? There is nothing important in the rain. I am very puzzled. I don’t know what the old predecessors valued in the rain." The rain is getting more and more confused.

"Fire is gold!" The sheep cleared the way.

Hearing the words, the face of the rain changed, the subconsciously grabbed the space ring on his finger, and his eyes stared at the sheep with full urgency. He said: "The old man of the sheep, I am afraid I will let you down, this fire and gold master also Very much needed, so without the consent of the owner, the rain does not dare to take the initiative."

Yang Kai seems to have long expected that the rain will say so, the tone calmly said: "This fire is also very important to me, I am bound to get. Just a pity, I know the news of the fire and gold is a step late, Otherwise, it will not be missed."

"Since the old predecessors of the sheep need fire and gold, then we can go to our home to discuss." Xi Yu said.

The sheep shook his head and said: "The fire is bought by your own crystal, and the fire is just right on you. I can talk to you directly. Why do you want to find Jian Chen? The fire of gold does not fall in the hands of the sword dust, then it does not belong to the sword dust."

Said, Yang opened a space ring out, said: "Fire Yanjin you spent 100,000 Shangpin Shenjing bought it, I have 200,000 top grade Shenjing, buy the fire in your hands."

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