Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1846: Wrath of Jian Chen (2)

"Homeowner is the sheep's family". There is no hidden concealment in the rain. The story of the original story is published. She said it is very detailed. Whenever the sheep are mentioned, they are gnashing their teeth and resentful.

"Yang is open!" Jian Chen whispered, his heart rose and rose, and the sky rose, and there was a strong killing intention in his heart.

Originally, the youngest sheep family, Yang Tie San, provoked him four times, and made extraordinary things. Jian Chen was thinking that both the sheep family and the Tianyuan family coexisted in the same country and did not want to go hostile with the sheep family. Therefore, when he was in the inn, he broke an arm of the sheep iron and left his name.

However, he did not think that this is only a few days ago, as the sheep of the ancestors of the sheep, the top of the realm of the late gods, even in spite of the face to make such a despicable thing.

"Sword dust homeowner, the sheep is really too much, the fire gold, but I and the sister of Xiu Yu bought it for the sword dust master, and the result was taken away by the sheep, he was too much, squatting If you are the Lord God, you will bully me and the sister of Xiu Yu is not as good as him."

"Sword dust home, now there is no fire, gold is gone, what should we do, oh," Mo Yan sadly crying, Jiao body in the dust of the sword trembled fiercely, the heart is full of grievances.

In addition, the injury on her body has not healed, and the mood fluctuates too much, which affects the injury in the body. Zhangkou spurts blood and dyes the clothes of the sword dust.

Jian Chen gloomy face from the space ring, took a healing holy medicine obtained from Duanmu God Wangdong House, gently fed into the mouth of the ink, said: "Go, go to the sheep house, I have to look Look, how arrogant this sheep is." Jian Chen's tone is cold, and anyone can feel the sensational killing of the words.

This time, he has already moved to real anger, or that he has murdered.

Soon, Jian Chen took the rain and the ink to come back to the sheep house. Standing outside the door of the sheep house, Jian Chen directly spoke: "Yang, let me out!" Lei, blasting between heaven and earth, turned into a naked sound wave that spread in all directions, almost spread over a small half of the Imperial City.

With the voice, there is a sword qi condensed from the hands of the sword dust, swordsmanship, swords and spirits, direct blasting on the door of the sheep house.


In a deafening roar, the huge house of the sheep family trembled fiercely, and a ray of sound appeared in the trembling, covering the entire mansion.

This house was built by the sheep family. Although the law of the house was not connected with the big battle of the imperial city, it also reached the level of the main **** and completely suffered the attack of the sword dust.

Moreover, this loud noise has also spread to the small half of the imperial city, and the energy fluctuations of the sky are so clear to everyone.

In the imperial city, no longer quiet, countless people will shoot their heads at the sheep's house, and there is more to be discussed.

The generals, in the backyard, pointed to the mysterious eyes of the Xuan soft and gentle cultivation, and suddenly turned to look at the position of the sheep, the brow wrinkled, muttered: "This sword dust, how to hit the sheep home, see This murderous look seems to be very deep."

"Grandpa, what happened?" Xuan soft eyes also revealed a sense of uncertainty, looking at the direction of the sheep.

At this moment, the veil on her face has been taken down, it looks very quiet, knowing the book, and a look of everyone, but the face is beautiful, it is really a fish and geese, and the moon is shy.

"Soft, you don't go out in the house, Grandpa wants to go out." Xuandou said to Xuan softness, the eyes are full of love.

At the same time, all the main **** families in the Imperial City began to pay attention to the sheep family. Although the main gods in these families did not go in person, they all explored their own knowledge and paid close attention.

The guards of the Imperial City naturally discovered that there was a conflict in the Yang family. Some people fought in the Imperial City, violating the rules of the Imperial City.

But no one dared to move, everyone pretended to be patrolling nothing, what to do, and intentionally or unintentionally circumvented the area of ​​the sheep house.

The sheep house was turbulent, and the figure inside was flashing. In the blink of an eye, the house of the house of the sheep had already gathered a large number of people. All the elders were together, plus many people of the realm of the gods. The leader is the sheep of the sheep family. proudly.

All of them are dignified.

"It's you, it turned out to be you, your big list, and dare to go to our sheep's house. Hey, this person has cut off one of my arms, that is, this person killed Lu, and must catch him. I can't let him run." The sheep iron also ran out to see the excitement. He recognized the sword dust at a glance, as if he had stepped on the tail and jumped up, and shook his finger at the sword.

Only now, he was broken by the sword dust and has recovered.

"Shut up!" The sheep proudly screamed coldly, staring at the sheep iron with a stern look, and let the sheep iron hard to give back the words that had not been spoken yet.

Around, many elders in the sky gods stared at the sheep iron with an idiot-like look, one by one, and the head of this sheep iron was really stupid than the pig.

"Who was there at the time, it turned out to be the sword dust of Tianyuan's master. It was a great prestige." A voice full of anger was heard, and I saw the sheep kicking out of the void, stepping out step by step, his face was not very good looking.

Because of this situation, it is somewhat unexpected.

He used the tough means to "buy" the swords and dust that he needed from the hands of the rain. However, in his opinion, Jian Chen topped the door to negotiate with him. He has many kinds of arguments to deal with. However, he did not expect that Jian Chen would be so unrelenting when he came up, attacking the Yangjia Mansion.

You must know that he is open in the late stage of the Lord God. Who will provoke a strong man of the main **** for the sake of a hundred thousand top-grade fires of the value area?

When I heard the owner of Tianyuan, the look of everyone in the sheep family was a surprise. Even the look of the sheep iron was stunned, with a bit of sorrow, some unknown, it was difficult to accept.

The respect of the sword dust of the Tianyuan family is indeed rarely seen. No one can recognize it in the sheep house, even in addition to the sheep. Because the time of Jian Chen's fame is too short, his physical features have not been fully circulated, and they naturally cannot recognize the sword dust from these subtle features.

However, the prestige of the sword of the Tianyuan family, not to mention that there is no one in the Pingtian god, no one knows, even in the surrounding **** country, it is also widely spread, has long been a man of the storm.

"I am more prestige, and there is no sheep to open your prestige, the main god, even disregarding the identity to do such a despicable thing." Jian Chen sneered.

"I am mean? Jian Chen, how do you say this? If you don't give me a satisfactory answer, then today you offended my sheep's family, my sheep meeting to pursue the end." Yang opened his face and said gloomy.

"I still don't want to admit it, I ask you, is my fire and gold, are you taken away?" Jian Chen's tone is fierce and the momentum is compelling.

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