Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1855: The danger of Lingjia (1)

The Book Collection, located at the back of the Pingtian Shenguo Palace, is a golden tower that is made of gold and is golden. This tower has nine floors and is covered by a powerful enchantment that makes Jian Jian feel scared.

There were not many guards placed around the library, and occasionally, only one team patrolled the distance from the distant squad by the gods of the flames.

Because this layer of powerful enchantment that protects the library is laid out by the gods and kings, its strong defense, not to mention the main deity, even a slightly weaker god, fears that it must be shot several times. Only then can you break open.

It is precisely because of this that there is not much need to place guards in places like the Golden Pavilion.

Jian Chen opened the enchantment with the token that the Emperor of Pingtian gave him, and entered the library in unobstructed way.

There are so many exercises and techniques in the library, all the exercises and techniques are preserved in the first to the ninth floor of the library. The first layer of the bookstore is placed on the exercises and techniques. Real grade one product.

At first glance, the items carrying these exercises and techniques are strange, not only recorded on the scroll books, but also many are engraved on the stone tablets, even Jian Chen also saw a huge tortoiseshell, remaining Traces of the long years, there are traces of complex and mysterious patterns on the top, which seem to contain traces of the avenue.

This is also a practice method, but it is not recorded by words, but is displayed in the form of pictures. It can only be understood and cannot be said.

The nine-story tower, the entrance to each floor, was also blocked by a powerful enchantment. Jian Chen opened the way with the arrow that the Emperor of Heaven had given him, and went straight to the sixth floor.

As he goes up, the skills and techniques he sees are becoming more and more scarce. There are more than 10,000 kinds of the first layer, and this sixth layer, the exercises, the combat techniques, and the cultivation sentiments left by the predecessors Wait, but only about a hundred kinds.

Jian Chen did not rush to the seventh floor, stopped at the sixth floor, and carefully read through every kind of exercises, combat skills and cultivation experience placed here, even if he had better cultivation practices, These skills are not needed at all. Even if these skills are useless to him, he will stop to enlighten one or two and absorb the essence of it. He hopes to help him in his future practice.

As the so-called Nabai family is long, it has been short-lived. Although the current Jian Chen has not found anything that is useful to himself from these exercises and combat techniques, his current behavior is equivalent to this. It is.

One day later, Jian Chen had read all the exercises, combat techniques and spiritual sentiments left by the predecessors, and thought about it carefully. Then he chose three of them to copy and prepare. Take it out and stay in the Tianyuan family.

After doing all this, Jian Chen has no reluctance to go to the seventh floor, this layer, placed the skills and techniques, etc., the grades have reached the true level of seven products, and the sixth layer of things, all They are all useful to the Lord God, but the number is less than the sixth layer, only eighty.

This time, Jian Chen stayed on the seventh floor for two days before he set foot on the eighth floor.

There are fewer things placed on the eighth floor. There are only five exercises, four combat techniques, and four spiritual sentiments left by the predecessors.

Although there are few things, but the sword dust eyes are shining, even if the breathing has become a little rush.

Because the cultivation skills and combat skills of these eight-level real eight products are all reached the level of the king.

The eight-practice method can be directly cultivated into the kingdom of God. Eight kinds of combat techniques, usually only the king of God can master, and display it, the main **** wants to master, it is difficult to go to heaven.

Among the four eight-in-one combat techniques, Jian Chen discovered the broken meteor gods that were displayed by the sheep when they opened the battle with the sheep.

This broken meteor **** refers to the last of these four true-level eight-in-one combat techniques, but at the same time it is the easiest to be mastered by the Lord God.

These exercises and combat techniques in the eighth floor of the Book Collection are all outside, which is enough to trigger a storm. Countless people have to fight for the bloodshed, even the fall of the main gods. .

"I don't want to be a king of gods. Even the skills and techniques of the eight-level realism have more than one. These things are invaluable among many gods." Jian Chen made a sincere exclamation, really let him I was surprised.

Next, Jian Chen began to concentrate on watching these combat techniques and exercises, especially the cultivation experience left by those predecessors, but also benefited Jian Chen.

These cultivation experiences are all crystallized by the gods and kings, and they are condensed in the precipitation of endless years, including their sentiments.

Although there is no experience left by the priest of the kendo, but the perception of different gods is equivalent to experiencing the life experienced by different gods, swimming in different avenues, so that the sword dust has a new feeling. As if in my heart, I have opened a new door.

This time, Jian Chen was on the eighth floor for seven days. After seven days, when he put down the last volume of the scroll, his eyes showed a hint of enlightenment.

These days in the Golden Pavilion, although he did not go deep into comprehending these skills, but the benefits, but far more than he mastered a true eight-level combat skills, he read so much The practice of cultivation, witnessing so many real-level combat techniques, made him more understand the truth of the road to Rome.

"I can almost certainly create the skills and skills of the six-level real-life products, but it takes a lot of effort." Jian Chen's eyes are unusually bright, just like two gems flashing in the night, this is him. The harvest of these days in the Golden Pavilion.

Although he has been exposed to a lot of exercises, but those exercises are not limited in level, and the number is also very poor, naturally will not help him much.

However, it is different now. The weights and techniques of the masses in the Tibetan Pavilion are in front of you. Jian Chen read the books and took the essence. By drawing on other people’s ways and verifying their own ways, he has made many more Enlightenment, invisible, has made him a little more sensational about his own way.

Of course, this gain is still attributed to the super strong understanding of Jian Chen. If you have insufficient understanding, even if you provide the best conditions for you, you will not have the slightest gain.

"Sword Spirit has made another small step in the middle of the period. I really look forward to the day when I entered the sword spirit. Once I stepped into the late stage of the sword spirit, I can not only concise the third sacred sword, but my realm will also directly break through the main god. The shackles of the shackles smashed into the kingdom of the gods." The face of the sword dust showed a satisfactory color. This trip to the bookstore was far more rewarding than he expected.

Next, Jian Chen left the eighth floor, opened the enchantment with tokens, and boarded the last layer of the library - the ninth floor!

At the same time, in the territory of the Pingtian Kingdom, Wenjian County, suddenly, for all the warriors gathered in the county of Wenjian, the terrible momentum of power to terror suddenly came, and the entire county was covered in an instant.

I saw the dark clouds rolling in the sky, the magical sky, the scorching sun in the sky lost the glory of the past.

The three figures appear in the forefront of the rolling black clouds, and the body emits a smashing weather. It is like a rushing wind from a distant place. In the eyes of countless people full of shock and horror, it is directly arrogant and overbearing. Into the county of Asking.

With the arrival of these three figures, the high sky above the Jianjian County quickly became dark, and the magical atmosphere formed a huge black cloud over the top, which separated the light and left the world in a piece. dark.

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