Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1858: Rescue Lingjia

Jian Chen took a deep breath and forced him to calm down in the heart of his heart, but when he looked at the memory beads, it was still difficult to conceal the hot colors.

This time he entered the library, the biggest purpose of holding it is to bring out the three martial arts techniques that the Emperor of Heaven has given himself.

Because the Tianyuan family is developing now, these three kinds of exercises and combat techniques equivalent to the level of the Lord God are too big for the Tianyuan family.

Secondly, he tried to read the vast amount of exercises and combat techniques in order to benefit from his own ideas.

But now, he actually found the h memory bead, which specifically recorded the layout method of the transmission array, on the ninth floor of the library. This is definitely an unexpected surprise for him.

Because he can see at a glance, the method of transmitting the array arranged in this memory bead is very clever and the level is very low.

And such a high-level thing is obviously not available on the market.

Although there are various kinds of methods in the market, even in some shops, there are some basics. These are not the basics for the Jianchen layout. The role.

Jian Chen did not hesitate to put the "General Master of Refining" aside, calming down, and devoted all his mind to the "transmission volume".

At the beginning of the Tianyuan Continental, Jian Chen spent many years competing for the transmission array. Although it was far from the layout of the real cross-border transmission array, even a normal transmission could not be arranged.

Because he originally arranged the transmission array on the Tianyuan continent, it is better to say that the coordinates are more appropriate. The only value of those transmission arrays is to light a bright light in the night and guide the way home.

However, after all, the enlightenment of Tianyuan on the mainland for many years has also accumulated a wealth of experience for him and laid a solid foundation.

This is like building a tall building. Now that the foundation has been built, only the rest is built on it.

This "transfer volume", Jian Chen looked so intoxicated, completely forgot the self, this moment, he has been completely intoxicated in the "transmission volume" recorded in the knowledge about the layout of the transmission array. After seeing this "transmission volume", Jian Chen was truly a step into the hall of the transmission array.

In the eyes of Jian Chen, gradually revealing a hint of enlightenment, this "transfer volume" is like opening a door in his mind, and finally let him really touch another comprehension of the world.

The transmission array is complex and mysterious. Although there are many people in the sacred circles who know the transfer matrix, many people can only stay in the early stage and rarely have outstanding achievements.

However, Jian Chen does not say that he has accumulated a certain foundation in the lower bounds, and he is also consciously transcendental. Therefore, if this "transfer volume" falls into the hands of others, it will take decades to understand things, swords. Dust may only take a short time to get through.

When Jian Chen came out of the ninth floor of the library, it was already half a month later.

In the past two months, he has recorded all the contents of the "Transfer Volume" in his mind, and the rest needs him to try and practice.

Even the contents of the "General Master of Refining" are also remembered by him.

Of course, remember to remember, but if you want to completely arrange the transmission map, there are still many problems that need to be solved.

The most important thing is that there is a lack of power to understand the road.

The circuit, the road, is also one of the three thousand avenues, but biased towards the auxiliary type.

Jian Chen left the palace and walked alone on the bustling street, walking straight to the manor where he temporarily lived in the imperial city.

The speed of the sword dust was very fast. It didn't take long for him to return to the quiet manor.

"Sword dust home, you are finally back."

Seeing Jian Chen, the ink-faced fisherman who was fishing at the pool immediately threw the fish in his hand and ran over with excitement, full of joy.

"Sword dust home, you finally came back, you throw me and Xiu Yu sister two people here, we still have to go out of this manor, I am afraid that people who meet the sheep family come to us for trouble." When I came to my side, the excitement on my face flickered, and I felt a bitter face and said with a grievance.

The speed of this face change is really faster than flipping through the book. The moment before, the excitement is inexplicable, and in a twinkling of an eye, I will cry.

"Reassure, in the future in this imperial city, the sheep open is not afraid to come." Jian Chen face smile, comfort the ink.

Xiyu also came out of the room and said with a serious face: "Home, in these days when you went to the palace, there was a big event in the gods of the heavens. The gods and gods came to the three main gods to deal with Lingjia, sleepy. Lived the entire Wenjian County."

"What do you say?" Jian Chen's face changed, his eyes fixed on the rain, said; "What time is this? What is the situation now?"

"It has been half a month. In the past two months, the three main gods of the celestial sacred priests have killed many people in the county of Jianjian. Even Lingjia has lost some masters." The face of the rain has also become somewhat Seriously, he continued: "In these days when the Demon Church is trapped in the Ling family, they will kill a Ling family every day. So far, Lingjia has degraded four elders of the Tenjin, and more than a dozen celebrity masters. If Linghougong does not appear, they will continue to kill until the entire Ling family is destroyed, even the entire Zhijian County."

When I heard that Lingjia lost so many masters of the realm of the gods, the face of Jian Chen instantly became gloomy, and a trace of fierceness flashed in his eyes.

"Since the time has passed for half a month, isn't there a response from the Emperor of the Emperor and the guardian of the National Day? Is there so many gods in the gods of Pingtian, is there no one to go to the rescue?" Jian Chen said quietly.

The rain shook his head and his eyes showed a deep taboo color. He said: "They are the gods of the demon, who dare to offend them? This matter, whether it is the Emperor of Heaven, or the guardian of the country and the peace There is no reaction from other gods in the gods. It seems that they are not prepared to assist Lingjia."

"But this is also expected, because once they intervene, it is equal to the demon of the demon, and with the strength of the demon saint, just send a few people to destroy them."

"Even if it is the strength of the entire Kingdom of God in the Kingdom of Heaven, it is no match for any army of the Demon."

"Is the Emperor not saying that there is no need to avoid jealousy? Since there is no need to avoid jealousy, why does he not rescue Lingjia? Even if he himself cannot be shot for some reason, can the National University of China be able to take the shot?" Whispered, the eyes flashed, showing a sense of uncertainty.

"Still, the real intention of the Emperor of Heaven is actually to make me right against the celestial sacred religion. I want to bring out the people behind me to fight against the celestial sacred religion." Jian Chen’s heart is stunned, and the mind can’t help but think of the fairy tales and the years that have not been seen. Oh heaven.

The moon fairy, Jian Chen can not tell whether it is still a relationship between her and the transaction, or has gradually moved to friends.

However, the power of the fairy is undoubted, and it has been determined that it was once a strong starter.

As for Haotian, Jian Chen only has some friendship with him, and it is not so deep. Even before the appearance of Duanmu God Wangdong, he did not know this person.

"Others don't know the relationship between me and Haotian. Others just see that God, who is protected by the king of the kings, has saved himself. Perhaps it is this association that has caused others to associate, and mistakenly believes that between me and Haotian. How close is the relationship, or what is the huge background behind me?"

"Then the Emperor of Heaven has told me that there is no need to avoid jealousy. It is true that there is no need to avoid jealousy. Or, as I guess, he deliberately tempted me to succumb to the sacred sacred priests. Use their power to deal with the Holy Spirit?"

For a time, the sword dust was somewhat overwhelmed by the intention of the Emperor.

But immediately, Jian Chen’s eyes showed a firm color: "No matter what the purpose of the Emperor of Heaven, but the Demon of the Devil wants to destroy Lingjia, I must stop this matter."

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