Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1864: Shen Jian returned

"In these days, you should be more careful. In addition, it is best for the people in the family not to leave Dong'an County. The Tianyuan family now is the autumn of all things. I am afraid that there are some forces that have spotted us. Now we have no energy to deal with them. Deliberately created some trouble for us." Jian Chen said coldly, his eyes are like sharp swords, very sharp.

The people who collected the materials from the Tianyuan family were attacked, and this incident has aroused the killing in his heart.

Because at this moment, the material of the distribution array is of great importance to the Tianyuan family, which will directly affect the life and death of the Tianyuan family.

Shangguan Screen, Houston, Sheng Yu and other people are very dignified. After knowing the power of the Zen Demon, all of them also realized how strong the crisis facing the Tianyuan family.

Suddenly, Jian Chen’s look changed, revealing a touch of joy, saying: “A friend comes back, walks, everyone goes with me to meet.”

Immediately, Jian Chen walked out of the backyard with the people of Tianyuan, and went straight to the gate of the Tianyuan family.

At the moment, outside the gate of the Tianyuan family, a middle-aged man is standing.

From the appearance, he is only in his forties, black shawl, straight to the waist, looks unremarkable, very ordinary, belongs to the type thrown in the crowd, is an unremarkable type, wearing a body Attacking the plain black body, carrying a quaint black iron sword on his back.

"The Holy Spirit!"

"It is the Holy Spirit King who is back!"

When Xiong Zhong and several other abandoners saw the middle-aged man, he was overjoyed and excited.

This middle-aged man is Shen Jian who has been away for decades.

"Shen Jian, the time you came back, it is not the time to pick it up." Jian Chen looked at Shen Jian with a smile on his face. He couldn't tell a happy smile or a bitter smile.

However, he has already seen that Shen Jian’s strength is already in the realm of the Lord God.

Shen Jian's eyes and sword dust are in sight. In his plain eyes, there is a sharpness between the faint, just like a sharp sword.

"I didn't intend to come back so soon, but you killed the three gods of the celestial sacred religion, so I had to come back in advance." Shen Jian's expression on his face did not change at all, his tone calmly said. Then he looked slightly from the four men of Xiong Zhong and nodded slightly.

Jian Chen laughed and said: "Well, since you are willing to jump into this fire pit, let us be together in this fire?"


Struggling in the middle, let's go, let's go in and say. ”

Tianyuan family, a secret room, Jian Chen and Shen Jian are sitting opposite each other, only the two of them exist in the entire secret room.

"The Demon of the Devil is great. You killed the three main gods. Most of them will not give up. How do you plan to deal with it?" Shen Jian said straight to the door.

"It’s not just the soldiers who will block the water. The water will cover the soil. It can’t stop it. Only the retreat will transfer all the people in the family through the transmission array.” Jian Chen said that for Shen Jian, he did not conceal and set his own The plan informed him. At the same time, everything that was heard in the Emperor of Pingtian was also told Shen Jian without a word.

Shen Jian Shen Shen said: "The key to the problem now is whether the words of Emperor Pingtian can be unreliable. If it is as true as the Emperor of Heaven, once the Demon Church invades the Kingdom of Heaven, it will trigger the people of the dynasty, then we will fall. Don't worry too much."

"No matter what the Emperor's words are, it is not reliable, but we can't say that we hope to be pinned on others." Jian Chen spoke, staring at Shen Jian with both eyes, and said with a serious face: "I have already arranged the transmission array in the Tianyuan family." However, I still need to arrange the transmission array on the other end, so that I can transfer to the safe place I chose."

"I was still worried that after I left, someone would start with the Tianyuan family. Now that the family has you in the town, I am completely relieved."

Shen Jian nodded and said: "You go with peace of mind, the safety here will be handed over to me."

"But it takes energy to start the transmission array. There are so many people in the family. If you want to transfer all of them, you need a lot of crystals." Jian Chen said, immediately took out the space ring from the three gods of the gods. After reviewing it, I found that the top grade in this space ring has a total of nearly twenty squares.

In addition, there are some pieces of Chinese products.

"These gods are kept, if the people of the sacred sacred are committed, they use these crystals to support the operation of the transmission array." Jian Chen took half of the crystals and gave them to Shen Jian, and then left the secret room.

Next, Jian Chen found the Shangguan dynasty and other people, leaving all the remaining Shenjing of the body to them, and then one person quietly left the Tianyuan family to find the way to retreat.

"The Pingtian Kingdom is connected with the Qingyang Kingdom, and it passes through the Qingyang Kingdom. It is the Great God Kingdom. After crossing the Great God Kingdom, it passes through a hundred thousand mountains, which is the territory of the Heavenly Empire." Flying at full speed above the clouds, my mind is thinking about the retreat.

"With the power of the sacred sacred religion, whether our Tianyuan family retreats to Qingyang Shenguo or Datian Shenguo, there is no use at all. It seems that only the Tianyue Dynasty can make the celestial sacred sect. The goal - Tianyue Dynasty!" After making up his mind, Jian Chen immediately cast a word of lightning, body lightning, full speed.

Soon after, Jian Chen came out of the territory of the Pingtian Kingdom, came to the Qingyang Kingdom, chose a barren hill with rare human footprints, and laid a transfer array for transit in a secret cave, and then proceeded.

"Mu's ancestors, my thing, I will come soon." Jian Chen looked at the direction of the devil's house, and the killing in his eyes flashed away, and immediately turned into a sword light, rushed to the Great Gods .

Under the full speed of Jian Chen, he crossed the Qingyang Shenguo at the fastest speed, passed through the foothills of the Seven Yinshan Mountains, entered the Great Heaven Kingdom, and once again found a secret place to send the transmission array, then all the way I kept rushing to the Tianyue Dynasty.

On the way, it was also a near twist, suffered several attacks by the beasts, and several times directly rushed into the array of roads and robbers under the bandits. Some of the power of banditry has reached the end of the gods.

However, with the strength of Jian Chen today, these twists and turns are nothing, and the solution will be resolved. But if you want to come to the heavens, you are afraid that you will die for a lifetime.

Finally, ten days after Jian Chen left the Tianyuan family, he entered the territory of the Tianyue Dynasty, and did not enter any city. He still arranged the last transmission array in the barren hills with rare people.

At the moment when the last transmission array was in good condition, Jian Chen was finally relieved. At this point, the Tianyuan family’s retreat was finally paved.

"The distance between the dynasty and the gods of the Heavenly Kingdom is indeed very far away. At my speed, it has taken so long to hurry. If the gods cross such a distance, it will take a long time. Now, it is time to go to the devil's house. A glimpse." Jian Chen in the heart of the dark road, then stood in the center of the transmission array, started the transmission array, disappeared under a strong white mangling.

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