Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1887: First main **** family

After leaving the source flower, Jian Chen left and entered the backyard forbidden land.

In the rain, she holds Juyuan flowers. Although she knows the value of Juyuan flowers, even many of the gods and kings have never owned them. However, her mind at the moment is completely no longer gathering flowers, and a pair of beautiful eyes are gazing at some gods. The back of Jian Chen, until the shadow of Jian Chen completely disappeared into her sight.

At this moment, the effect of Juyuan Flower has already been revealed. The power of the rich source in the Tianyuan family seems to be attracted by some mysterious power at this moment. It has come together from all directions, and it has been gathered in the rain. Around the source of flowers in the hands, the power of the source around the flower has been atomized, very majestic.

In the backyard forbidden of the Tianyuan family, almost all of the people who followed the Jianchen from Tianyuan Continent concentrated in this place to practice.

For this forbidden land, Jian Chen has also spent a lot of thoughts and resources to arrange, so that the power of this source in the forbidden land has become the most of the Tianyuan family. I saw that the entire forbidden area was covered with a faint white mist.

These white fogs are naturally not ordinary fog, but the power of the source reaches a certain degree.

In the forbidden area, Jian Chen made a pot of tea by himself, sitting alone at a stone table and savoring it, seemingly leisurely, but in his look, he could not see the slightest look.

The brows are sometimes wrinkled, sometimes soothing, revealing contemplation, and from time to time there is also a sense of worry coming out, a look of heavy affair.

"Now, the Tianyuan family has already established a firm foothold in Pingtian, and the family has developed to the present. It is not easy. The three major sects of the sacred sacred sects are arguing and hoping to survive." Jian Chen whispers to himself, the sacred sacred religion The three major regiments marched to the Pingtian Kingdom, which caused a lot of pressure on his mind.

Because he is not alone, there is a weak family behind him, with a large population, and it is not easy to lay down the foundation of Dong'an County. It is best to not give up nature.

At this moment, a golden light flashed away, and Nubis, wearing a golden robe, suddenly appeared in front of Jian Chen, and was not polite with Jian Chen. He sat down in front of Jian Chen. I picked up the tea from Jian Chen and poured a cup of it. I said, "Sword dust brother, you can become a busy person now. There are not many days to see you in the family. These decades. In time, my great Nubis has never seen you several times."

Jian Chen smiled helplessly and said: "We are all people who are in the realm of the realm. If it is a closed-door cultivation, the blink of an eye is a hundred years, and the millennium is just between the fingers.


What has been counted in this area for decades, in the future, thousands of years, tens of thousands of years are not common. ”

"It seems that there is a little bit of truth." Nubis agreed with a nod. He looked at Jian Chen and continued: "But today you alone called my great Nubis, it is certainly not as simple as the old one. Because it is another matter."

"Yes, I will call you alone today. There is something for you." Jian Chen said, directly throwing a space ring to Nobis.

Nobis didn't care too much. In his opinion, most of the things that Jian Chen gave him were Shen Jing or Tian Tian Di Bao.

However, when he saw the contents of the space ring, he was shocked. The shocked whole person jumped up and his face was amazed.

"My mother, this is how this is this thing, Jian Chen, this thing, where did you get it?" Nubis squinted with a pair of eyes, staring at Jian Chen with extreme shock, full of faces An incredible look.

"It turned out to be so strong. I have such a terrible breath when I die. I must have spent my eyes and admit my mistake." Nubis murmured, his voice twitching with a bit of sorrow, and he rubbed his eyes hard. I can't wait to put my entire head in the space ring to see clearly.

In the end, after many confirmations, he had to admit that everything he saw was true, not illusory.

The thing in this space ring is the gold silk silver snake of the seven yin yin mountains, and the strength has already reached the late stage of the god.

"If I remember correctly, this thing should be of great use to you," said Jian Chen.

Nobius nodded and said with excitement: "It’s a big use. It’s a big fortune for me. If I absorb the essence of my life, my blood will become more Powerful, more horrible, my strength will also change dramatically. Jian Chen, this corpse, where did you get it from, the strength in front of it is at least the main god."

Jian Chen shook his head and said: "The strength in front of it has reached the late stage of the gods, but was killed by a super-powerful and powerful tycoon. I handed the body back."

"What! The late king of God!" Nubis was stunned and shocked.

The king of gods is like a legendary figure to him.

The face of Jian Chen suddenly became serious. He said: "The background of this golden silk snake is very simple. In order to avoid night dreams, you should absorb the good life that is good for you as soon as possible, and then completely destroy the dead. We must not leave traces of a little bit, otherwise we will have big troubles."

Looking at the seriousness of Jian Chen, Nubis also knows the seriousness of the matter. "Reassure, my great Nobis will never let you down. If it is not too late, I will go to retreat now."

Nubis hurried away with excitement.

Looking at his back, Jian Chen’s heart is also full of expectation. I don’t know that this strength reaches the late stage of the king’s gold silk silver snake. After the body’s life is absorbed by Nubis, his strength will be What level will be reached.

However, one thing he can be sure of is that after the opening of Nobis, his strength will surely change dramatically, and there will be a huge improvement.

At this moment, Jian Chen looked awkwardly, looking at the direction of the closing of the official curtain, and immediately launched all the methods in the forbidden land to isolate the entire forbidden area from the outside world.

When Jian Chen just did this, there was a very strong atmosphere that broke out from the place where the Shangguan curtain closed.

This momentum is strong, it should have sensationalized the entire county town. However, because the forbidden land was isolated by the sword dust, this breath did not spread out halfway.

All the people who were retreating in the forbidden land were all alarmed. They walked out of the closed room and stared at the direction of the retreat of Shangguan, and they were envious and joyful.

Shangguan Screen, finally broke through at this moment, broke the shackles of the gods and stepped into the realm of the Lord God!

"Great, the curtain has become the main god, plus Shen Jian, now the Tianyuan family has three main gods." Jian Chen whispered to himself, very excited.

Among the several kingdoms in the surrounding world, even the most powerful main god-level family, only two main gods are in town.

However, today's Tianyuan family was established, but in just a few decades, it has already had three main god-level powerhouses. In addition to the sword dust that is enough to be respected in the Lord God, today's Tianyuan family has unwittingly become the most powerful main god-class family among several nearby gods.

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