Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1889: Re-enter the palace

"First let Keya calm down alone. She is different from us. We are completely voluntarily coming to the sacred world, and Keya is brought up by you in an unconscious state. It is completely strange to this piece. In the world, she is naturally difficult to adapt, even unacceptable. But all of this will change over time, I think it will take only a few months, and Kea will fully adapt to the environment of the Holy World. Said Shangguan, the child.

Although she did not have a deep friendship with Kay, everyone is from the same world. In the vast and vast world of the sacred world, every person from the Tianyuan continent will Let all of them feel more cordial.

"I don't know, I will bring Kayya to the Holy Land. It is right or wrong. But if I don't, I can't make Kaiya wake up." Jian Chen looked at the disappearance of Kea. Said, the mood is a bit complicated.

But soon he calmed down and said to the Shangguan dynasty: "The celestial sacred religion is committed to the kingdom of the heavens, and the Emperor of Heaven also called me to go to the imperial city to discuss the important things, the curtain, I have to go to the emperor immediately. city."

"I need to go with you, now I can help a little." Shangguan screen looked at Jian Chen. In these years, the development of the Tianyuan family depends entirely on the sword?


?? One person is holding on the outside, they have almost no strength, and now she has become the main god, and hope to help the sword dust share some pressure.

Jian Chen shook his head and said: "At this moment, the true strength of our Tianyuan family should not be exposed. The key moments may be able to play a miraculous effect. I can go alone in the Imperial City. You stay in the family to sit in the town. just in case."

Speaking of this, Jian Chen’s hand flipped over and took out the best sacred armor given to him by the moon fairy from the space ring. He said: “The curtain is a superb sacred weapon, very powerful. The protective ability, the war is imminent, you immediately refine this armor."

"This armor will be used in your body to play its biggest effect, you still stay, now you are the pillar of the Tianyuan family." Shangguan curtain said softly, pushing the armor to the front of the sword dust .

Jian Chen smiled lightly, forcibly slammed the battle arm into the hands of Shangguan, and said; "Don't worry about me, my chaotic body is about to break through. This armor is not very useful for me. Curtain, Obedient, after I left, I will refine this armor. Do you know that? With the protection of this armor, I can rest assured that I can have no worries, and concentrate on the enemy in the next battle. ”

Subsequently, Jian Chen left Dong'an County and rushed to the Imperial City of Pingtian Shenguo.

In the county town of Dong'an, Kay wearing a water-blue dress, walking alone in the county town, looking at the wide street in the county town, watching the two sides A dazzling array of shops and stall vendors, echoing the sound of screaming and talking, and her eyes gradually revealed the confusion.

Occasionally, she will look up from time to time to look at the sky, watching the piece of dark blue, and there is no other color of the sky, her eyes are like seeing the sky above the head, looking at the depths of the sky At the office.

The hustle and noisy voices in the county town, as well as the people who walked through the streets and lanes, made her feel very strange.

But when she looked up at the sky, she explained to her the strangely strange sky, but on the contrary, she gave her a familiar feeling.

This familiarity is transmitted from the deepest bottom of my heart, which makes her feel confused and puzzled. I don't know why I feel this way.

Suddenly, Kea stood on the street where people came and went. Suddenly, the sky was slowly reaching out to the top of the head, and the white jade hand of the sheep fat jade was gently held. Pull down underneath.

This kind of action is entirely her subconscious, because she has a feeling in her heart, as if this piece of emptiness is very fragile, and it can be torn under the hand, and it can be shattered by raising the hand.

The result is obvious. Not only did she not tear this day, but even a little bit of space fluctuations did not appear. Instead, the action she made at the moment seemed so weird, causing countless people on the street to watch. It’s all about eccentric eyes.

For the scene around, Kea seems to have no idea, she looked at her palm, the confusion in her eyes was stronger.

At this moment in her heart, there is a growing thought that is more and more intense, that is, she seems to have really forgotten something, and she lost something. She can only let her rack her brains and work hard to remember. stand up.

What's more, she will remember from the birth of her own, until now, all the memories she has experienced, and find that her memory is not missing, except for the hundred years of coma, the rest of the time, Can be clearly remembered by her.

Kea jumped and jumped on the roof of a shop next to her, and she sat down on her knees, tilted her head and stared at the sky.

This shop belongs to the industry of Tianyuan family. Kaiya directly stands on the roof of the shop, and naturally it will be considered by many people to be disrespectful to the Tianyuan family.

In the shop, immediately a white-bearded old man floated up, but did not dare to exceed the height of the shop. He stared angrily at Kay, who was sitting on the roof with his legs, and yelled: "Hello. Big courage"


However, the old man’s words have not been finished, and a very majestic old voice is introduced into his ears.

I saw in the other side of the sky, suspended a crane hairy face, the old man of the fairy wind bones, the body robe fluttering, temperament dust, like a fairy.

This old man is one of the elders of the Tianyuan family - Andorf.

Jian Chen did not trust that Kea was in the county town, so after sending the identity token, he also let Andorf secretly protect.

Because Kay's current strength is too weak, and even the source realm has not touched, only the realm of the Holy Emperor.

This kind of strength walking in the county town is naturally very dangerous.

The old man who came out of the shop had the strength of the peak of the source. After seeing Andorf, he suddenly became respectful and never dared to say a word again. Where did he come back?

In this scene, Kayya seems to have no idea, still looking up at the sky, watching the ecstasy, seems to be in her eyes, in addition to this strange and brought her a familiar sky, then again Nothing else

Jian Chen has come to the imperial city of the Pingtian Kingdom. Under the leadership of two palace ladies, he directly entered the main hall of the palace.

When Jian Chen entered the main hall, he found that he had already sat in a dozen or so places, all sitting cross-legged in the chair and closing his eyes.

When the sword dust appeared, these people opened their eyes and all of them were condensed on him. Many people smiled and nodded with swords in good faith.

These people are no strangers, and Jian Chen has seen them one by one. They are the masters of the main gods in the Kingdom of Heaven.

At this moment, in this main hall, in addition to Ling Hougong of Wenjian County, many of the known main gods in Pingtian are coming together.

"Sword dust is really a big shelf, so many of us are waiting for you here for three days." At this moment, the sheep sitting cross-legged in the chair squinted at the sword dust, said indifferent.

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