Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1891: Holy Guardian Church

"Especially Jian Chen, Yaxilian prefers talents, very talented geniuses. If your story is known to Yaxilian, she will definitely pay special attention to you. Therefore, you must be careful." Emperor Pingtian solemnly warned Jian Chen.

"Xie Yan reminded me, I will be careful to guard against it." Jian Chen sorry, his face is very solemn.

He does not think that the Emperor of Heaven is in the mouth of the mouth, if it is really targeted by the head of the Seventh Army, it is definitely a big trouble for him.

Because the king of the gods is strong, there are only two in the gods of the heavens. The three major sects of the celestial sacred sects are the late kings of the gods. In addition to the sacred swords of the gods in the Pingtian gods, the country is not the slightest. Teacher, Jian Chen can completely feel the blur.

Although the National Guardian is also a **** king, it is not the opponent of any head of the three major sects of the celestial sacred religion.

Emperor Pingtian continued: "The nine corps of the Demon sacred sect, each army is fixed by 100,000. However, any of the nine corps has the ability to easily settle the tens of millions of troops in my flat **** country. ”

With 100,000 people in the district, it is easy to kill tens of millions of troops. This is absolutely shocking.

When I heard this, many of the main gods in the room became extremely dignified. Although they already knew the power of the nine corps of the celestial sacred religion, it was still difficult for them to remain calm every time they heard people talk.

"Your Majesty, the three major sects of the Demon sacred religions attacked our godland, we can't keep it." A voice of the Lord God said sadly.

Some of these people have already retired. When the meeting is over, they will move away with their family secrets, give up their foundations and withdraw from the Pingtian Kingdom.

The Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor calmly said: "The Devil's Religion gathers three major legions to commit crimes. This is indeed a difficult battle for our Pingshen Kingdom, but it is only a difficult war, but it is not a ruin. The war, the demon sacred religion, can not destroy our flat **** country, because those ancient dynasties, have sent reinforcements, and are now on the way. Even the hegemony of the southern domain, the blood Yang Dynasty, is now constantly concerned about the situation here. It is already their bottom line that the Demon Church has destroyed the San Ding God Kingdom. They are unlikely to let the Demon Church continue to be so unscrupulous."

"What, those dynasties have sent reinforcements?"

"The Blood Yang Dynasty is also concerned about this place? Your Majesty, is this true? Will the Blood Yang Dynasty send reinforcements to help us?"

"I didn't expect the Blood Yang Dynasty to be so reassured about this matter. If the Blood Yang Dynasty intervenes, the threat of the Holy Spirit can be eliminated in an instant."

"If the blood yang dynasty has reinforcements, then we can counterattack the headquarters of the sacred sacred religion?


?? The roots of the Holy Spirit are removed. ”

Many of the main deities of the gods have revealed the color of surprises. The words of the Emperor of Heaven are undoubtedly a great gospel for them, so that they can see a glimmer of light in the darkness.

Especially the blood Yang dynasty, but also to make them excited, this is the overlord of Yunzhou's southern domain, the strength of the strong, simply not comparable to those ancient dynasties.

In front of the Blood Yang Dynasty, such ancient dynasties as the Tianyue Dynasty, they must bow down to the court.

The Tianyue Dynasty was only an ancient dynasty. There were six such dynasties throughout the southern region, and the Blood Yang Dynasty was known as the immortal dynasty, the only immortal dynasty in the southern region.

Among these people, only the face of Jian Chen did not change slightly. It is still the dignity of the face, and the brow is locked.

He knows that even if some of the dynasties came to help, at most, they only came to help defend the Pingtian **** country. As for counterattacking the celestial sacred religion, even the roots of the sacred sacred religion, it is simply impossible.

Not to mention the immortal dynasty of the Southern Region, even if there is a tens of thousands of years in the middle domain, the Tianshi dynasty, known as the eternal eternal, does not have this power.

Because at the beginning he learned some secret information from the mouth of the gods and kings who were next to Haotian. The content of this top secret message was afraid that even many gods had never heard of it.

The sacred sacred religion itself is not terrible. In Yunzhou, there are many forces that can make the celestial sacred religions annihilate. However, the elders behind the gods and saints are the ones who are standing at the top of Yunzhou.

At this time, Jian Chen stood up and said, "Your Majesty, the three major regiments that attacked our godland, are there no other gods and kings besides the heads of the three major regiments?"

Jian Chen’s heart is indeed very doubtful. The heads of the three major corps of the Demon sacred are all in the late period of the gods. It is reasonable to say that there are still some deities in the early days of the king and the middle of the gods.

In the army of many places, the marshals still have left and right hands, and there is also a deputy commander in the command. Is there a deputy head of the nine regiments with such powerful strength?

"The nine demon corps of the demon sacred religion, indeed, there is only one **** in each legion, and all of them are the late kings." The Emperor of the Heavens revealed the color of contemplation, and said: "According to my teachings on the demon Understand that in addition to these nine major regiments, the forces of the celestial sacred religion also have a Guardian Hall. Once the Lord’s lord breaks into the realm of the King of the Nine Legion, they will immediately leave the corps and enter the Guardian Church to serve as a law-protection officer. A law-enforcement is also a candidate for the head of the Nine Legion."

"Once a group leader is killed, the new head will be selected from these laws."

"Your Majesty, I don't know how many people are guarding the law in this law-protection hall?" asked the hail opening of the Han Xueyan family.

Now, he seems to be as old as it used to be, with a faint red glow on his face.

In these years, the strength of the hail has obviously not improved, and now he has reached the middle of the Lord God.

This time, Emperor Pingtian fell into a long silence. After a long ringing, he gave a sigh and said: "This problem, I am afraid that even the strongest of the dynasties can't answer you. But don't care about this. The problem is that we only need to understand that the Heavenly and Holy Spirit can't break our Heavenly Kingdom. It is only necessary for the Emperor to go all out during the war. Let those who come from the major dynasties look at us."

"I have said everything, you should go down and arrange, and be prepared for the war." Pingtian Emperor waved his hand and ended the meeting.

After the meeting, including Jian Chen, everyone’s mind echoed the thoughts of the Demon Church, and his face changed.

Looking at the goddess of the Emperor, it is obvious that he knows the news of the one-and-a-half-points to the law-protection hall. Otherwise, it will not sink for so long.

"It seems that there is a lot of protection in the guardian temple of the demon sage." Many of the main gods have come to this conclusion, and their faces have become very dignified.

"The law of protection has been set up as a church. How many gods and kings in the magical sacred religion? How much is it?" Jian Chen also guessed in his heart and was shocked.

From the beginning to the end, no one has ever mentioned the three main gods of the sword dust to kill the demon gods. Even the sheep that hate the sword dust is not mentioned.

Because all of them are aware of the fact that the three major corps of the Demon sacred priests attacked the Pingshen Kingdom. In fact, they have nothing to do with the three main gods, and they do not say that the three main gods in the district are not worthy of the sacred religion. The three major legions were dispatched. And they also got the latest information. This time, the 7th, 8th, and 9th Legions of the Demon Church were dispatched, and the other six legions were all dispatched.

A total of nine legions, divided into three roads, attacked the South, North and West.

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