Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1902: National teacher

"Xiao Yan!"

"Xiao Yan!"

Two screams full of worries came, and only the two remaining elders of the Wiener family flew from the family at the fastest speed.

They witnessed the scene in which Wei Nayan was defeated by Jian Chen, and he was very worried. He couldn’t take care of the danger here. He came directly to Wiener from the family’s wind power engine.

"Xiao Yan, you are fine."

"Xiaoyan, we must be calm, don't be impulsive. From now on, we should not be enemies with the Tianyuan family. Dong'an County, we don't want it."

The two gods of the Wiener family said with concern, only when they said the latter sentence, they both seemed to have lost all their fighting spirit at this moment, and the whole person seemed to have become a lot old.

In these years, Wiener has been retreating in the past, regardless of the outside world, but they both know everything about what happened outside. Tianyuan’s master Jian Chen first fought against the sheep’s main sheep and finally defeated. Known as the first strong under the **** of the gods of Pingtian, the sheep opened.

Then the three main sacred gods of the celestial sacred priests came to ask the Lingjia of Jianjun County, and sealed the whole county town. In the face of such a situation, all the main gods in Pingtian’s country did not dare to sing, even the royal family. Also chose silence.

However, the swordsman of Tianyuan’s family stood up without hesitation. He was alone and killed in the county of Jianjian. He shocked the three great gods of the gods and saints with the mighty strength of the heavenly people.

This is the Lord who is not afraid of the demon religion. The powerful strength and decisiveness of Jian Chen is the killing of the gods.

They have no doubt that if the Wiener family continues to choose to be an enemy of the Tianyuan family, then they are afraid that they will go to the end.

Of course, they are most concerned about the safety of Wiener. Today's Wiener family, although it is also the main god-level strength, but if there is no support for Wiener, the Wiener family is nothing at all, even the top family is not counted.

"No, I am not willing, I am not willing." Wei Nayan has a low tone. His strength has once again broken through. He will enter the middle of the Lord God at such a young age, not to mention being in the South. Even if he looks at the whole of Yunzhou, he can be regarded as a qualification. .

He deserved to be full of enthusiasm and enjoy the honor, but suffered such a defeat, which caused him a strong blow.

Shen Jian, a black man, flew to the front of Jian Chen with his black iron sword. His eyes were lightly touched and he was hit hard. He was half-squatting on the ground, and he frowned and said: "These people can't kill, kill. They will have big troubles."

Jian Chen nodded slightly. He also understood this truth. Therefore, when fighting with several guards of the Lingling sect, they only devastated them and did not kill any of them.

The earthly sect is different from the celestial sacred religion.

The demon sacred religion is a demon religion. Although the strength is far stronger than that of the spiritual sect, the celestial sacred religion has no good reputation in Yunzhou. It belongs to a sect that has been resisted by all the major forces in Yunzhou. Excessive actions, or making some cross-border things, these big forces will not stand by and will certainly stop.

The Lingling sect is biased towards the decent name. If he kills the law of the spiritual sect, even if these laws provoke him to be in the first place, the celestial sect has a very legitimate reason to deal with the Tianyuan family, even the Emperor Can't stop it.

"Dong'an County, because of their reasons, ruined half, and the remaining half is also ruined and unrecognizable. Even if they are the spirit of the law, they have to pay for all that they have done." Said the expression, I saw at his wrist, a golden silk thread appeared quietly.

This golden silk thread is on the Tianyuan continent to destroy the heavens and the earth and break into two pieces of the ancient **** silk.

The ancient **** silk is a very precious treasure of heaven and earth, even in the holy and fairy world, it is the top material. But no matter what, this ancient **** silk has been broken, with the strength of the sword dust today, it is far from being able to pick up, let alone use it to refine the device.

Therefore, this ancient silk is placed on him, and it is almost useless.

Suddenly, the silk of the ancient gods wrapped around the wrist of Jian Chen was infinitely stretched, one of which was still wrapped around the wrist of Jian Chen, and the other end seemed to be a kind of snake that seemed to fly toward the Lingling. The law of protection is entangled.

The few bodies that were seriously injured were unresisting, and the whole body was trapped by the silk of the ancient gods and **** by the five flowers. In particular, the palace fan woman who was nailed to the wall by the scared rainbow sword was dragged directly in the savage manner after being entangled in the silk of the ancient gods. The body passed through the hilt, causing a chest to appear. The size of the fist is the hole.

"You dare to do this to protect the law, this law will never forgive you." The palace fan screams, extremely angry.

The only corpse guardian who did not participate in the war saw the situation is not good, immediately pulled out a transmission array and wanted to escape.

Perceived his intentions, Jian Jin’s eyes flashed in the eye, and the stunned rainbow sword inserted on the wall immediately flew out, stabbed on the transmission array at lightning speed, and destroyed the transmission array on the spot. In the next moment, the silk of the ancient gods spread, and the same law was tied to Wuhua.

The seven guards of the Lingling sect, all of them have been tied together at the moment.

"Sword dust, let go of my brother and sister." Wiener Yan witnessed this scene, his face became iron blue, gnashing his teeth.

For the roar of Wiener, the sword dust is deaf.

However, at this moment, Jian Chen looked a move and suddenly looked up to the sky.

I saw it in the sky, where the space was slightly fluctuating, and immediately, the king of the country of the Heavenly Kingdom was quietly there.

"Sword dust, let them go." The National Defense Division of the National Defense Society converges on its own breath, and speaks to Jian Chen in an approachable tone, with a few complex colors in his eyes.

"Let them?" Wen Yan, Jian Chen looked Shen Shen, said: "National division, you look at what the county town is now, and the seven of them are swearing that they are the spirits of the law, they come to Dong'an County. Deliberately, a good county town has now been ruined, and the injured people are countless. They still say that they want to destroy my Tianyuan family. Could it be that my Tianyuan family is so bullied?"

The guardian of the country sighed and said: "Sword dust, presumably you also understand that the seven of them can not be killed directly like the three gods of the gods, and now we are facing the threat of the celestial gods. At this critical juncture, we need everything to focus on the overall situation, and we must not lose weight in this moment. It is the primary goal of all of us to fight against the sacred sacred religion. The seven spiritual guardians of the celestial spirits come to our heavenly kingdom. It is to help us fight against the Holy Spirit."

The National Guardian of the State of the People’s Republic of China threw a space ring to Jian Chen. “There are some Shenjing in it, and there are many healing remedies. It’s a compensation for Dong’an County’s loss. Jian Chen, you should sell an old face. Let them go."

"I was lying in bed last night, my head was very uncomfortable, I felt a kind of cerebral congestion, my head was heavy and swollen, and I couldn't sleep. As a result, I was lying for a night, and I didn't sleep all night. At six or seven o'clock, I got up from the bed and wrote a chapter update. I didn't have the spirit to write the second chapter. So today I have a chapter. I need to adjust the state, and I will resume tomorrow. I put yesterday. That chapter is added, please understand. 》

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