Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1942: Shenyin Daozong

The two middle-aged women stared at the Shangguan dynasty through the distant void, and their eyes were unpredictable. One of the women said, "This day, the demon melody is the treasure of the three ancestors." It is also the identity symbol of the three ancestors. Now the piano appears on the woman, and the woman also has a good accomplishment in the way of the temperament. Is she the reincarnation of the three ancestors?" When talking about the reincarnation of the three ancestors, this one The woman’s look is full of excitement and excitement, full of expectations.

Another middle-aged woman’s eyes were locked on Shangguan’s curtain. She seriously looked at it and said in a very positive tone: “No, she is not a reincarnation of three groups. It’s just a chance to get the three ancestors to the treasure. If she is really the reincarnation of the three ancestors, the instrumental spirit of the demon melody has long since awakened, and has already recognized the Lord."

"Oh, it is true that the three ancestors were reincarnation. Although she can use the celestial melody, the power of the celestial melody is not even played out, and she and the celestial melody are only A glimpse of contact, has not yet recognized the Lord."

"However, I can get the three ancestors' celestial melody, which is also her chance. It is also a kind of recognition of her by the celestial melody. This person should be included in our sect."

During the talk, the two middle-aged women have already flew toward the border fortress of the Pingtian Kingdom. Their speed is very fast. Only when the figure flashes, they have already crossed a very long distance and quietly appeared in Shangguan. In front of.

The two middle-aged women stood out from the air, and they converge on all the breath. They look like ordinary people. God and perception can't detect their existence.

Their eyes are condensed on the Shangguan dynasty, but they are indifferent to the chaotic battlefield around them.

Shangguan Muer and Sheng Yu and others saw the two middle-aged women who suddenly appeared. The look of everyone was suddenly changed. Sheng Yu, Rui Jin and others immediately stood in front of Shangguan, and they were filled with looks. Be alert.

They did not do anything, and they were aware of the power of these two middle-aged women.

"The two predecessors, I don't know what to do?" Shangguan curtain opened, although he was talking, but the piano music played did not stop.

"Child, you know the piano in your hand, what is the origin?" A middle-aged woman said, looking at the eyes of the upper official, full of gentleness.

Although she was the first to see the Shangguan dynasty, she was kind to the Shangguan dynasty because of the guqin held in the hands of Shangguan.

It is said that the Shangguan singer’s eyes are condensed. She has long known that the celestial melody is not as simple as it seems, and it is a great source. And listening to this woman's words, seems to know the demon sounds the piano?

"The younger generation does not know, if the seniors are willing, please let me know one or two." Shangguan Muer said, one heart and two use, while disturbing the mind of the gods and gods with the piano sound, while talking with two women.

The middle-aged woman’s eyes fell on the celestial melody, and there was a trace of recollection between the gods. “The master of this piano was the famous top of the sacred world. It was also the top three of our sacred sects. One of the oldest ancestors, we are called the three ancestors."

Shangguan Cursor was silent for a moment, saying: "I don't know the predecessors, this day, the demon sounding the piano, is the little woman who happened to be in the lower bounds. Since this is the object of the three ancestors of the noble, then the war will be a little girl. This piano is returned to the noble."

Speaking of these words, the Shangguan dynasty is also helpless. The strength of these two women is unfathomable. If they want to be tough, they will not be able to keep the sound of the music.

The middle-aged woman who spoke earlier shook her head and smiled. "We accidentally passed through this state and accidentally discovered the life of the three ancestors." So it’s not a matter of taking away this day. The piano."

"This day, the magical violin is quite special. It is because the three ancestors used their own fire of life to breed for many years, and they slowly changed from a common thing, carrying some of the three ancestors, so This makes the demon sounds like a saint, but it is not a saint, it is an artifact, but it is not an artifact."

"Only later, with the fall of the three ancestors, the magical music of this day also disappeared. Originally, we thought that the demon jingming piano was destroyed with that big battle. I did not expect to meet the ancestors of the three ancestors again here."

Speaking of this, the woman’s tone was stunned and her eyes stared at the Shangguan dynasty. “You can get this piano from the lower bound, which means that you have a relationship with this piano, and it is also related to our God.” Although my sects are extremely strict and have to be carefully selected, you have been able to directly worship our sacred sects because they have acquired the ancestors of the three ancestors."

At this time, another middle-aged woman spoke: "Children, you are ready, then let us go, return to the voice of the Tao. The Taoist Taoist is located in the middle of Tianhuo State, far away from this Yunzhou, to Your own ability can't be rushed, so we can only take you with you."

"No, you can't take the screen with your sister." Sheng Yu opened his mouth and his tone was firm.

"The two predecessors, the little girl is now riddled with the situation, unable to accompany the two predecessors to the Shenyin Daozong, and the little woman did not agree to join the Shenyin Taoist." Shangguan Muer said.

The two middle-aged women ignored Sheng Yu and said to Shangguan, "You have acquired the treasure of the three ancestors. You must join our sacred Taoist sects and join our sacred sects. It is also for you." A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As for what you said is a matter of enthusiasm, it must be the battlefield here, this is simple." The voice just fell, the middle-aged woman turned to look at the Emperor of Heaven and the demon of the demon **** Huai'an.

At this moment, the battle between Huai'an and the Emperor of Heaven has reached a critical moment. Although they discovered the arrival of these two women, they could not be distracted.

The battle between them, on the surface, looks calm and calm, and is actually extremely dangerous.

"You should be behind the scenes of this battlefield. It’s time for the game to end." The middle-aged woman said that her voice seemed to contain some kind of mysterious power, and the sound was shrouded in two The chessboard between people.


Suddenly, the chessboard between Huai'an and the Emperor of Heaven was directly bursting without warning. Suddenly, there was a devastating energy that tore the void and spread directly in all directions.

The strength of this energy afterglow makes the Lord God feel desperate. Even the King of God is going to change.

Because this is the horrible power that emerged from the two strongmen after a long period of brewing.


Suddenly, the middle-aged woman looked calmly and quietly, and in her voice, it seemed to be a rule of heaven and earth, which directly caused the energy aftermath of the destruction of the earth to dissipate.

The Emperor of Heaven and the vice-president of Huai'an were all retreating, and the contest between them was directly blocked by the middle-aged woman with tough means.

Emperor Pingtian stood on the wall of the fortress, staring at the two women with a dignified look. The strength of the woman who shot this made him scared.

"Huai'an, the deputy teacher of the Demon Church in Yunzhou, is polite. I don't know the two predecessors?" Huai'an said to the two middle-aged women, and said calmly.

"The Demon of the Devil?" The two middle-aged women whispered to each other and their brows suddenly wrinkled.


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