Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1947: Go to the front

With the position of Jian Chen in the Xuan Dao dynasty, it is natural to borrow the transfer array. Although he refused the homage of the Xuan Dao Emperor, the enthusiasm of the Xuan Dao Emperor to treat the sword dust is not reduced, and the sword dust is sent to the soul. Arranged in front of the intercontinental transmission array in the palace, the high cost of the Jian Chen even the transmission array is saved.

After speaking the position, the transmission array immediately started, and with the power of a powerful transmission, the sword dust standing in the transmission array disappeared directly.

In the southern part of Yunzhou, in the emperor's sun and moon city of the Tianyue Dynasty, the bustling endless imperial capital is full of people, and a famous or well-dressed dignitary, or a simple warrior in the bustling streets, the streets The two sides are arranged in a long queue, and the endless shops are crowded with people.

As an ancient dynasty at the same level as the Xuan Dao dynasty, the emperors of the Tianyue Dynasty are naturally better than the emperors of the Xuan Dao dynasty. They bring together many characters who have some status in the southern domain.

In the center of Riyue City, there is a castle-like building. There are two or three people in the castle. Not far away, the four images of the mysterious mysterious map are engraved on the ground.

Two of the transmission maps are relatively small, with a diameter of only about ten meters. The remaining two transmission maps are much larger than the previous two, and have a diameter of 30 meters, which is not only emitted. The energy fluctuations are more intense, and even the formations that make up the transmission array are more complicated and more mysterious.

The people gathered in the old castles have paid a number of different crystals to an old man here, and embarked on a transmission line with a diameter of only ten meters.

As for the second 10-meter-diameter transmission array of the same size, white light flashes from time to time. Every time the white light dissipates, there will be a large number of people on the transmission array.

Two transmission arrays, one in and one out!

Compared with the two 10-meter-diameter transmission arrays, the other two transmission arrays with a diameter of 30 meters seem to be much more deserted and have not been seen for a few months.

However, at this time, one of the transmission arrays with a diameter of 30 meters suddenly burst into a burst of powerful energy fluctuations, which is stronger than the two 10-meter-diameter transmission arrays. It’s more than a few times.

"The domain-level transport matrix has responded, and someone has come here from other domains."

"Domain-level transmission arrays have not been seen once in a few years. Every time you spend the cost of Shenjing, it is a sky-high price. I don't know which big man came here from other domains."

For a time, people around them turned their attention to this domain-level transmission array, whispering.

Under the gaze of everyone, I saw a young man in his 20s who was above the domain-level transmission array. He was wearing a white robe and his body converges. It looks like an ordinary person. .

But the handsome face of the resolute, but with a bit of cold color, seemingly ordinary eyes, is also with a sense of oppression that makes many people here feel terrified.

"This person, it must be a strong!"

Around the transmission array, many people secretly commented, and their eyes were envious and awe.

This young man is a sword dust!

Jian Chen did not stay for a long time. When he came out of the transmission array, he walked out of the castle. After purchasing a map in the Emperor's shop, he quickly hurriedly left after a moment of separation. There was no delay in the moment.

In order to choose the retreat for the Tianyuan family, he arranged a transmission array in the Tianyue Dynasty, but the location of the transmission array was very far away from the emperor of the Tianyue Dynasty. Therefore, he had to rush to the place where the Tianyue Dynasty was placed in the transmission array before he could return to the Pingtian Kingdom in the shortest possible time.

Pingtian Shenguo, Dong'an County, the Tianyuan family, the owner of a county, has been a bit sullen in recent days, and there is a repressed atmosphere in the whole family.

Because the sword dust that supported the home of the Tianyuan family has been missing for many days, it is still unknown.

Jian Chen is a day of the Tianyuan family. Even if there are other main gods in the Tianyuan family, it is far from being able to replace Jian Chen.

Therefore, the disappearance of Jian Chen has had a tremendous impact on the entire family.

"I hope that my family can return safely."

"Tianyuan family, can't be without the sword dust homeowner"

At this moment, Mo Ling, Andorf, and the former Mofu House Lord Mo Xingfeng are gathering together, each one is filled with sorrow.

The former Mofu House Lord Xingfeng, after getting a lot of cultivation resources from the Tianyuan family, has now stepped into the gods and become an elder of the Tianyuan family.

At this moment, the three of them looked at each other with their eyes wide open, staring at the front with a surprised look.

I saw there, the white dust of the sword was slowly coming out of the forbidden land!

"Home Owner?" The three people in Moling were all screaming in disbelief. At this moment, the three of them were completely blurred.

As is known to all, the Tianyuan lord was taken away by the head of the Seventh Army of the Devil's Religion, and there was no audio, and life and death were unknown.

But now, the rumors of the Tianyuan lord who was taken away by Axilian have actually come out of the forbidden land. This scene has made some of the heads of the Molings somewhat unable to turn.

"How is the situation on the front line? Are they good at Sheng Yu?" Jian Chen looked serious and asked nervously, for fear that in the days he left, something happened that he did not want to see.

"The elders of the holy feathers are well, and the elders of the elders and the elders of Houston have already broken through to the realm of the gods." Mo Ling said that excessive excitement has already raised his face.

Jian Chen was finally relieved, and his face could not help but reveal a smile, even if he immediately went to the front line of the Pingtian Kingdom.

At the border fortress of the Pingtian Kingdom, the battle here is still going on, the strong fortress has completely collapsed, and the coalition forces that forced the kingdom of the heavenly kingdom have to cast a line of defenses to block the army of the sacred sacred religion.

In this battle, the gods of the heavens have done their best, not only to order all the families in God to send more people, but even the guards of the Imperial City have also been removed from the majority, and the banned forces have all been dispatched.

In addition to the Pingtian Kingdom, the surrounding gods also sent a large number of troops, transported from various places with a space magic weapon, and assembled the power of several countries before they can compete with the soldiers of the three major sects of the Demon.

The Emperor of Heaven is suspended in the sky, watching the surrounding battles, but his heart is very pessimistic, his brow has never been stretched.

Opposite, the vice-minded leader of Huai'an took the lead and stood there, with a faint smile on his lips and a triumphant look.

His gaze looks at the sky. With his unique skill, he can clearly feel that an invisible and innocent soul is gathering in the sky, and is absorbed into the **** sea at the headquarters of the Demon. .

"The task that the elders have commanded has been completed halfway so far." Huai'an deputy teacher said in the heart. He also understands that the attack of this day's sacred sacred religion is not really about aggression, but only creates infinite killings and collects soul power.

Suddenly, the vice-minded leader of Huai'an gaze at the back of the Emperor of Pingtian. With the eyesight of his strong-minded person, he clearly saw a figure, and he was coming to the front with a long sword.

"It is Jian Chen, why is he still not dead?" Huai'an deputy teacher brows.

At the same time, Emperor Pingtian also noticed that the sword dust coming from the rear, the look of a slight glimpse, immediately seemed to think of something, revealing the hustle and bustle.

"Sword dust has seen you!"

Jian Chen soon came to the front of the Emperor of Heaven, and bowed to the Emperor of Heaven.

"Good! Good! You are fine!" Pingtian Emperor smiled and nodded. The return of Jian Chen, let the haze in his heart, also dissipated a few points.

"Jian Chen, the head of the Seventh Army, Yaxi Lian?" said Huai'an, the vice-president of the Huai'an, and looked at a good Jian Chen. He suddenly gave birth to an ominous premonition.

As soon as I heard Axilian, the face of Jian Chen was a smile with a deep meaning. "Your Majesty, there is just a small gift to be given to you." The voice just fell, and Jian Chen will immediately be detained in the Temple of the Moon. The head of the 7th Army, Yaxi Lian, was arrested.

Now that Iasilian is still sealed and repaired, there is a strong strength in the air, but it is simply impossible to play out, and it is put in the hands of the sword dust as a chicken.

"Yasilian!" Huai'an vice-president changed his face and made a scream, and his face was still full of incredible incredible.

Because this result is completely different from what he imagined in his heart, it can be said that the result is completely reversed.

Immediately, Huai'an figure flicked and flew away toward Yaxilian at the fastest speed. He wanted to save Yaxilian from the hands of Jian Chen.

The speed of the strong starter is so fast that it is almost impossible to sense the sword dust.

"Huai'an, you go further, I will let her die now!" The voice of Emperor Pingtian came slowly, only to see that the Emperor of Heaven has quietly appeared in front of Jian Chen, one hand has been pressed. On the head of Axilian.

With the strength of his strong starter, you can let Axilian form a **** in a moment with a little effort. Even the Huai’an vice-president has no time to rescue.

The saying of Emperor Pingtian is to let Huai’an’s deputy leader’s body form abruptly stop. He has a gloomy face, and his look is very dignified. He was pressed by the Emperor of Heaven’s Emperor’s hand on the head. The light in the eyes makes the flickering.

In the end, the Huai’an deputy leader did not dare to go forward, but he did not retreat. He stared at Jian Chen with a sharp gaze. He said in a tone: "A good sword dust, I didn’t expect you to be really capable, even Yaxilian It fell into your hands."

"Behind this kid, there is a strong strongman. If it is not the strongman of the beginning, how can he escape the palm of my hand only by the ability of this kid." Yaxilian said coldly, calm and calm. Although her life has fallen into the hands of the Emperor, she is not confused.


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