Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1949: Visiting the month

Immediately, Jian Chen took out some of the top saints and the three best saints for you to choose.

These sacrimons were also purchased by the emperor of the Xuanto Dynasty, and they were attacked and defended.

"The demon sacred beads have both offensive and defensive, I have enough sacred beads." Houston opened, only selected some healing drugs.

"These things are not for me," said Sheng Yu.

In the end, only Ruijin, Honglian, and Blackfish chose a few pieces of saints to replace the original samurai.

As the strength improved, the original saints on their bodies, except for the one that could block the attack of the gods, had little effect.

"Sword Dust, rumors that you were taken away by the head of the Seventh Army, Yaxilian, but now Yaxilian has become a prisoner for your order. What is going on?" In the case of healing, Houston asked.

"It is the moon fairy who saved me, and the strength of the moon fairy has now returned to the beginning." Jian Chen simply told the story.

As soon as I heard that the fairy goddess has become a strong starter, everyone gathered here has a look that is unbelievable.

When I was in the Tianyuan continent, there was only one **** left in the fairy goddess. What was the fragility in their eyes, but now she has become the strongest in the short time, this huge contrast, let them Everyone feels a little unreal.

The beginning of the world, for them, it is a supreme realm that can only look up, can not climb high!

"This time I went to the imperial capital of the Xuan Dao dynasty. I brought a lot of things back. These things are enough to raise the overall strength of our Tianyuan family to a level. When your recovery is almost the same, let me go back to the Tianyuan family. Taking advantage of this half-month truce, I will re-arrange the Tianyuan family, let us fight on the front line, and truly achieve peace of mind." Jian Chen said.

In his mind, he once again recalled that when the Tianyuan family collected materials for the distribution array, it was intercepted by an unidentified figure.

Before the behind-the-scenes ambassador who did not find out this matter, the Tianyuan family at the rear was always shrouded in an invisible crisis before the complete elimination of this hidden danger.

Therefore, Jian Chen has always been uneasy about the Tianyuan family, and he is afraid that when he is no longer there, what happens in the family.

During this period of the truce, the Pingtian **** country is not quiet. The Emperor of Heaven has personally passed down the gods, and in the Pingtian gods, the troops are sent to the front, and all the forces of the whole country are put into the front line. Domestic recruits.

Moreover, the Emperor of Heaven is also connected with the strongest of the Tianyue Dynasty through the gods in order to obtain more support. Because only by the national strength of the gods of the heavens, it is impossible to block the army of the gods and gods.

At the same time, the emperors of the surrounding gods also responded to the call of the Emperor of Heaven, and mobilized more troops to send to the Kingdom of Heaven.

The fortress on the front line is also undergoing reconstruction work. Several gods and kings are hands-on, and the long fortress is refining as hard as a defensive sacred device.

This side of the celestial sacred religion is also complemented by a methodical force. Although the three major army of 300,000 troops said that there were casualties in the war, the strength of the sacred sacred religion is not just the nine corps.

On the back of the Nine Legion, there is also a reserve army. Once the soldiers of the Ninth Army Corps appear to be damaged, they are immediately drawn from the reserve army to supplement.

Just for unknown reasons, the number of the nine corps of the Demon sacred priests has been maintained at the level of 100,000 people, never exceeding this figure.

A few days later, the injuries on Ruijin and others have recovered more than half, and Jian Chen immediately returned to Dong'an County with everyone.

At the time of departure, the ancestors of the superior family in Dong'an County came a lot and followed Jian Chen to the fortress from Dong'an County.

This time, I can return to Dong'an County. Apart from a few people from the Tianyuan family, there are only two people left from the ancestors of Dong'an County.

On the flying magic weapon, Jian Chen looked at the remaining two ancestors of the Dong'an County superior family. He secretly sighed and silently controlled the flying magic weapon and headed for Dong'an County.

It was rumored that the Tianyuan lord, who was taken away by the head of the Seventh Army of the Demon Church, suddenly returned. This news spread throughout Dongan County for the first time.

When the flying magic weapon that Jian Chen and others took was close to Dong'an County, the gate of Dong'an County was already crowded with people. Many people gathered at the gate to warmly meet each other.

"Tianyuan family owner, but qualified to be listed on the main **** on the monumental master god, even if it is looking at the entire sacred world, is also famous in the field of the main god, I did not expect that I can be so close to a master god, this is the legendary Character 呐"

"It is said that the master **** can kill the king of the king of the king, and the head of the seventh army, Yaxilian, is also a big mold, and even provoked a master god."

"Isn't it? I heard that the head of the Seventh Army Corps was born to the owner of Tianyuan. Don't look at the Tianyuan family who is still the main god. It is no longer a matter of taking a **** king."

In the warm cheers, there are many praises of the sword dust. When talking about the name of the Tianyuan family owner, many people in Dong'an County can't help but express their deep pride.

The Flying Fabao carried everyone directly into the Tianyuan family. Within the family, all the elders have been waiting for a long time, watching the safe return of Jian Chen and others, all of them have an unspeakable excitement and joy.

Jian Chen jumped off the magic weapon, just want to say something, suddenly his eyes flashed in the eyes, staring at the home of his own.

"There are people inside!" Jian Chen’s heart stunned, and the sharp perception made him notice that there was something moving in his room, but his knowledge was that he could not detect the figure.

"The strength of this person is more than me, my knowledge can not be sensed at all." Jian Chen was so deep in his heart, with a bit of confusion, went straight to his residence.

Sheng Yu, Houston and others have noticed the changes in the sword dust, and they have looked at each other and followed the sword dust.

Jian Chen directly pushes in the door. He knows that in the face of a strong person who can't even perceive his own knowledge, his own actions are all in the control of the other party. No matter what action is taken, he can't escape the other party. Perception.

Therefore, he was fortunate not to do any defensive measures, so he went so far and generously.

"I don't know which strong person suddenly visited my Tianyuan family, and seeing the reaction of Mo Ling and Andorf and others, apparently did not know the arrival of this uninvited guest." Jian Chen was secretly confused.

However, when he entered the house, he looked at the woman who was dressed in white and was sitting alone at the table and eating the fruit of the table. The look could not help but groan.

"皓月仙子!" Jian Chen’s subconscious screams, his face is an unexpected color

The moon fairy sat down and sat there, taking a bite out of the spirit that was used to serve the sword dust. He looked at Jian Chen like a smile and said: "It’s so careful in your own home. It seems that you are famous. Tianyuan’s owner, too, is not very chic."

Jian Chen sighed with relief. For the ridicule of the fairy tales of the moon, it was not a serious matter. "Yuyue fairy, you suddenly appeared in the southern domain. It seems that the Xuan Dao dynasty has been solved perfectly."

The moon fairy stood up, and the door was closed immediately. The door was closed behind the sword dust, and the understairs said: "That thing is a difficult task for the Xuan Dao Dynasty. For the fairy, it’s just a little effort. I am coming here, one is to look at the form on your side, and the second is to say goodbye to you."

The mood of the fairy tales of the moon continued, "When the fairy has not left, you can't solve anything that can't be solved. You can tell the fairy, for example, what is the spiritual sect?"

PS: This is the second chapter. I continue to write the third chapter, but the time is estimated to be somewhat late.


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