Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1954: Saints forbidden

At this moment, this boundless sea of ​​blood suddenly became more boiling, and even the yin wind formed by the massive soul force between the heavens and the earth was even more violent.

A pair of beautiful goddess of the moon, gleaming, staring at the **** sea ahead, said: "The demon sacred religion is killing the creatures outside, they let the countless creatures at the cost, condensed these nine blood beads and soul beads, and let these nine The blood and soul beads constantly absorb the purification from the blood and the soul, making the quality of these blood beads and soul beads higher."

"If the blood beads and soul beads are not removed, then the killing of the magical sacred religions will not stop. They will continue until the nine blood beads and soul beads reach their satisfaction."

"After the moon fairy, can you take away these nine blood beads and soul beads, you can't continue to let the gods and gods continue this way." Jian Chen asked.

The moon fairy shook his head weakly and sighed: "The array here is too strong, and I can't do anything about it."

At this moment, the demon sacred beads that had been floating here did not move, suddenly came to the top of Houston, a layer of blood from the heavenly sacred beads, and wrapped the whole person in Houston.

Between Houston and the celestial spirit of the celestial sacred pearls, a layer of ignorance has already been established. When he was shrouded in this layer of blood, a wave of thoughts derived from the spirit of the instrument was also introduced to Houston. In the brain.

Houston looked a glimpse, and even though he was surprised, he looked up and looked at the demon sacred beads on the top of his eyes, hesitated for a moment, and then said to the sword dust: "The demon of the devil" Send me a message, I can ignore the obstacles of this law and go inside."

The eyes of the fairy scorpion condensed, and suddenly turned to stare at Houston. To be precise, it was staring at the celestial celestial beads on the top of Houston. After gazing for a moment, he said to Houston: "You must understand that this is a strong law. Even the strongest people have the possibility of degeneration. If you really listen to an artifact, you will enter the battlefield. Once you are in danger, even this fairy can't save you."

"Repair the old man, don't take risks!" Jian Chen also stopped to speak. He deeply understood how terrible the elders of the demon gods were. He did not believe that the array of such strong men was an artifact. Can pass through.

Unless this day, the holy sacred beads are a big one, such as the anti-theft artifacts such as the true tower.

As far as he knows, the demon sacred pearl is only the magic weapon of the first demon king of the demon world. Although it is an artifact, there is still a big gap from the top level.

Shen Jian and Sheng Yu also spoke to stop Houston. They didn't want Houston to take risks and hand over their lives to an extremely easy-to-control artifact.

Suddenly, a burst of powerful energy fluctuations came from behind the sword dust and other people. All the space in the headquarters of the Demon Church was slightly shaken at this moment, and there was a huge pressure to spread. Come.

All the formations in the Tianmu Sanctuary headquarters have been fully opened at this moment. Numerous arrays of methods are connected at the same time, interlocking, and finally constitute an extremely large and powerful killing, covering the entire castle.

"The three deputy masters of the demon religion came back, and they inspired all the big arrays." The moon fairy looked down at the rear and said calmly.

Jian Chen, Sheng Yu, Houston and Shen Jian, four people, can not be as light as the moon fairy, one by one is a sinking heart, his face becomes extremely dignified.

"There is no time, let me try it and see if I can destroy the arrangement of the celestial sacred religion here." Houston said firmly, disregarding the persuasion of the people, with a decisive color, he turned into a big array without hesitation. Among them.

In this way, in addition to his plan to destroy the demon sacred blood and the soul beads, there is another factor that comes from the spirit of the instrument.

Through the communication with the spirit, Houston understands that there is something very important to the spirit of the instrument, and there is also a big chance that belongs to him.

On the top of Houston, the demon sacred beads, while running the repaired magical magic, surrounded by magic, has entered the horror killing of the blood pool.

As soon as he entered the killing line, there was a horrible murderous air. It was just this murderousness that almost made Houston smashed. If he is not working in the magical powers, if there is a sacred bead on the top of his head, he is afraid that even this murderous murder from the formation will not be able to withstand it.

Jian Chen, Shen Jian, Sheng Yu, a few people standing outside the array, all staring nervously at Houston.

However, seeing Houston enter the killing line, and marching hard within the killing line, but when the killing did not attack Houston, the heart could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At the same time, the three of them also felt very confused. Why is such a powerful killing line invalid for Houston?

The moon fairy is staring at the heavenly sacred beads above the head of Houston, and the look is amazed. She knows more than anyone else that this is a terrible killing. This is a great battle that can kill the beginning of the mixed yuan. However, Houston, the only **** of the gods, relies on an artifact to shuttle freely inside, which makes her feel very Shocked.

"The demon sacred demon sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred priest"

Houston is struggling in the process of killing. It is like a fallen leaf in the wind. It is far from falling. Although the killing has not been launched, the terrible murder that is invisible in the air still makes him unbearable. Every step is taken. It seems that they all use the strength of the whole body.

Therefore, his speed is very slow.

At this moment, in the headquarters of the Demon Sanctuary, three figures hidden in the magic of the sky are gathering together.

"The three of us searched the entire headquarters, but we did not find the intruders, and we also opened the big array for the first time. Even if the intruder wants to escape from here, it is impossible to make God unknown. Where is the intruder hiding?” one of them said in a loud voice.

If Jian Chen hears this voice, he will immediately recognize from the voice that this is the voice of Huai'an, one of the three vice-presidents.

"The intruder, it will not go to the forbidden place." One flower month wrapped in magical gas said that her voice was a little weak, and when she finished, it was a fierce cough, apparently The body of the wound.

"Forbidden land, impossible!" A flower month voice just fell, Huai'an deputy leader and another assistant teacher, is a burst of exclamation, the whole body of the sky, the magic of the sky, but also in the violent fluctuations.

If you can see the faces of the three of them, it is not difficult to find the faces of the three of them. When they hear the intruders enter the forbidden place, they all become pale.

Immediately, the three figures swayed and flew away toward the forbidden land at the fastest speed.

Although they did not believe that the invaders could find a secret forbidden place, even though they knew that there was a peerless array of elders in the forbidden place, they still dared not take it lightly. Ning is credible and not credible

Because they know how important the forbidden land is, once there is any scorpion in the forbidden land, too elders will never forgive them.

On the edge of the blood pool, the Jian Chen standing here, Shen Jian and Sheng Yu several people sighed with relief, Houston has successfully passed through the killing, and came to the blood pool with trepidation.

Then, under the protection of the Holy Devil, he directly sneaked into the blood sea below, disappearing into the eyes of several people in Jian Chen.

The moon fairy is a glimpse of the eyebrows. Turning his head and looking behind him, he said: "The three associates are coming here. You should stay here and don't go out. I will stop them. Don't want to get into trouble. Your identity should never be exposed to anyone's sight." The voice did not fall, and the figure of the fairy moon disappeared here.

At the same time, there is a law of the beginning of the world that permeates the blood pool, and cleans up the atmosphere of the sword dust and others.

Jian Chen, Shen Jian and Sheng Yu are also trying to converge on their own atmosphere. They try their best to hide themselves. They look nervous and anxiously staring at the blood.


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