Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1958: Religious withdrawal

Looking at the blood and soul beads, Shen Jian and Sheng Yu's look, also with a hesitation color, like the sword dust, did not accept these blood beads and soul beads.

After half a ring, Shen Jian said: "Although I am not a righteous person, but it is also not among the evil devils. The demon sacred to kill the spirits, using countless fresh lives to condense these nine blood beads and blood beads. Although this blood and soul beads can make people rise, but if I use this thing, then my Shen Jian is different from the people in the magic." When speaking, Shen Jian will float in front of himself. Two blood beads and soul beads were handed over to Houston, and the look solemnly said: "Houston, this thing is not suitable for me to use, but the essence of your cultivation is the magic road practice. There is no jealousy for this aspect. Therefore, this blood Beads and soul beads, I will send you."

In some words, Shen Jian said that it is a slap in the face, although this soul bead and blood beads can make people rise, but it seems that there is no temptation to Shen Jian.

"Shen Jian said that it is not bad. This blood pearl and soul bead really don't suit us. After all, we are not the people in the magical way. The practice of cultivation is not the practice in the magic. If we use this blood and soul from the endless life." The products of the cohesion to cultivate, which will affect our state of mind, in serious cases, even the devil will affect the future practice." Jian Chen also handed the blood beads and soul beads to Houston. Although the blood and soul beads have undergone a large array of refining, all the suffocating and unstable magazines have been removed, but its formation is really cruel.

Jian Chen has his own principles. If this blood and soul beads are taken from Warcraft and all kinds of ferocious animals, then he naturally will not have any rejection. After all, ideas have already formed.

But this blood bead and soul beads are not taken from the body of Warcraft, so he can't accept it.

"I don't need it anymore, Xiubo, you still use it for yourself." Sheng Yu also said, returning the blood and soul beads to Houston.

Houston looked at the four blood beads and four soul beads floating in front of him. After hesitating, he said, "Okay, since you don't need it, then I don't feel it, I will accept it for the Holy Ghost." However, this thing is of great use to the demon holy beads."

"An artifact, why do you need these things?" Haoyue fairy stared at Houston, not too slow to say.

Houston shook his head and said: "In fact, I am also very surprised at this point. This trip to the sacred sacred religion, the surprise of the celestial sacred beads is too much."

The eyes of the fairy are deeply staring at Houston, saying: "You are a magical holy pearl. I am afraid that it is not so simple on the surface. I advise you to use this artifact less. If you can, it is best to abandon it so as not to fall into the land of eternal annihilation. ”

Houston's face suddenly became serious. He knew that the moon fairy was a terrible starter. He said this, and it is definitely not targeted.

Immediately, the eyes of the fairy tales looked at the sword dust again. "I am leaving. The sacred sacred religion has such a thing, and it will inevitably alarm their high-level. If I continue to stay, it will only bring you trouble. Next, you must be careful." Speaking of this, the moon fairy looks a hesitation between them, hesitated for a moment, and said to Jian Chen: "I suspect that there is some involvement between the magical holy beads and the gods and gods. It is a blessing. I don't know what the disaster is."

Jian Chen nodded slightly and said that in fact, he also had such suspicions.

After all, the guardianship of the blood beads and the soul beads is strong, and even the strong elements of the enthusiasm are caught in the life of nine deaths. Such a terrible peerless squad, even if the celestial celestial beads come and go freely, this is really unreasonable. .

If the Devil of the Devil is an artifact that specifically restrains all kinds of formations, then it is okay.

But Jian Chen learned from the mouth of Ziqing Sword Spirit that the demon sacred pearl is the first magical lord of the demon world - the magic weapon of the sacred sacred monarch, both offensive and defensive, and there is nothing to ignore the rumors of various arrays.

Therefore, this scene can only show that the large array placed in the headquarters of the Demon Sanctuary may have been specially set up, only for the Tianzhu Holy Bead, or a certain kind of practice.

However, what Jian Chen always wants to understand is that the Heavenly Devils and the Demons, one in the Devil, and one in the Holy World, why are they linked together?

As for the similarity in the name, Jian Chen didn't think much about it. People with the same name and the same name didn't know much. This is really common.

After a simple farewell, the moon fairy disappeared silently in this secret room.

In the secret room, Jian Chen also asked his heart about the question of why the gods and gods can cross the array. It is a pity that for this matter, Houston is also a monk and a monk, because all of this is the spirit of the demon sacred beads in the dark let him do it.

But when Houston asked about the spirit, the spirit of the demon sacred pearl told him that such a large array had seen it before, knowing the method of cracking.

For this answer, everyone obviously won't believe it, because Houston and the Spirit have never made any action, but they swayed directly and crossed the line directly in a straight line.

"The spirit of the demon sacred pearl, there is a secret to us." Jian Chen heart secretly, immediately took out a space ring and handed it to Houston, a serious face said: "Repair, blood beads and soul beads on you, It is no longer safe to stay here. There are some Shenjing in it. You must rush to the Tianyue Dynasty in the shortest time, then go to the Blood Yang Dynasty through the transfer of the Tianyue Dynasty, and then from the Blood Yang Dynasty. Go to the middle domain with a cross-domain transfer array."

"The strength of the middle domain is much stronger than the four major domains. You will be safer to stay there than in the four major domains, and then take the opportunity to upgrade your strength."

Houston also knew the seriousness of the matter, did not shirk it, and after bidding farewell to everyone, immediately left the Tianyuan family.

He has received blood and soul beads, and it is imperative that he take the time to improve his strength. The Demon Church has lost a lot of treasures, and it is very likely that there will be stronger and more horrible strongmen coming here.

The horror of the gods of the strongstarters, in this southern region, even if he hides and hides, he can't escape the carpet search of the strongstarters. Once the bleeding beads and soul beads are exposed, the fruit is unimaginable.

After Houston passed the transmission line in the forbidden land of the Tianyuan family, Jian Chen, Shen Jian and Sheng Yu immediately went to the front line in order not to cause suspicion.

Today, the half-monthly truce has just ended, and the side of the Pingtian **** country has once again brought together the army, stationed in the fortress that has just been established, and is just waiting.

In addition to dozens of fortresses, it is the soldiers of the three major sects of the Demon.

They gathered there, and the endless magic formed a thick black cloud, making the world in which they lived completely dark.

On the fortress, many gods and gods on the side of the gods of the heavens gathered together. However, when these gods discovered the sword dust, the attitudes of the gods changed a lot. They all smiled and greeted Jian Chen.

Jian Chen looked at it and found that some of these gods appeared in the gods. After a brief introduction, they only knew that these people were the supporters of several major dynasties in the southern region.

However, their enthusiasm, Jian Chen is a little confused, even if they know that there is a strong starter behind, but it is not polite to be like this.

"Jian Chen, I did not expect that you actually defeated a **** in the northern region, it is really shocking." Pingtian Shenguo personally came over and smiled at Jian Chen.

After hearing this, Jian Chen suddenly realized that his message of defeating a **** in the northern domain had already arrived in the southern domain.

"Hey, look at the other side, the demon saint seems to have withdrawn?" At this moment, a **** king standing on the fortress gave a surprised voice.

Hearing the words, everyone's attention suddenly shifted from Jian Chen, and they stared at the front, the military camp of the three great sects of the Demon.

With their eyesight, in this open space of sight, it is natural to see a scene from dozens of miles away.

Jian Chen also clearly saw the three major corps of the celestial sacred sects stationed there. At this moment, they were withdrawing their troops and gradually disappeared into the sight of everyone.

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