Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1960: The Trip to the Land (2)

At the end of the war, Jian Chen, Shen Jian and Sheng Yu were also returned to the county town with people from Dong'an County.

Shen Jian did not stay for a long time. On the day of returning to the county town, he bid farewell to Jian Chen and others, and went alone to pursue the cry from the distant direction.

As for Xiong Zhong, a few people from the holy abandonment, such as Jing Yun, continue to stay in the Tianyuan family. They are still too weak now. If they follow their Holy Spirit, they will not only play the slightest. Help, on the contrary, will become a drag.

After all, Shen Jian’s trip was to leave Yunzhou, cross the starry sky, go to a place outside of Yunzhou, and it was full of danger everywhere.

Jian Chen, in the Tianyuan family, adjusted his state and waited for the trip to the spiritual sect after three days.

At the same time, in the dark secret room of the headquarters of the demon sacred religion, the three deputy priests of the celestial sacred priests in Yunzhou were all surrounded by a strong magical spirit, which exudes a vast ocean. The horror of the atmosphere makes the air in this closet seem to have solidified.

"What is the meaning of the above, our division took a long time, and with the help of the elders who were personally arranged by the elders, the blood beads and soul beads that were not easily concealed were stolen, and the elders did not react at all. Not only did not send people who are mixed with the Yuanyuan to hunt down the people who stole blood and soul beads, and even the blood and soul beads that were stolen are not sought. For the theft of blood beads and soul beads, it is completely indifferent. The attitude, we have been working hard for so many years, is not all in vain." Huai'an deputy teacher said, can not see his face, but the tone is full of doubts and puzzles.

"Huai'an, these things are not something we can intervene. You still have to talk less about it. If your voice is introduced into the ears of the elders, I am afraid that it will cause disappointment to the elders." A flowery tone said faintly. Immediately, I looked at the third deputy leader, saying: "Sen Lao, a few days ago, Yaxilian was also stunned by an unidentified Wujiqiang, through the Axilian to this strongman. The description, you said that the intrinsic strongman who broke into the blood and the soul beads in our branch headquarters will be the one who used to hold Axilian?"

The deputy leader, known as Sen Lao, was silent for a moment before he said in the old voice: "Yasilian said that the strongman who was holding her, the law of use, with the brilliance of the moonlight, is as clean as the moon. The ruler who broke into our headquarters, the rules used are also with the moonlight, in my opinion, most of them are the same person."

"Since it is the same person, it is much easier to handle. As far as I know, this strong-starter seems to have something to do with a person named Jian Chen in Pingtian Shenguo." One flower month said meaningfully.

"Sword dust! It is Jian Chen!" Huai'an's cold voice remembered, and when he talked about Jian Chen, his heart had an unspeakable killing intention. He said: "This sword dust is not only openly opposed to me, but also guards Duanmu. The family, and also because of him, let me have to set a truce with the Emperor of Heaven for the next half-month, I even suspect that the initiator of the beginning of the world has stolen the blood and soul beads of my demon religion. I am afraid that there is an inseparable relationship with this sword dust. This person cannot stay."

Speaking of this, Huai'an tone is a meal, saying: "Blood beads and soul beads are spent a long time and a lot of energy, so it is not easy to consolidate them. We must find the blood beads and soul beads back, otherwise, We simply can't explain to the elders of the elders. Since Jian Chen is the breakthrough point of this matter, then I will start from him." Huai'an's tone carries a sense of killing.

"Blood beads and soul beads are stolen, the above is not pursued, this matter reveals awkwardness, which is afraid of something we do not know, Huai'an, I think you should not easily move as well." Sen old kindly reminded.

The theft of the blood and the soul beads, he and the same flower are filled with unwillingness. Because this seemingly small 18 beads, each one condenses their efforts, each of them makes a lot of effort. Although they know that this blood and soul beads are what the elders need, even if they are cohesive, they will not get any of them, but this symbolizes their dedication and efforts.

It’s just that he and I spent a month seeing this thing. I’m afraid it’s another hidden thing. It’s not so simple on the surface, so he and Yi Huayue are not willing to act rashly.

The blood beads and the soul beads are guarded by the array of the elders themselves. The strong elements can break the castle, but they can't destroy the method of protecting the blood and the soul beads. However, the blood and the soul The beads are stolen in the same way as the guardianship method is intact.

They can't guarantee that this will be deliberately arranged above, or that it is a conspiracy that they do not know.

Huai’an’s eyes flashed, silent for a moment, and slowly nodded: “This matter, I know the weight”

The Blood Yang Dynasty, located in the center of the southern region, is the only immortal dynasty in the southern part of Yunzhou, surrounded by six ancient emperors, and numerous kingdoms of all sizes.

In the palace of the Blood Yang Dynasty, a magnificent temple deep, with a dull and squeaky sound, the thick door of a secret room was slowly opened. I saw a middle-aged man wearing a purple-gold robes and a few majestic ceremonies standing in front of the secret room.

When the door of the Chamber of Secrets rose to the top, the middle-aged man walked out of the room without hesitation.

"See the Nine Emperors!"

Outside the dense room, there were three middle-aged men who stood respectfully and waited for a long time. At this moment, they squatted against the middle-aged man who walked out of the secret room.

The middle-aged man who wore a forbidden robes and had just walked out of the closed room was the Nine Emperor of the Blood Yang Dynasty.

In the blood Yang dynasty, although there are more than a dozen princes, but the real outstanding glory, qualified to succeed the next emperor, but no more than a palm.

The nine emperors are not only the most outstanding, the most dazzling person in this palm, but also the most valued person of today's emperor.

There have even been rumors that the Emperor of the Blood Yang Dynasty has abdicated, and the next Emperor’s candidate is not the Nine Emperor.

Therefore, the authority of the Nine Emperors today is almost unparalleled among the many emperors of the Blood Yang Dynasty.

The nine emperors stood faceless in front of the three men and said in a tone that they could not be placed: "You wait for three people to go to the seven yin yin mountains near the dynasty dynasty, and take the avenues where the emperor cultivated."

After many years of preparation, the nine emperors' current cultivation has already reached the peak of the gods, only one step away from the beginning.

This step is far away, and it seems that it is close at hand. In fact, it is far away from the horizon, and it is not easy to go far.

Even if the talent of the Nine Emperors is amazing, it will take a long time to break through the king of the king and make it into the beginning.

And Avenue Flower, it is possible to let him break through the bottleneck of today's cultivation in the shortest time, and enter the only natural treasure of the beginning.

As soon as I talked about the avenue, the face of the three gods in front of them changed, and they looked at each other and looked filled with bitterness.

The nine emperor's brow wrinkled, Shen Sheng: "There is a problem with the avenue?"

The three middle-aged men who also had the repair of the gods were hesitant, and finally one of them had the courage to say: "Nine emperors, there is a strongman who took the avenue."

Hearing this, the eyes of the Nine Emperors suddenly shot two extremely horrible lights, and there was a huge momentum that emerged from him, such as a flash flood, very terrifying.

The same is the king of the king of the king, but the three middle-aged men in front of this momentum of the nine emperors burst out, but the pressure is like a mountain.

"Go, go to the seven yin yin mountains!" said the nine princes with a blank expression.

The Linglingzong is one of the two top sects in the realm of the Tianyue Dynasty. It has a very high status in the Tianyue Dynasty. Even the royal family of the Tianyue Dynasty, it is also necessary to treat the spiritual sect.

The ancestral gate of the Lingling ancestor occupies the most powerful three thousand Lingshan in the Tianyue Dynasty. In the eyes of the three thousand Lingshan, the huge array of methods is guarded.

This big battle is strong, and the ordinary beginnings are hard to shake!

Today, it happens to be the once-in-a-lifetime ceremony of the Linglingzong, which leads to the mountain path of the Linglingzong. Nowadays, it is already a crowd of people. Many young people are in an orderly arrangement and are systematically carrying out the land. The various tests set up by Lingzong, in order to join the Lingling, became one of the disciples of the Lingling, Guangzong Yaozu.

Among these people, there are many big families who have some status in the Tianyue Dynasty. They are not riding a single bird that has been tamed and not weak, or is sitting in a luxurious car.

Therefore, outside the mountain gate of the Linglingzong, it has already been filled with all kinds of luxurious brakes, as well as a huge body that exudes a weak atmosphere.

But without exception, no one is willing to fly in the sky when they are close to the scope of the Lingling, and they are all on the ground.

At this moment, a bunch of golden light suddenly appeared, flying directly at high speed in the sky, and coming straight to the earthly spirits. Before the moment, it was still far away from the sky, but in the next moment, it crossed a distant distance. It appeared outside the mountain gate of the Lingling, and did not land on the ground. It was suspended in the sky and was flush with the highest Lingshan in the Lingling.

Look carefully, this is a golden car, with nine heads and beasts as the force, each animal is very powerful, all have the cultivation of the Lord God.

"Who is sitting in the car, who is so powerful, came to the front of the mountain gate of the Lingling, and even dared to float in the sky."

"That height, but it is flush with the highest mountain of the Lingling, this man is so courageous, he knows that his behavior is a provocation to the Lingling."

"Those who dare to do this, not knowing the rules of the spiritual sect, must be very strong, but at this height, even the Emperor of the Tianyue Dynasty, the elders of Taiyun Daozong did not dare to fly. So high, that is the height of the Lingshan where the ancestors of the earth were sitting."

For a time, outside the land of the Lingzong Mountain, everyone gathered their eyes on the golden car in the sky, and there was a lot of discussion.

The elders of the landlord who was responsible for hosting the ceremony were not only not going to stop, but the pupils shrank and their looks became dignified.

He has recognized the origins of this car, and the owner of this car is now qualified to do so.

At this time, the guardian of the Lingling dynasty swayed, and the mountain gate of the Lingling sect was completely opened. In this case, only the spirit sect would meet the illustrious person.

"It turned out that it was the Emperor of Heaven, and the arrival of the Emperor, it really made my spirits radiant, and the Emperor was pleased." A Lang laugh came, the present lord of the Earth Lingzong, with the ancestral gate Within a dozen elders, Qi Qi flew out from the inside, one by one with enthusiasm.

In the past, when the Emperor of Heaven had not broken through to the beginning, the Lingling Zong was definitely not greeted by such a huge battle.

Since the Pingtian Emperor broke through to the beginning, the status of the identity is very different. Such a strong, no power in the ancient dynasty will be offended for no reason.

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