Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1963: Nine princes

The unexpected idea of ​​Jian Chen makes everyone's look in the field a glimpse. Even the Emperor of Heaven, the face is very unexpected.

But immediately, the elders of the Lingling sect who asked for the woods, the faces were filled with joy.

In their view, compared with their own lives, it is really nothing to protect the Tianyuan family for a thousand years.

Every one of them has lived for a long time, and spent many years without knowing it. It is too short for them.

The spirit of the patriarch, the heart is finally relieved, although he also feels that a **** king to guard a family that only the Lord God sits in the town for a thousand years, is a very wrong and shameful thing, but with the life of the wood Compared to these faces, it is not worth mentioning.

Moreover, this main **** is not an ordinary main god, but a superb hero who is truly qualified to compete with the main **** monument.

Once such a **** has become a king of God, the future must be the strongest in the throne of God, and even the king of the king can be arguing with the beginning.

It is not a shameful thing to keep the family for such a great god.

"The wood is elders, don't hesitate, and agree quickly."

Many of the elders of the earthly sects, and even the sects of the earthly sects, have spoken to the elders of the woods.

In the middle of the platform, the old man of the woods stood pale with a face, his face was lonely, staring at the sword dust with the color of the lost soul, the voice from many elders kept ringing, he naturally heard However, it would be extremely difficult for him to let him go to a godly king and to keep his family for thousands of years.

The elders of the woods stood silent on the ring for a long time, and they were struggling fiercely in the heart. Finally, he slowly oversaw his head and looked at the ancestors of the land.

The ancestors of the Lingling ancestors stood calmly in the distance, the ancient wells had no waves, and there was no mood swing between the looks.

In the end, the elders of the woods turned their eyes to the sword dust, staring at the front of the main **** with a complex color, but the strength of the battle, even if they are not the rising star of the opponent, the heart is helplessly sigh, with a few In a sad tone, "I am guarding you for ten thousand years for your Tianyuan family."

In a short sentence, it took a lot of effort to say it. After saying this, his whole person became wilted, as if he had lost his soul and was languid.

"Since the grievances have been resolved, then we should also leave, Sangtu, we are changing to the day." Pingtian Emperor said to the ancestors of the land.

The ancestors of the Lingling ancestors clung to the Emperor of Heaven, and after a simple chill, they bid farewell to the Emperor of Heaven.

Next, Emperor Pingtian and Jian Chen boarded the brakes and galloped under the eyes of many elders and disciples.

The elders of the woods did not leave with them. When they left, he would stay in the Tianyuan family and guard the Tianyuan family for a long time. Therefore, before the departure, some things to be dealt with in the Zongmen need to be dealt with.

"Wood, you come to see me." The ancestors of the earthly sect said to the wood, and then drifted away.

Above the highest mountain in the Lingshan Mountains, the source of the fog, the formation of a faint mist lingering on the top of the mountain, so that this mountain is looming, like being in the sea of ​​clouds.

This mountain peak is the spiritual symbol of the spiritual sect, and it is also the pillar of the spiritual sect. It is the spine of the heavens and the earth that propels this sect.

Because it is the land of the earth ancestors' ancestors.

At this moment, at the top of this mountain, the ancestral ancestors stood on the edge of the cliff, looking deep into the heavens and the earth, the high wind whistling, blowing his silver long hair waving wildly, clothing hunting.

Behind him, the current sect of the sect of the earth, and the ruined woods are standing there with respect.

"Wood is dry, you know, why should I let you lose?" The ancestors of the earthly spirits were facing them, and their voices were calm.

But in this calm voice, it is a bit of helplessness.

"The original wood was incomprehensible, but later the wood was clear, because the strong behind the sword dust is very strong." Mu Kui said.

"Old ancestors, do you know the identity of the strong-starter behind Jian Chen?" asked the ancestral lord of the earth.

The ancestors of the Lingling sighed a long sigh and said: "I don't know the identity of the strong-starter behind Jian Chen, but that person is not provoked by our spiritual sect. Her strength is strong. When you raise your hand, you can let my spirits die."

When he said this, the ancestors of the earthly ancestors could not help but recall the scene three days ago.

At that time, he was retreating in the secret room, a woman in white, the fabulous woman appeared quietly in the secret room of his retreat, if the woman’s initiative to release the breath awakened him, afraid he was He didn't understand that this secret room, which had been arranged by him, had already entered a stranger without his knowledge.

Although the woman of the genius of the genius did not do anything to him, the strong pressure that emanated from her has so far reminded the souls of the Lingling ancestors.

That pressure has made him unforgettable forever. In the face of this pressure, he feels that he has no power to resist, just like facing a strong enemy, weak as an ant.

He has no doubt that this woman absolutely has the thrilling power to lift the hand to let the spirits fly away.

Such a top-ranking strongman, where his spiritual sect is offended.

Hearing the words of the ancestors of the Lingzong, whether it is the elders of the woods or the current lords of the spirits, the eyes are full of horror.

They all heard that there was a strong starter behind Jian Chen, but they did not expect the strongman of the beginning. The strength was so terrible, and the ancestors of the Lingling ancestors were so taboo.

"Now, do you understand?" There was a bitter bitterness on the face of the ancestors of the spirits, and he said helplessly: "We can't afford the people behind the sword dust, but my spiritual sect must keep the face after all, if it is directly soft. Spreading out, the reputation of my spiritual sect is not good, so that you will let the dead wood and the sword dust fight, and lose to the sword dust in the public. So, not only can the sword dust be explained, it will not offend the sword dust. The strong man behind it can also keep the face of our spiritual sect."

"Although the king of God was defeated in the hands of a god, it was not a very glorious thing, but Jian Chen had already defeated a **** in the northern domain. He already had the strength to win the first place in the main monument, and lost in such a generation. In the hands of the Lord God, it is not shameful."

"Wooden, you have to clean it up. When you are ready, you will leave and protect the Tianyuan family for thousands of years."

"Yes, ancestors!" said the wood, and the heart was full of warmth.

Now, he finally understands why the ancestors want to let themselves fight with Jian Chen, just defeat, not to win.

It turns out that behind the Jian Chen there is a strong top who can easily let the spirits die. No wonder the ancestors will make such a decision.

After the incumbent and the dying of the earthly sect, the ancestors of the earthly sect stood silent on the edge of the cliff for a moment, and immediately turned a hand, and immediately there was a piece of jade in his hand.

He held the jade piece and recorded a message on it with the power of the gods. After a while, his eyes suddenly looked into the distance, and the jade piece went out.

Suddenly, the jade piece turned into a white light, and it disappeared with a quick and incredulous gaze, and disappeared in an instant.

In the depths of the seven yin yin mountains shrouded by colorful poisonous scorpions, several middle-aged men appeared quietly at this moment, suspended in the sky above the seven yin yin mountains, staring gloomy underneath.

I saw them at their feet, the mountains had collapsed, the rocks piled up, and the scene was a mess.

In the rock, you can clearly see that there are several huge figures falling below.

These figures, although they have died, still have a weak pressure from them, and each of them has the power of the late King of God.

"Who? Who made this? Who is it, took away the avenue of the emperor?" In the sky, a middle-aged man standing in the forefront wearing a purple golden robe, full of majesty, is now The eyes stared coldly at the bottom, making a gnashing sound.

This middle-aged man is the nine emperors of the Blood Yang Dynasty!

"Nine emperors, the subordinates have sent people to check, but this is related to a strong starter. If you want to find something, it will take some time. But I believe that there will be some beauty soon. "A **** king standing behind the nine emperors said cautiously."

"Accelerate the speed to check, the prince wants to know the identity of the origin in the shortest time, hey, dare to take away the avenue of the emperor, even if you are the beginning of the situation." Nine emperor eyes cold, his repair It is only one step away from the beginning of the world.

Originally owned by Avenue Flower, this step can be easily crossed and does not require too much time.

But now the avenue is taken, and if he wants to break through the beginning, the time will be extended indefinitely.

Just then, a white jade piece broke through and hovered directly in front of the Nine Emperors.

Nine Emperors stared at the jade piece calmly, and slowly reached the hand, saying: "This thing, because it is a strong starter, but the beginning of the Tianyue Dynasty is just a few, Look at the direction in which the jade piece flies, because it is the one of the Lingling."

"Nine emperors, the ancestors of the Lingling ancestors came to jade, do you know any clues?" said one person standing behind the nine emperors.

"I hope so." The nine emperors said coldly, and God immediately entered the jade.

Soon, he read the contents of Yujian, and there was a cold glory in his eyes. He squeezed the jade into a smashed face and said with no expression: "Go, go to the Ping'an Kingdom, Dong'an County."

Jian Chen went straight back to the Tianyuan family. When he returned, he felt the whole family in a clear sense. The atmosphere seemed to be very active and shrouded in a deep joy.

"Homeowner, you finally came back, and the rain has successfully broken through and entered the realm of the Lord God." Mo Ling saw the sword dust far away, and immediately ran over with excitement.

There is one more powerful **** in the Tianyuan family. This is definitely a matter worthy of congratulations.

Because in today's Pingtian Kingdom, the Lord God is still the hegemon of a county.

"Peace rain!" When it comes to the rain, Jian Chen can't help but think of the trip to the North, and hand it to the Princess of Tai'an.

"It’s been so long, there is still no movement, I don’t know if it’s my guessing mistake, or the Princess Tai’an hasn’t handed the box to the emperor or the emperor.” Jian Chen thought secretly.


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