Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1969: Holy religion

Jian Chen coughed out a few mouthfuls of blood, his eyes looked cold and cold and looked back at the three gods who were chasing after him. Immediately, the left arm embraced Kay's waist, and the right hand printed and decided to cast a word of lightning!

The waist was hugged by the arm of Jian Chen, and Kay's body suddenly became stiff, and his eyes looked at Jian Chen, revealing a complex color. In her memory, in addition to her father, no one has ever touched her body.

In addition, in her heart, there is a strong resistance to the intimate contact of a man with his body.

Moreover, this conflict from the heart is also getting stronger and stronger, as if there is a voice that keeps reminding her, almost shakes her will, let her directly resist this move of Jian Chen.

But she did not allow Kayado to think, she felt that her body suddenly sank, and the surrounding vision became blurred in an instant. All the scenes at this moment were turned into a stream of light from the front. .

The word lightning of Jian Chen has already been displayed. He and Kay are both wrapped up in swords and turned into a lightning bolt, flying toward the distance at an incredible speed.

This speed is not enough to describe in a thousand miles, but in a thousand miles, even tens of thousands of miles.

The three gods and gods who are chasing after him are now stunned by the pupils. The speed of Jian Chen and Kayya is so fast that the three of them are all blasphemy.

This speed is almost beyond the limit that can be discerned by the naked eye, and can only be captured with the knowledge of God.

"Quickly chase, never let them run!"

One of the gods gave a low drink and immediately applied the secret method with the other two. The speed suddenly increased sharply, and it turned into three vague afterimages.

The speed of the sword dust is very fast, but the duration of the word lightning is too short. The distance spanned in such a short period of time cannot exceed the scope of a god.

Therefore, although Jian Chen and Kayya have escaped the sight of these three gods by the speed of a word lightning, they are still within the scope of their knowledge.

Tens of thousands of miles away, the swordsmanship of Jian Chen and Kayya disappeared slowly, and the horror speed brought by the word lightning was restored to normal. Behind the two of them, the three gods of the demon The figure of the king has disappeared.

But both of them understand that they have not lost the three gods, and even they can clearly feel that three very strong breaths are being chased from the far back. At this speed, only a dozen A time of breathing will catch up with them.

"Sword dust, what should we do now." Kea broke away from the arm of Jian Chen without any traces, and some worried.

"Go" Jian Chen just wanted to open, but it touched the body's injury, coughed up violently, and a few mouthfuls of blood mixed with visceral shattering from his mouth.

Although he only had one fight with the two gods, the opponent was the late king of God. After that, the sword was so badly injured. If it was not the body of chaos, he was afraid that he had already fallen.

"Sword dust, how are you doing, you should heal yourself first, or let me take you with you." Kea said with a look of concern.

Jian Chen shook his head and silently operated the chaos to heal the wound. At the same time, he swallowed a large number of healing medicinal herbs and several remedies that restored the power of the gods. This was difficult to say with a few weak words: Your speed is not as fast as they are. Now I can only show you the opportunity to escape if I show you the sword. If you go to Qingyang Shenguo, we can open them and go!" The left arm of the dust was once again hugged around Kay's waist, and the right hand was squatting, continuing to display a word of lightning.

Now that he is in dire straits, where he can take care of the concept of not being kissed by men and women, it is more important than anything to escape the pursuit of the three gods.

Kay's mood is very complicated. When she is in close contact with Jian Chen, she will have a strong resistance in her heart.

But when she thinks about the crisis facing her and Jian Chen, she has no choice but to repress the strong resistance that comes from her heart.


In Kay's complicated mood, the body of her and Jian Chen, once again wrapped up in a sword, swept away in front of lightning speed, tens of thousands of miles, the speed is really Very fast.

Such a fast speed, even the late King of the King of God is difficult to catch up, even if the three gods of the Demon sacred have already used the secret method to improve the speed, but still can not reach the speed of tens of thousands of miles.

However, the word lightning of Jian Chen is also flawed, that is, it cannot last for a long time. Unlike the three gods in the rear, it can keep the current fastest speed for a long time.

Therefore, every time the sword dust is stopped, the distance between the two sides has been pulled, and it will be shortened again.

This forced Jian Chen to continue to use a word of lightning.

Fortunately, his chaotic power is consumed very slowly, and since he cultivated the body of chaos, he has never exhausted the chaos in the body because of the long battle. Otherwise, facing the later chasing of the three kings of the gods, with the later cultivation of his main god, under such a frequent lightning flash, the energy in the body cannot be supported.

The continuous land under the feet and the endless mountains and rivers are rapidly regressing. Under the chase and escape, the two sides quickly emerged from the territory of the Pingtian Kingdom and entered the Qingyang Kingdom.

Under this path, the injury on Jian Chen is also recovering rapidly under the horrible self-healing speed of Chaos.

Although his entire mind was used to escape the Internet, his injuries have not deteriorated, but they are gradually improving.

After Kay took the healing medicine, the injury was obviously improved.

The speed of Jian Chen did not stop at all. After entering the Qingyang Shenguo, he quickly identified the lower position, and then he once again exerted a word of lightning and galloped away.

Behind them, the gods of the three gods and gods are chasing after them, and the distance between the two sides has always remained tens of thousands of miles away.

Although it seems that this distance is very far away, for these strong people, it is time for two or three breaths.

Therefore, Jian Chen did not dare to relax.

Soon after, Jian Chen came to a barren mountain in Qingyang Shenguo. He came to a hidden valley with Kaia's light car and directly shot a sword against a glorious stone wall.

In the roar, the stone wall was broken, revealing a cave hidden inside.

Jian Chen's figure flashed, and he had already entered Kayya into this dim cave and entered the end of the cave at the fastest speed.

Here, there is a good transmission array that is placed on the ground.

At the same time, a horrible pressure came from the pressure, and the mountains were trembled.

Jian Chen's speed was slow, and the three gods immediately chased them up. The speed was very fast. They could even see their figure turned into a little black spot on the horizon.

Jian Chen’s face was serious, and immediately took Kea to stand in the transmission array. During the wave, he threw out a few crystals to start the transmission array. Under a strong white light, the shadows of the two of them disappeared. No trace.

But just as the shadow of Jian Chen was about to be sent away, a fist-sized transparent crystal suddenly came out of him.

Immediately, when the figure of him and Kayya disappeared completely into the transmission array, the crystal also made a loud noise, which exploded and not only completely destroyed the transmission array placed on the ground, even this The caves were completely destroyed by the bombing.

The three gods of the demon religion also came to this cave that had collapsed, and each face was gloomy.

"They have escaped through the transmission array, but the level of the transmission array is not high, so they will not transmit too far, because it has not escaped our range of knowledge." A **** of the gods is full of magic, Said in a low voice.

Immediately, the consciousness of the three of them immediately spread and went to search for the traces of Jian Chen and Kea.

At this moment, Jian Chen and Kai Ya have appeared in an original mountain range in the Great Gods.

Here, there is also a transmission array that is well placed here.

These transmission arrays were all set up by Jian Chen after the destruction of the three main gods of the Demon Church, as the retreat of the Tianyuan family.

It was just that he did not expect that the transmissions that he had originally arranged, the people of the Tianyuan family did not use them, but instead became their own way of life.

"I didn't expect that there is a hidden transmission array in the Qingyang Shenguo. Thanks to this transmission array, otherwise, it is difficult for us to escape the pursuit of the three gods." In the dark cave, Kea I patted my chest and said that I had a lingering heart. I immediately looked at Jian Chen and asked: "Jian Chen, where are we now, because we should escape the pursuit of the three gods."

Jian Chen was still deeply dignified. He heard Shake’s words. He shook his head and said: “We are now in the territory of the Great God Kingdom. Although it is very far away from the Qingyang Kingdom, the three are the gods and strong, and They have reached the end of the realm. These strong people, the gods are very powerful, and they can cover a country of God without any effort. Therefore, most of the places we are now are not beyond their knowledge."

However, the voice of Jian Chen has just fallen, and his face with Kay is just a change. At this moment, both of them clearly feel that a savvy **** has swept over.

It’s just that the pressure of God’s knowledge is to make them feel like a mountain.

"They have found us, go, continue to transmit, I have to see if the gods of the late King of God can spread directly from the Qingyang Kingdom to the Tianyue Dynasty." Jian Chen said coldly, pulling the Kea Station In the transmission array, the transmission array was started again and the cave was left.

Without exception, when they left, in order to prevent the three gods from using the transmission array here, the transmission array that was placed in the territory of the Great Gods was also destroyed by Jian Chen.

In this way, the three gods of the sacred sacred gods want to catch up with them, only slowly flew to the celestial dynasty.

Although the speed of the king of the gods is very fast, it does not take long to travel from Qingyang Shenguo to the Tianyue Dynasty, but this time is very valuable for Jian Chen.

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