Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1971: Nine emperors are coming

In the next moment, the emperor's body swayed slightly, and it appeared in the face of Princess Tai'an in the teleportation. In the case that Princess Tai'an did not react at all, he took away the jade in the hands of Princess Tai'an and took it. The hands carefully looked at them carefully.

Although the material of Yupei is only a very ordinary thing, the delicate pattern carved on it is the cold heart of the emperor, which is beating.

Especially when the emperor saw the word "Xi Yu" on Yu Pei, she held the palm of Yu Pei, and she could not help but tremble violently.

This jade, she is familiar, even the shape of this jade, the delicate pattern, and the two words carved on it have already formed a brand, deeply imprinted in the depths of her soul To make it unforgettable.

Because when she and Xi Ziyun were chased by the enemy, but in desperation to abandon their daughter, they left such a jade on their daughters as proof of identity.

Although the material of this jade is not what they left in the past, except for the difference in materials, all the rest are exactly the same as the jade that they left for their daughters.

"Xianer, this jade, this jade, this jade, where did you get it?" There are tears in the eyes of the emperor, the trembling tone is full of eagerness, mixed with it, and there is one who is there. Excited to hear.

At this moment, the heart of the ancient emperor without waves, it seems to have become a volcano in the eruption, the mood of Azi violent fluctuations, difficult to calm.

Over the years, she and the emperor have been worried about their own daughters, and they have been thinking about their daughters almost all the time. They have been secretly searching for secrets for two thousand years, but there is still no news. Over time, their missing daughters have almost become a heart disease for their husband and wife, and they are forever in their hearts.

Because the two thousand years have not found the slightest clue, in this cruel world of the strong, the couple do not know whether their daughter is still in the world.

However, now, the emperor, who had already had a desperate desperation, suddenly saw the identity jade that was left to her daughter that year, which made her heart burn a fire of hope.

The daughter who has been missing for two thousand years has suddenly had clues. This huge surprise has made the emperor excited.

Princess Ang’s aunt looked at her aunt’s mood, and her heart was confusing. Some of the two monks couldn’t figure it out. She really didn’t understand, it’s not a common jade, why can I let the aunt who has always been indifferent So intense.

As for the ice on the side, it is even more dumbfounded. After staring at the emperor, the little face of the ancient spirit is full of surprise.

At this moment, she even suspected that the emperor she saw was pretending to be impersonated.

Because in her memory, the emperor has always been indifferent and proud, refused to be thousands of miles away, facing anyone is a cold attitude, only when I saw Tai'an sister, it will reveal the color of harmony.

But now, she actually saw tears in the eyes of the emperor, and saw excitement in the face of the emperor. This is an incredible thing in the eyes of Binger.

Although Princess Tai’an felt very puzzled, she still asked: “Aunt, do you remember that I said that there was a master **** named Jian Chen? At the time, this master **** gave a fairy box to Xian. Let Xianer must personally hand this box to the aunt or the uncle, and this jade is the only item in this box."

"What? The things in the box are actually this jade?" The empress's face showed a confession, and the casket was naturally remembered clearly.

At first, she dismissed the things sent by a god, but never imagined that the things contained in it were related to the clues of her daughter who had disappeared for two thousand years.

"No, this important thing, I must tell Ziyun." The figure of the emperor disappeared without a trace, leaving the Princess Taian and Binger standing in the garden.

In the imperial dynasty, a magnificent hall of the deliberation, the emperor wearing the Kowloon Supreme Robe is sitting on the throne and presiding over the political affairs. Below, neatly standing full of Wenwu Baiguan, one of the demeanor is revealed. Respectful color.

"Ziyun, Ziyun" was at this moment, the voice of the emperor passed over, and she held a jade in her hand, and turned it into a shadow of the image, which attracted the full of the literary and art.

"Why, when is this anxious?" The emperor sat on the throne and looked at the emperor after such a demeanor.

"Sub-cloud, you see." The emperor later went to the emperor, directly handed the jade in his hand to the emperor.

When the Emperor saw this jade, the pupil suddenly shrank, and the conditioned reflexes stood up from the dragon chair. An extremely terrifying momentum emerged from the body without control, such as the choppy waves. The entire hall of the parliament was raging, and the Manchu martial arts were forced to retreat.

"Where did this jade come from?" The emperor opened his mouth and his voice trembled and excited.

The emperor of the imperial dynasty, it is difficult to control his emotions at this moment.

The emperor explained the origin of this jade in a few words.

"Go, see the fairy." After learning the origin of this jade, the emperor was even more eager than the emperor, even the dynasty did not care about the host, and directly disappeared into the hall of the parliament with the emperor, leaving Manchu Wenwu face each other.

Among the royal gardens, Princess Taian and Binger still stood in the same place, and their two women apparently have not recovered from the shock.

At this time, the figure flashed, wearing a robes, and the emperor and the emperor, as if they were teleported, appeared in the Tai’an Princess.

"Fairy, leaving this jade sword dust now where is the person?" The emperor asked directly, deep feelings, but also full of urgency.

"Ah, my uncle!" Until this time, Princess Taian reacted and looked at the emperor who suddenly appeared in front of him. His expression was also staying, but he quickly responded and said: "Aunt, uncle, at the beginning When Jian Chen handed this jade to Xianer, he was still in the Xuan Dao dynasty. As for the present, it is still not there. Xianer is not sure."

"Go, go to the Xuan Dao dynasty!" The emperor acted resolutely and vigorously, and immediately took the Princess Tai'an and the emperor and left the Xi's dynasty, and rushed to the Xuan Dao Dynasty.

When the emperor travels, the battle will naturally not be too shabby, so along with the two, the realm of the royal family that also reached the beginning of the realm.

After learning the clues of his daughter, the emperor was obviously anxious, and he did not hesitate to do it himself. He took the road to the world with his own mastery, and he read the world, step by step, and took five In six steps, he crossed a distant distance, directly from the Emperor's dynasty to the Emperor's dynasty.

When the emperor visited the emperor, the Xuan Dao imperial dynasty was greatly shaken. All the strongmen who were sitting in the Xuantang dynasty of the town broke through and looked respectfully.

In the beginning of the Xuan Dao imperial dynasty, in addition to the day cream, there are also two old men of Hefei Tongyan. At this moment, they are all bowed to the emperor, and their hearts are full of embarrassment.

In these years, the emperor can be said to have killed the name of Hehewei. Therefore, for the arrival of Xidi, the three strong leaders of the Xuantang Dynasty were somewhat uneasy, and they all looked back in their minds. Did they participate in the emperor’s Hunting and killing among the ranks.

"Sword dust can be in your Xuanto dynasty?"

However, the next thing that made them three starters was that when the Emperor came up, he asked a person named Jian Chen.

Hearing this name, among the three strong-starters of the Xuan Dao imperial dynasty, the old two of the crane-faced children are all revealing doubts.

In the eyes of the frost, the mans flashed, and Shen said: "Xi Di, Jian Chen has left our Xuan Dao dynasty. If I expected it to be good, he should be a place in the southern domain called Pingtian Shenguo."

"Southern region, the **** of the heavens", the emperor whispered in a low voice, even if he expressed his gratitude to the frost, he immediately rushed to the south.

Xidi did not take the cross-domain transmission array, and he was on the road in Yunzhou with the repair of his mixed environment. The speed was even faster than the transmission array.

In the southern part of Yunzhou, the Dongtian County of Pingtian Shenguo, several figures flew past the sky at lightning speed, flew directly into Dong'an County, and finally hovered over the Tianyuan family.

When I was a young man, I was about forty years old, wearing a purple golden robe, with a bit of majesty in my manner, watching the Tianyuan family below with a condescending attitude, my eyes cold.

This middle-aged man is the nine emperors of the **** imperial dynasty!

He directly found the Tianyuan family based on some information provided by the ancestors of the Lingling.

"Nine emperors, this Tianyuan family is also a small family, the avenue was taken, is it really related to such a small family?" Behind the Nine Emperor, a **** king asked cautiously.

The Nine Emperors suspended in the sky, staring blankly at the Tianyuan family below, saying: "The person of the Lingling Zong told the Emperor on the anonymous jade. Ten years ago, Jian Chen was in the Dongfu of the Duanmu God. Zhong Dingli assisted a Yuanshen who had a strong starter to get some of the things left by Duanmu, and thereby restored the flesh. At that time, the originator who had just recovered the flesh was repaired as a mere god. ""

"Not long ago, Jian Chen was eye-catching by the head of the Ninth Regiment of the Demon Guardian, and was eventually rescued by a strong starter. Even Yaxilian was captured. This is the strongman of the beginning. It is very likely that with the help of Jian Chen, I got the thing that the king of Duanmu God recovered from the flesh."

The nine emperors stood up and slowly said: "One person reshaped the body of the gods soon after the body, even if her life's cultivation has reached the beginning, its repair speed can never be so fast, unless it is very precious. Heavenly treasures."

"And the boulevard flower happens to be such a very precious treasure of heaven and earth. Therefore, the emperor can almost certainly conclude that the person who took the boulevard flower is the starting point behind Jian Chen."

Speaking of the back, the face of the Nine Emperor also became gloomy, and the eyes were filled with killing. He has realized that this avenue is afraid to have been swallowed, but this hatred, he must report.

Because there is no avenue, the time limit for his entry into the country will be extended indefinitely. Even if he is talented, it is not an easy task to break through the bottleneck from the gods into the beginning.

In the heart of the Nine Emperors, the more they want to be more angry, the more they evolved into a savage killing, and they directly hit the Tianyuan family below.


A loud sound that stunned the entire Dong'an County, and guarded the Tianyuan family, which was only recently arranged for the king-level squad, fell directly under the fist of the Nine Emperor and collapsed.

This large array is only lower than the attack of the early kings of the gods, and the cultivation of the nine emperors has already reached the peak of the gods, and is already preparing for the breakthrough of the beginning, the strength is strong, and it is this large array. Can block.

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