Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1979: The strength of the emperor

In the southern domain, the Dongshen County of Pingtian Shenguo, the nine princes who were far away from the emperor’s slap in the face, after seeing the blood emperor who arrived in time, and the two old men standing in front of the blood emperor, The heart finally fell, such as Meng Dawei's general flying, and came to the blood emperor at the fastest speed.

However, although the reinforcements of the Blood Yang Dynasty have arrived, but the eager look of the Nine Emperors still has an escape pattern. It seems that I am afraid that I will go slower and will be intercepted by the Emperor and the Empress.

"My parents met the father and met the two emperors!" The nine emperors were very respectful and very difficult to spit out a sentence. They suffered the two slaps of the emperor. His entire chin was destroyed, so he spoke. It is already unclear.

The Blood Emperor's blood emperor was majestic, and he blinked his eyes and looked at the nine emperors. His eyes did not reveal the slightest distressed color. Instead, he took a sharp, low-pitched voice: "Let's stay behind." The tone is simple and decisive.

"Yes!" The nine emperors confessed that the mood was very painful. He knew that after experiencing this incident, he was in the heart of his father, and his status was already worse than before.

This made his heart full of bitterness. He just wanted to find out the strongman who stole the avenue flower. But he never thought that it would cause such a big thing to come out, even the dynasty The Holy Emperor was alarmed.

Inside the Tianyuan family, the emperor stared at the two emperors of the Blood Yang Dynasty with no expression. The eyes were full of enthusiasm. "You have finally arrived. The Emperor of the province personally went to the Emperor of the Blood Yang Dynasty." I’m going to take a trip. But this is a sigh of relief. I don’t know if you are letting the Emperor pay attention to him. Is it a few gods? Or is it for the prince who killed the Emperor’s daughter? Or, let Does the Emperor care for your **** dynasty?"

The emperor's tone is cold, with a sense of killing, even if the two **** dynasty dynasties are too close to the Holy Emperor, he is still domineering.

In the face of the strength of the emperor, the two emperors of the Yangyang dynasty still have a look of gloom and lightness. One of them said: "The emperor’s anger, the cause of the matter, we have already known, this matter, indeed It’s not right on our side, but fortunately, it’s not a big mistake. I’m sorry for the damage suffered by the emperor’s loved ones. We will compensate for the **** dynasty, and we will also hope that there will be a large number of Emperors and don’t have a general knowledge of the juniors.”

The face of the emperor suddenly sank, and the eyes shot in the sky, and screamed coldly: "When the emperor came here, the rain had lost an arm, suffered a very serious trauma, and had little life in the body. And suffered in the rain. Under such a serious trauma situation, the people of your blood Yang Dynasty dare to still want to marry my daughter. Isn’t this a big mistake? Or, in your opinion, only when the rain falls, is that a big mistake?”

The emperor said that he was more angry. At this moment, he seemed to be a raging tiger, with a bloodthirsty impulse.

The faces of the two emperors of the Yangyang dynasty still had no change in their faces. The eyes looked calmly at the emperor. One of them turned over and immediately a drop of green liquid floated into his palm, giving off a mysterious wave.

Since the appearance of this liquid, the gods of all the people in the field are trembled, and a sense of comfort that is difficult to describe with words, from the depths of their souls, is like a sublimation.

Even the strongest powers such as the Emperor of Heaven and the Heavenly Empire are no exception.

The fluctuations in the invisible liquid of this drop can affect the strongest of the Promise!

"This seems to be the spirit of the starry sky." The Tianyue Dynasty, a non-polar origin from the royal family, made a low cry. The spirit of the starry sky is a legendary thing for them.

A practitioner, how high is the future achievement, what kind of height can be climbed on the way to cultivation, often related to the qualifications and understanding of the practitioners themselves.

In this, savvy is especially important!

On the way to cultivation, we must learn about warfare techniques, realize the mysterious world and master the rules of heaven and earth, and these are all related to one's understanding.

The higher the savvy, the faster the speed of comprehending combat skills is, the rules of heaven and earth are more and more easy to understand.

In the vast sacred world, countless people are trapped in the original source, and they are only one step away from the gods. However, this step is not accessible to them for the rest of their lives.

This is not to say that their qualifications are not good, but that their understanding is lacking, and they are unable to control the rules of the heavens and the earth and obtain the key to the gates of the gods.

After the divine environment, the promotion of each realm needs to reach the corresponding level of understanding of the rules of heaven and earth. It can be seen how important one's understanding is in the process of cultivation.

This starry spirit is precisely the supreme treasure that can enhance a person's understanding, even for the strongest of the beginning of the Promise, it is a deadly temptation.

Because this starry spirit enhances the understanding of a person, it is not temporary. For example, the ancient tea tree can only be effective for a certain period of time, but it is a permanent improvement.

A drop of star spirit, even if it is given to a dull person, can transform this person into an amazing genius.

"The emperor, the value of this starry spirit, I must know in your heart, I wonder if this starry spirit can eliminate the hatred in your heart." The Emperor of the Blood Yang Dynasty said.

However, the emperor is not moving, cold channel: "The injury to the rain, not anything can make up, blood debt, but also blood to pay." The emperor is simply and decisive, without hesitation or It was the color of hesitation, and immediately he turned his head to look at the rain, saying: "Rain, start, kill these gods, I want to see who they dare to stop." Speaking of the back, a powerful momentum From the emperor's body, the two emperors were pushed to the **** dynasty.

From the beginning to the end, they all showed a pair of fascinating two sacred emperors. At this moment, there was a slight change in expression, and the brows were slightly wrinkled.

The blood emperor standing behind them was slightly turning back and licking the nine emperors behind their eyes. The majestic eyes showed a hint of chill, and the heart sighed secretly. "The nine sons of this are really smashing the sky." You are offended who is not good, but you have to provoke the emperor of the Xi’s dynasty."

The rain was slightly hesitant, and then he broke his hand and unscrupulously launched a lore against several gods.

These gods were sealed by the emperor and repaired in the whole body. In the face of the attack of the rain, they could not escape. Only the eyes of death came to watch.

The two emperors of the Yangyang Dynasty were looking at this scene and did not choose to shoot. They are more or less aware of the temperament of the emperor. This is definitely a monk who ignores the overall situation and can make all crazy actions for her daughter.

He was the best witness of his **** washing of the ancestors of the dynasty, and the killing of many brothers.

Even in the Xi's dynasty, the high-powered national guardian of the country was not spared.

In the face of such a monk, if they rescued those gods, it would definitely break out a battle of mixed elements!

Soon, the few gods who came with the nine emperors, all of them were executed by the rain, and they were pierced by the sword, and they dispelled the gods and fell into disarray.

They do not have the powerful chaos of the sword dust, and they can withstand the attack of the Lord God with a strong body and are unharmed. Once sealed, it is not the main divine, even the human gods, even the source, can cause harm to their flesh.

"I am sorry, can you be satisfied with this?" After all the gods died, a Taishang Emperor asked.

"Hand over the Nine Emperors." The emperor said with a blank expression, the tone was decisive, and there was no room for negotiation.

This time, the two elders of the Yangyang dynasty were difficult to maintain calmly, and their faces were slightly changed.

Even the blood-yang emperor standing behind them was the emperor's blood emperor, and his face was now ugly.

What kind of crimes committed by the Nine Emperors were for the time being, but the Nine Emperors were members of the royal family and the parents of the blood emperor. His life and death may not be important, but he represented, but he was a **** dynasty.

The two emperors of the Yangyang dynasty are also sinking in the heart. The death of the nine emperors is indifferent. What they really care about is the majesty of the blood yang dynasty.

If you really hand over the Nine Emperors to the Emperor, and then the Emperor killed the Nine Emperors in their presence, what is the majesty of their **** dynasty?

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