Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1982: Void warship

This young man is only acting on his own, it is to resolve the attack of the three gods of the Demon sacred, and his face is calm, and the strength is obviously very strong.

And Jian Chen is also constantly increasing with the king of the king he has encountered, and he has fought with the gods several times. Therefore, he has some understanding of the strength of the king's kingdom. When the young man started, he Clearly feel that this person will block the three youths of the Demon sacred religion by himself, and repair it as the same in the late king!

Under the same cultivation and realm, this young man can actually take an enemy without falling into the wind, and it must also belong to the ranks of the genius.

"This Huangdu dynasty imperial capital, it is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, casually meet a person, even so powerful." Jian Chen secretly scared.

Opposite, the three gods of the demon sacred priests are full of magical spirits, and the thick black fog conceals their physique. One of them makes a low voice and says: "Who are you, dare to hinder our sacred priests, and quickly retire, We can never be embarrassed, otherwise, it is an enemy of our gods."

The celestial sacred religion has always been arrogant in Yunzhou. Even if it came to the imperial capital of the Blood Yang Dynasty, there is no slight convergence. It is completely a gesture of fearlessness.

The young man holding the folding fan opened the fan, and slowly and casually sneaked, sneer: "Three, you are too unwilling to put the blood yang emperor in your eyes. Before you say these words, don't look at what is here." Place, dare to threaten me on my site, let alone three of you can't get the protection of the countertop. I am afraid that the deputy head of your sacred sacred religion will come to you.

At this time, there have been a large number of escorts belonging to the Emperor of the Blood Yang Dynasty, and there are several princes who have already flown out of the palace. The rushing motor is approaching here.

There were only a few breaths before and after, and the three gods of the celestial sacred religion were surrounded by the group. Several gods from the Blood Yang Dynasty Palace were cold-eyed and surrounded them. The huge atmosphere has been slowly pressed. Out.

Despite being trapped in the encirclement, the three denominations of the Demon sacred religion were calm and calm, and one of them said: "The deputy master personally ordered the two to be taken, is it that you want to shelter them?"

"Who do you associate with the deputy leader? I have no interest at all, but here is the imperial capital of the Blood Yang Dynasty. It is not a place where you can come. In this southern region, your gods and saints can’t cover the sky. Three, still Please come back, otherwise, I have to let people play you out of the Imperial City." White youth cold channel.

After the short-term indulgence of the three guards of the celestial sacred religion, after determining the current form, there is only a helpless retreat.

After the three guards of the Demon Sanctuary retreated, Jian Chen also held a fist against the young man. He said: "In the lower sword dust, more Xiongtai will help each other, and today's grace will be remembered in the next."

"Sword dust?" Upon hearing the name of Jian Chen, the young man with a folding fan suddenly condensed, and some of them stared at Jian Chen with amazement. "You are the one who defeated a **** in the northern domain." dust?"

"It is exactly below." Jian Chen said.

The young man smiled slightly and looked at the sword dust up and down. He said: "No wonder that the cultivation of your main deity has led to the pursuit of the three guards of the demon sacred religion. You used to hold the Axis, and let the Emperor of Pingtian do the yasi It’s awkward, forcing Huai’an to make concessions. With Huai’an’s character, it’s bound to remember the hatred, let alone you’re the master **** on the main god’s tablet, talented, and future, for the demon saint, but not a A small threat, this Huai'an will definitely shoot you."

Among the three deputy priests of the celestial sacred religion, Huai'an is the narrowest in this person's heart. You must report it. If you are eye-catching by Huai'an, you should be more careful."

When I first said this, the youth’s tone came to an abrupt end, my eyes fixed on the distance, and my face became serious. “It seems that this Huai’an’s emphasis on you is far beyond my expectations. Actually, I came here in person. Jian Chen, you still have to leave here. This Huai’an is the deputy leader of the sacred sacred religion. He masters all kinds of secret techniques, plus his cultivation of the Promise of the Promise. If you want to deal with you, you can Do not violate the laws of our blood Yang Dynasty."

The speed of Huai'an came very fast. When the young man had not finished speaking, his figure appeared quietly on the street, staring at Jian Chen with a cold eyes.

And Jian Chen, there is no hesitation for a moment, with Kaiya leaving here at the fastest speed, and instantly disappeared into the street.

The white-haired youth with a folding fan is only in front of Huai'an. The tone is not salty and not light: "I didn't expect the Huai'an deputy leader of the famous demon sect to come to my blood yang dynasty personally, I don't know, we The blood yang dynasty should be treated as a courteous guest, or as a guest, or because of the insistence on the position, directly ask you to go out? Huai’an deputy leader, you can make it difficult for me."

Huai'an is going to chase the sword dust and see the young man in front of him. This makes his brow suddenly wrinkle. Although he does not know this young man, this young man is only afraid of himself. Earlier, he said that when he was in the **** dynasty, he had the word "we", which made Huai'an instantly judge the young man in front of him, fearing that he was a royal family, and his identity was not low.

But even if his status is not low, he Huai’an is the deputy leader of the sacred sacred religion. This kind of identity, even those of the blood yang dynasty, is too jealous, and immediately issued a cold cry, saying: "Teaching If you want to commit crimes, you don’t have time to entangle with you here, and you will quickly retire. Otherwise, you will not be in love with the singularity of the singer.” When speaking, the pressure of the beginning of the world radiated from Huai’an and went to the oppression of the youth. .

"Huai'an, here is the blood yang dynasty, not your sacred sacred religion, if you are so unscrupulous, then I have to drive you out of the imperial city." Just when Huai'an just released the origin of the pressure, in the blood Yang Dynasty palace, There is a strong and loud voice directly into the ears of Huai'an.

"Hey, the rules of your blood Yang dynasty, this religion is naturally known, this religion has come here, has nothing to do with your blood Yang dynasty, as long as you do not hinder this teaching, this religion will naturally not break your blood Yang dynasty. Rules." Huai'an whispered back, no longer take care of the youth, the figure disappeared and disappeared, chasing the past toward Jian Chen.

The young fan of the folding fan looked at the direction of the disappearance of Huai'an, and his eyes showed a hint of unwillingness. He said to the palace: "National division, that sword dust is a talented genius in our southern region. It will definitely become a dominant party in the future. Are we so indifferent to watching Jian Chen being framed by the celestial sacred religion?"

"In the sacred world, there are so many geniuses in the celestial world, and there are even many famous figures in the ancient times, but in the end, how many people can climb the peak? Even if the main **** monument is the first, the throne is the first, There is not an example of a half-way failure. It is impossible to offend the sacred sacred religion for this matter." The thick and loud voice of the Blood Yang Dynasty Palace came again, but this voice, but only this young man can hear it.

At this moment, Jian Chen and Kayya are flying fast in the imperial city, as far as possible to distance the distance from Huai'an, thinking about the countermeasures in the brain.

However, at this time, the sword dust and the Kay, who flew in the middle and low altitudes of the Imperial City, stopped at the same time and looked at the front.

I saw in front of them, an old man wearing a white robe and a crane-faced child was standing there, staring at Jian Chen and Kea with a hint of inexplicable brilliance.

"Welling the dragon, how are you here?" Kay asked, his face showing an unexpected color.

This old man was the master of the dragon who had some festivals with Jian Chen.

It was only this festival, when the seven guards of the Lingling ancestors were killed in Dong'an County, because the master of the entanglement of the dragon protected Keya to make the sword dust grateful, so the hatred of the master of the tangled dragon in Jian Chen's heart was gradually resolved.

I encountered a tangled dragon here, and Jian Chen also felt very surprised.

The master of the wrap-around dragon became very serious and said with a low tone: "I know that you have encountered a lot of trouble. Don't say anything now, come with me." When the words are not finished, the master of the dragon will turn away. go with.

Jian Chen and Kayya looked at each other. Although they didn't know what medicines were sold in the gourd master gourd, at this time, they obviously had no choice but to go with the master of the dragon.

Under the leadership of Tanglong, Jian Chen, a group of three of them, soon came to a very large square in the Imperial City. This square is only a diameter, it is dozens of miles away, and the people gathered here are even more It is a sea of ​​people.

The most striking thing is that in the center of the square, there is a very huge flying magic weapon, which is dozens of miles long and tens of thousands of meters high. It is like a mountain, suspended in midair, almost filled. Filling the entire square, just taking a look at it gives people a very strong sense of oppression.

"Hold this, follow me on board, as long as I go to the Void Warship, we are temporarily safe." Master Wollongong handed over to Kay and Jian Chen a jade, and they took them both toward The Void Warship flies quickly.

"Void warship?" Sword dust eyes reveal a trace of doubtful color, looked at the incomparably huge flying magic weapon, with a hint of incomprehensibility and stunned, followed by the wrap-around dragon to fly toward the void ship.

At this time, he can't control the role of this Void Warship. As long as he can get rid of the pursuit of a Promise, even if it is a sea of ​​fire, he has to go.

"Sword dust, leave this teaching!"

Just as Jian Chen was about to log in to the Void Warship, a loud drink thundered in his mind, and the horrible sound waves echoed in the sword dust brain, and the Yuanshen, who was shocked by the sword dust, swayed violently and almost collapsed. Come, consciousness has fallen into a vagueness, and the power of chaos in the body is even more stagnation at this moment. His whole person almost fell directly from the sky.

I saw it at the rear, and the vice-president of Huai'an had already arrived. He was staring at Jian Chen with a gloomy face.

When Kay, who was flying around Jian Chen, saw it, he immediately grabbed the shoulder of Jian Chen, and the speed suddenly increased, flying toward the door of the Void Warship.

"I want to leave Yunzhou!" Huai'an face was iron-blue. At this moment, he couldn't care about the rules of the blood-yang dynasty. When he raised his hand, he grabbed the dust in the air.

With his palms coming out, his entire arm was stretched indefinitely, and the slap was turned into a dark cloud, covering the heavens and the earth, trapping time and space, and shrouded Jianyun and Kaiya. go with.

The body of Kea and Jian Chen suddenly sink, and the huge pressure came, so that the bodies of both of them could not be moved. They could only watch Huai'an's palms pressed from the top of the head.

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