Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1984: The hardship of Houston

As for trailing behind the Void Warship, it is even more impossible to kill the sword after it has been disembarked.

Because this virtual warship enters the sky outside the sky, once the speed is unfolded, even the strongest people in the world without the environment can not catch up, fearing that there is also the beginning of the mixed yuan, in order to keep up with the speed of the virtual warship.

After all, this is the means of transport used to cross the forty-nine continents of the Holy Land, the 81st star, and the speed is naturally coming to an extreme.

Outside the Void Warship, Huai'an looked gloomyly at the sword dust that had disappeared into the door of the Void Warship, and even hated the ultimate in the red robe old man who stopped himself.

If the old man of the red robe prevented himself from shooting three times and four times, the sword dust would have fallen into his hands at the moment.

It is a pity that he is infinitely inferior, but his strength is far less than that of the red robe old man, so he can only bury this hate deeply in his heart.

"Huai'an, speeding out of the imperial capital." The old man in the red robe spoke, and the plain tone had a cold feeling.

The celestial sacred religion, this is a kind of existence that makes many of the strengths in Yunzhou very repugnant. If you don’t care about the mysterious and terrible elders of the celestial sacred religion, all the deeds made in the state of Yunzhou in the past years. It is impossible to exist until now.

Until then, Huai'an had drawn back his right hand, and his entire right hand palm had disappeared.

However, he did not care about the injury on his right arm, staring blankly at the old man in red robe and glanced at it, and left the place.

He has lost the chance to kill the sword dust!

At this moment, in the interior of the Void Warship, Jian Chen was stunned by Huai'an as a thunderous thunder, and the Yuanshen, which was shaken vigorously, was gradually recovered. It was immediately under the leadership of the master of the dragon, in the void. After a while, the ship finally stopped in a very large cabin.

This cabin is obviously located at the bottom of the Void Warship. Inside the cabin, hundreds of stone platforms of the size of a futon are placed in an orderly manner. At this moment, on these stone platforms, there are already scattered seats. Less people.

Jian Chen and Kai Ya, under the leadership of the master of the dragon, respectively, sat on three of the stone platforms.

"Where is this?" Jian Chen looked around his eyes, very confused.

The master of the entanglement sits on the stone platform next to the sword dust, and speaks to Jian Chen and Kea: "This is a virtual warship. It is a very famous large-scale transport in the sacred world. Used to travel across continents."

"In the sacred world, although there are transmission arrays that can span the distance between continents, the transmission costs are very expensive, even for some of the strongest starters. This virtual warship is more expensive than the intercontinental transmission array. It’s much cheaper, and even some gods can afford it. The only drawback is that the speed is much slower than the ride.”

"If you use a transmission array to cross the continent, no matter how far the distance between the continent and the continent is, you can arrive in a short period of time. This virtual warship takes years, decades, or even It takes hundreds of thousands of years to travel long distances in the void to reach."

The Master of the Dragon has a very detailed understanding of the Void Warship, and he explained it to Jian Chen and Kai Ya on one side.

When Jian Chen learned that he was about to take the virtual warship and leave Yunzhou, the whole person was silent, and his thoughts were heavy. The eyebrows were full of worries.

The incident happened so suddenly that he was not ready yet, especially the Tianyuan family, which filled his heart with worry.

Because Ruijin, Honglian, Blackfish, Nubis, Shengyu and other people who followed him from the Tianyuan continent, all remain in the Tianyuan family.

"Now, I can only hope that Emperor Pingtian can shelter the Tianyuan family." Jian Chen secretly thought that his heart was full of bitterness. He did not expect that Huai'an, one of the deputy priests of the divine sacred religion, as a high-ranking strongman, would actually personally pursue a main deity in his district.

In the face of the pursuit of a strong starter, with his current strength, it is indeed powerless, even the escape is a luxury, if Huai'an is the strongest of the blood Yang Dynasty, he even has this void It is impossible for the warship to embark.

"This time, it is a last resort, Huai'an, I will come back." Jian Chen double fists clenched, his eyes became extremely sharp

At the same time, in the middle of Yunzhou, it is not only the center of the vast expanse of Yunzhou, but also the most prosperous place in Yunzhou. More than half of the top forces standing in the top of Yunzhou are located in the middle.

Moreover, the only eternal dynasty in Yunzhou is located in the middle.

At this moment, in a wilderness with rare humans in the middle, Houston, wearing a blood-red robes, is fleeing. There are already many wounds on his body. Everything is horrible and bloody, and blood is flowing. Out, it is suffering from the ruthless pursuit of more than a dozen gods.

Behind him, more than a dozen gods stared at Houston with enthusiasm, chasing Houston and fighting with the gods around them.

Everyone wants to be close to Houston, but no one wants to be taken a step by the people around them. Once they are at the forefront, they will be ruthlessly attacked by people around them or by people behind them.

Therefore, although they are more than a dozen gods chasing a main god, but because of the paralysis of others, they can not catch up with Houston.

"This artifact is destined to be mine."

"All the kings are rolled out, whoever dares to block the king. After the end of the matter, the king will visit one by one."

More than a dozen gods shouted, and many people's eyes were red. The artifacts in Houston made their heart beat faster, and the excited blood was boiling.

Artifact, this is something that many of the original strongmen have never owned. For these gods, the temptation is fatal.

In front, Houston kept coughing blood. After he came to the middle field, he wanted to find a secluded and hidden place to practice. However, he did not expect to encounter a powerful beast in the wilderness. He had to use the celestial sacred beads against the enemy.

At this time, the demon sacred pearl was discovered by a **** who passed by here, and gave birth to a greedy heart, which exposed Houston's secrets of artifacts.

In the face of a **** king, the strength of Houston itself is not an opponent. If there is no help from the Holy Spirit, he is afraid that he will not even have the ability to escape.

So, next, he fled with the help of the Holy Devil.

In the face of the pursuit of a **** king, he can not help but rely on the help of the Holy Devils, otherwise, he is afraid that he has already fallen into the hands of this god.

Therefore, the demon sacred pearl can not be taken back by him, which leads to the atmosphere of the celestial sacred bead that belongs to the artifact, attracting more and more **** kings, chasing his **** king, from the first one, It has become more than a dozen now.

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