Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1989: Sword Wolf Adventure

As the sound of this sound rang, some people who were still talking and chatting in the cabin returned to their positions, sitting cross-legged on the stone platform in the cabin, followed by a strong source. The force fluctuations are passed on.

I saw that at this moment, everyone in the cabin is constantly injecting the power of the body into the stone platform.

With the injection of their original power, Jian Chen can clearly feel that the speed of the virtual sky is suddenly increasing and becoming faster and faster. In the end, when he looked out through the cabin, he found that the stars outside were all turned into a rapid retreat.

The stars did not move, but the scene caused by the speed of the spacecraft too fast.

"The speed of this virtual spaceship is afraid that it has already surpassed the infinite power." Jian Chen looked at the dark and shocked, and immediately his eyes were in the cabin. Those who were sitting on the stone bench in the cabin were constantly injecting their power into the source. The person, with a bit of doubt, returned to his position.

At the edge of Jian Chen, Master Tang Long has already injected the power of the original for Shi Tai. Seeing Jian Chen and Kai Ya’s incomprehensible eyes, he explained: “The ticket of the Void spacecraft is very tight, and the price is also Not low, so I can only buy three inferior tickets. Everyone who rides the lower class needs to inject the power into the Yutai every other day."

"These jade platforms are connected by a powerful array of methods. Any force that is injected into the jade platform will be directed to the dynamic array of the spacecraft to provide some of the power of the spacecraft."

The master of the dragon looked at the sword dust and Kayya who had not acted at all. He said quite helplessly: "The price of the lower class is low, but it must add a force to the power of the virtual spacecraft. It is tied to the ticket. If you don't do this, you will be deprived of the qualification to take the Nethership and be thrown out of the Void."

“Can we upgrade our lower class to a higher position?” Jian Chen said, he didn’t have enough Shenjing to call the intercontinental transmission array, but he was confident that he could afford to take the spacecraft. of.

After all, he has obtained a large number of Shenjing from Axilian, the head of the Seventh Army of the Demon of the Demon, and its wealth is far more than the average king.

Even if he bought a lot of things in the Xuan Dao dynasty, Shen Jing, who belongs to the space ring of Axis, only used a little and a half.

"The position is already full. If you want to go up, you can't go up. Unless someone in the middle or upper class is gone or fallen, the position can be vacated before they can be upgraded." Tanglong said.

Jian Chen nodded slightly and sat on the stone platform. He did not learn the energy of his body and injected it into the stone platform. Instead, he took out a lot of thumb-sized tops from the space ring. As soon as Jinggang came into contact with Shitai, the power of pure source contained in Shenjing was continuously absorbed by Shitai.

What Jian Chen has cultivated is the power of chaos. Its preciousness far exceeds the power of the other warriors. He naturally cannot inject his own chaos into Shitai. Therefore, he would rather replace it with Shen Jing, and he would not lose his power of chaos.

The move by Jian Chen attracted the people in the cabin for the first time. At this moment, the people gathered in this cabin were concentrating on Jian Chen.

Such as Jian Chen, the use of Shenjing to replace the person who injected the power of the source into Shitai, is not without, but very rare, but the Shenjing used is also the next product.

For example, Jian Chen, who used the Shenjing crystal directly, did not hear it.

For a time, many people around have cast their envious eyes, mixed with them, and a little embarrassment.

These gods that Jian Chen took out are already a lot of money for many people here.

"Idiot, even with the top of the **** crystal to replace the loss of the power of the source, I would like to see how long he can hold"

"I am sure that he can't hold on for three days and bring the top grade Shenjing to burn. For a long time, even the king of the kings can't stand it."

There are also some people who are whispering, and these arguments are naturally also introduced into the ears of Jian Chen.

In this regard, Jian Chen did not say anything, but he felt very helpless in his heart, because in his current space ring, in addition to the top grade Shenjing is the best crystal, and the size of the thumb is not much, almost all It is a large individual with one meter square.

In a blink of an eye, the Void Spacecraft has been flying in the vast endless void for more than half a month.

In the half-month period, Jian Chen is also a constant use of Shangpin Shenjing, instead of injecting energy into Yutai, and the cost of Shangpin Shenjing is tens of thousands.

In the cabin, some people who thought that Jian Chen could not last for a long time, after seeing that Jian Chen had spent tens of thousands of top grades in this half-month period, the thoughts in his heart gradually changed. Along with the look of Jian Chen, there was also a bit of heat and greed.

There are obviously many people who can carry tens of thousands of top-grade gods.

"One day consumes more than 2,000 pieces of top grade Shenjing. In a month, there are half a month to inject energy into the jade, so that one month needs to consume 30,000 to 40,000 top grades, one year. Nearly half a million, two million a million, that is, one of the top grades of Shenjing." In the heart of Jian Chen, is also calculating the consumption.

In the past two years, the top grade of Shenjing, such loss, for the current him, is only a glimpse of the hair, because in his space ring, not to mention the top of the gods, only the best Shenjing has dozens of squares, one of the best gods Crystal, you can exchange it for one hundred squares.

At this moment, seven people wearing black suits came to the front of Jian Chen, and faintly surrounded the sword dust sitting on the jade platform. One of the middle-aged men smiled and said: "This brother I don't know how to call it, where does it come from, and what is the teacher?"

Jian Chen noticed their intentions early on, from the almost identical costumes on them, because they belonged to the same force.

And in this cabin, in addition to the seven people in front of you, there are more than 30 people wearing the same costumes, they are exactly the same.

It is just here that the seven people in front of us are the strongest ones, all of which have reached the main deity. The rest of the people who wear the same costumes as they are, are not yet the main god.

"I am just a free-flowing wild crane. There is no door to send. As for the name, don't say it, it's not worth a few thoughts." The body of the sword dust sitting on the jade platform stood still, and said calmly. Now that he has left Yunzhou, it is indeed a leisurely wild crane.

The two masters, Tang Long and Kai Ya, also opened their eyes at this moment, staring at the seven people with cold eyes.

The seven men in black naturally noticed that the sword dust was a group with the dragon and Kaya, but they did not care. The middle-aged man who spoke earlier was listening to the sword dust just after a disassembly. Liang, said: "We are the people of the Sword Wolf Adventure Group. The head of the team and the two elders are in the upper class of this Void spacecraft. They are all strong in the realm of the gods. This brother is better to join us. The adventure group, although our sword wolf adventure group is not a top-level force, but there are also three strong kings in the realm of the king of the king, do not know what your intentions." When speaking, a pressure has been distributed from these seven people And out, slowly approaching Jian Chen.

Although the middle-aged man speaks fairly well, the strength in the discourse is undisguised, with a sense of coercion.

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