Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1992: Wolf King arrives

Before and after the blink of an eye, the sword wolf adventure group was full of confidence, thinking that the seven main gods who had set the sword dust had already fallen two people. Both of them were shot by Kay and Jian Chen.

This scene not only deeply shocked everyone in the Sword Wolf Adventure Group, but even some of the spectators in the audience were shocked and stunned.

"Rewind!" The remaining five of the Sword Wolf Adventures were shocked. The combination of the spells was too late to show up, and they retreated at the fastest speed.

Jian Chen deceived himself, and the shocked rainbow became a residual image, which has already stabbed the second person.

The sword of Jian Chen is too fast. It is beyond the scope of the naked eye. Although these gods can be sensed by the gods, they are unable to cope with their strength.


The sword of Jian Chen directly penetrated the past from the head of the second main **** of the Sword Wolf Adventure Group. In just one less time of breathing, there were two main gods falling into the hands of Jian Chen.

At the same time, Kay also chased over, waving, the law of destruction condensed, unrelenting shots, one palm shot, hit on one of the foreheads, the horrible law of destruction, the direct shock of the latter The **** of the gods will crack the head.

On the stage of life and death, the sword dust and the sword wolf adventure group, although they are three to seven, when the strength gap between the two sides, they are no longer the same level, even if two of these seven people are repaired in the late stage of the main god, but It is only the ordinary Lord God later, not to mention the huge gap between the master gods on the main **** monument, even if it is far worse than some big sects.

Therefore, the battle between the two sides is one-sided, and more appropriate because of the unilateral slaughter that should be said. In an instant, the seven main gods of the Sword Wolf Adventure Group are left with the middle-aged man who originally found Jian Chen. .

The middle-aged man was named Qing Fan. Although he was also in the late stage of the Lord God, he was the strongest of the seven. But at the moment, facing Jian Chen and Kea, he could not help but be scared and pale. Cold, even a thick layer of sweat on the forehead.

The seven main gods, in the twinkling of an eye, there is only one of them left. What kind of person is this?

At this moment, Qing Fan’s heart is filled with remorse.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, this brother, I was wrong with me. I am here to apologize to the brothers and sisters, and I want to have a lot of friends. I hope that my brothers will have a lot of lives." Everyone almost asks for mercy with a trembling voice.

"Rain your life?" Jian Chen mouth sneered a sneer, staring at Qing Fan with a stern look, said: "You sword wolf adventure group is not very powerful, take the initiative to provoke us, push us to life and death, now we stand In the ring of life and death, how did the people of your sword wolf adventure group ask for mercy?"

"Hey, you don't want to be arrogant, because people who ask for mercy will soon become you." At this moment, a low voice full of killings came over, only to see a sickle on his face. The Wolf King of the Sword Wolf Adventures, with two other **** kings of the Sword Wolf Adventure Group, came to the death and death stage.

The three of them seem to be in a hurry, but every step of the way, they can reach a distance of a hundred feet. In just a few steps, the three of them are the enchantment that directly crosses the life and death, appearing in the ring. in.

Once the life and death collapse, it means that the battle between life and death is already in progress, and no one can win the battle.


The arrival of the Wolf King made Qing Fan’s eyes suddenly bright, just like seeing a dawn of dawn in the darkness, the moment of the air became full, and when the attention of the three people of Jian Chen was attracted by the Wolf King, Everyone in the eyes flashed, and a short blade was sneaked out, directly puncturing the heart of Jian Chen.

The short-blade flashes a faint blue glow, giving off an icy scent that makes people shudder and has been smeared with a very powerful poison.

Qingfan’s sneak attack was carried out unexpectedly smoothly. The short blade directly cut the clothes on Jian Chen’s body, and the sharp knife tip stabbed the sword dust chest.

The sneak attack succeeded, and Qing Fan’s heart secretly surprised, but soon his face suddenly became a stiff, staring at a pair of eyes staring at the chest of Jian Chen’s chest, his face showing an incredible look.

Although his short blade had already stabbed the chest of the sword dust, he did not pierce it at all, even a little bit of skin was not cut.

Especially when the powerful anti-seismic force in the right hand came, it made Qing Fan feel his own dagger, as if it was stabbed on a copper wall.

"How is this possible?" Qing Fan was shocked in his heart. Jian Chen only blocked his sneak attack with the flesh. He was so powerful, he didn't say that he had never heard of it, even if he had never seen it.

However, waiting for the celebration of more than a fan, a sturdy sword mans is a rapid enlargement in his pupil, a sword gas from the hands of Jian Chen, stabbed to Qing Fan's eyebrows.


Not far from the sound of the wolf king's anger, his figure has turned into a residual image rushed over, want to save the Qing Fan from the hands of Jian Chen.

However, it was too late, and the sword gas from Jian Chen’s finger directly left a blood hole in front of Qing Fan’s eyebrows. He shot into the Yuanshen’s Yuanshen and killed the Qing Fan on the spot.

The head of the Sword Wolf Adventures, the Wolf King, made a roar, and the pupil became silvery white. The body was so powerful, the murderous killing of the sword dust, the right hand became a claw, the power of the gods and kings came, and the sword was unrelenting. Dust head.

During this period, his right hand and five fingers, has quietly become five claws flashing cold and cold.

The face of the sword dust is unchanged, the look is calm and calm, and the hand of the golden scorpion is condensed, and it is turned into a glaring light.


A dull sound, Da Luo Jianqi and the Wolf King’s claws collided with each other, causing the wolf king’s body to violently shake, the footsteps uncontrollably receding, and a horrible sword mark appeared on his right hand. The long claws, which are changed from five fingers, also have a white mark.

"Since you have reached the stage of life and death, then only the winners of both sides can go down the ring." Jian Chen said with a cold expressionless expression, step by step, body as a teleport in front of the wolf king, Jinghong sword Turn into a sword net to cover the wolf king inside.

"I didn't expect to meet a master **** here." The wolf king's face was dignified, and a long shout was heard in the sky. In the howling, his body began to expand rapidly, and in the blink of an eye it became a foot. The size of the silver-white giant wolf.

On the back of the giant wolf, the nine bone spurs are inserted like a sword, and the cold light is filled with a powerful energy fluctuation.

The head of the Sword Wolf Adventure Group is obviously not a human race. Its body is a sword wolf.

Moreover, after the head of the Sword Wolf Adventure Group revealed its body, the breath was obviously strengthened.

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