Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1998: Suppress blood

The blood of the ancient Sirius contained in the bone sword is very fast. Although the Jianchen has already noticed its movement, it is too late to stop. In an instant, this silk in the bone sword belongs to the ancient days. The blood of the wolf entered the body through the hands of Jian Chen.

The heart of Jian Chen suddenly sinks, without hesitation, and immediately controls the power of chaos to stop the power of this blood.


Although the power of the ancient Sirius's blood is only a trace, the power contained in it is not to be underestimated. When the two collided, a roaring sound suddenly broke out.

"Hey!" Jian Chen spurted a blood, his body trembled fiercely, and the two forces collided in his body, turning his body into a battlefield, causing him to be injured, and the blood in his pores overflowed.

If he cultivates not the body of chaos, he has a very strong body, fearing that the power of these two energies colliding in his body will be enough to make his body shake apart.

The blood of the two ancient celestial wolves approached quickly in the body of Jian Chen, and the internal and external shocks of the chaos of Jian Chen, seemingly to be integrated into one.

The power to suppress one of the blood vessels is to consume most of the power of the sword dust. At this moment, the force of the two blood vessels is one inside and the other, so that the pressure exerted by Jian Chen is not as simple as one plus one.

Therefore, Jian Chen only supported a number of breathing time, and the suppression of the force of chaos was broken through a gap, so that the power of these two blood vessels eventually merged into one body in his body.

Jian Chen’s dark road is not good. Only one blood force has made him helpless. At this moment, the power of the two blood vessels merges into one and becomes more powerful, which makes his heart sink to the bottom.

Waiting for the sword dust to think too much, suddenly, a desolation, the ancient breath is transmitted, after the integration of these two forces belonging to the ancient Sirius, it is like a change from the previous incompleteness to a whole, Exudes a breath of sorrow that makes the sword dust scare.

This breath is just a rough feeling, which is to bring a very old and long-lasting feeling to Jian Chen. It seems to precipitate the endless years, as deep as the vast stars.

And Jian Chen, under the influence of this breath, was brought into a very old age. During the day, he seemed to see an ancient Sirius that was filled with only half of the vastness. On the footsteps of the sun, the moon and the stars, the body emits a horror of the unknown fear of the heavens and the earth, and is looking up and making a long and high shout.

Under its whistling, the void is distorted, time and space are disillusioned, and the rules of heaven and earth are all in disorder.

"Hey!" Jian Chen once again spurted a blood, and the Yuanshen was violently shaken. This blurred picture appeared in his mind, causing a huge image for his god.

In particular, the pressure from the ancient Sirius, so that Jian Chen feels his own gods will collapse.

At the same time, in his body, the power of the blood that merges into one is also in a violent shock, and the restlessness is swaying in the body of the sword dust, full of destructive power.

Jian Chen bites his teeth, keeps his mind, tries to isolate the influence of the desolation on his own god, and controls all the forces of chaos to begin to suppress the blood of the ancient Sirius.

He even used the law of kendo, and cooperated with the power of chaos to form a crackdown on the power of this blood.

However, this is still not enough. After all, after the integration of the blood of the two ancient Sirius, the power has become more powerful. Although it is very thin, it has an absolute advantage at the level. At the very least, it is better than the sword dust now.

"Master, let us help you!"

At this moment, the voice of Ziqing Sword Spirit was introduced into the brain of Jian Chen. Immediately, a source of Ziqing Sword Spirit appeared in the body of Jian Chen, at a very slow speed, carefully in the body of Jian Chen. Wandering, joined the suppression of the blood of the ancient Sirius.

In these years, Ziqing Sword Spirit has been recovering from her slumber and rarely wakes up. But I have to say that since Jian Chen came to the Holy Land, the recovery speed of Ziqing Sword Spirit is indeed much faster than that of Tianyuan Continent. Now they have recovered a few points, even though they are at their peak. Still more than a hundred thousand miles, but at this time, has been able to help the sword dust a few points.

Just because their identity is too special, they are only deeply hidden in the body of Jian Chen, and dare not show up in the sanctuary.

Even at this moment, they helped Jian Chen to suppress the blood of the ancient Sirius. They were also very careful, converging all the breath, and did not spread out.

After feeling the power of Ziqing Sword Spirit, this blood belonging to the ancient Sirius's blood suddenly shocked. It seemed to be aware of a huge sense of crisis. It immediately became quiet and full of vigilance and alertness.

The power of the ancient Sirius's blood is indeed very high at the level, but the purple-green sword spirit is higher than it. Because Ziqing sword spirit, it is a spirit that is divided into yin and yang by chaos, and a spirit that is transformed by a yin and yang. The true immortality will last forever.

At the beginning, Ziqing’s double swords failed, and even the repairs were too sturdy, and they really had the ability to pass through the sky. The old masters who were hailed as the heavenly way were all stunned, but Ziqing’s swordsman survived. Down, of course, also paid the price of a big injury.

Finally, under the addition of Ziqing Sword Spirit, the blood of this ancient Sirius was finally suppressed by Jian Chen.

However, Jian Chen was not happy because he not only used all the power of chaos to suppress, but even the power of the rules of kendo was used. It can be said that he has done his best. The current situation makes him unable to walk outside.

At this moment, the will of Jian Chen was once again affected, and the desolation and ancient breath emanating from the power of the blood was like letting him once again see that the body filled half of the void, pedaling day. The moon of the moon, the sky, is screaming in the sky.

The soul of Jian Chen once again trembled fiercely. The indescribable and terrible pressure emanating from the ancient Sirius deeply shocked his soul and made him feel that his own **** seemed to want again. The illusion of a crash.

This time, because there is no blood force in the body to chaos, so Jian Chen watched the ancient Weiwo's gods, obviously insisted for a little longer.

But it was only the time to insist on half a cup of tea, and a strong sense of vertigo came from, so that Jian Chen withdrew from such an artistic conception.

In this short period of time, the power of the Yuanshen, which was only restored by Jian Chen not long ago, was once again consumed. The strong sense of vertigo was accompanied by bursts of headaches, so that Jian Chen could not wait to slumber immediately.

Jian Chen immediately took out a few returning gods and swallowed it. Fortunately, he bought a lot of Huidan Dan in the Emperor of the Xuanto Dynasty, and there are still some in the space ring of the Wolf King. Therefore, there are quite a few of them in his hands.

However, just swallowed back to Shen Dan, the eyes of Jian Chen were suddenly bright, showing the color of surprise, he found that his power of the gods actually increased a bit.

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