Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2005: Heart warning

Standing on the virtual warship, this is like a huge square on the deck. Jian Chen looked around and could only see the endless void of the stars. He couldn't help but take a deep breath, then looked up at the sky and couldn't help but open his arms.

This is the first time since he came to the sacred world that he saw the emptiness of the sacred world so clearly. It is also the first time that he is so close to this vast and endless universe of voids. Perhaps it is the vast, boundless atmosphere of this void. Infection, this makes the heart of Jian Chen also become extremely open, feeling that he seems to be integrated with the universe of the universe, want to embrace the illusion of the universe.

"Sister, you see what this person is doing, standing here and opening his arms, and still closing his eyes, so strange." At this moment, a little bit of tender voice was introduced into the sword dust. In the ear.

I saw in the cabin, there are two women just on the deck at the moment, one of them is only seven or eight years old, with a bit of childishness on his face, staring at the bright big eyes and staring curiously. Jian Chen.

Another woman, who seems to be in her twenties, has a beautiful flower appearance, a white skin and a sheep's fat, and her body is graceful. Although she can't be called a country, she is also very amazing.

The older woman immediately grabbed the mouth of the child, and the serious face said: "Xiaoman, have you forgotten what your sister said, no matter how strange things you see, how weird people see. Don't talk nonsense, beware of getting into trouble."

"Know it, my sister!" The girl, known as Xiaoman, nodded skillfully, and looked at the eyebrow dust with some embarrassment, and immediately went far.

Jian Chen opened his eyes and looked at the back of the girl's distant eyes. His eyes looked blank and there was a bit of silence.

The girl’s innocence and innocence made him think of Xiaoling.

"I can't go back to Yunzhou in a short time, I hope Xiaoling can be safe in the Tianyuan family." Jian Chen secretly sighed, his eyes glanced on the deck, then walked to a secluded place and sat down on the knees. After arranging a simple array of methods around, he continued to enter the state of enlightenment, hoping to have some insights in this starry sky, thus breaking through the bottleneck and stepping into the late stage of the sword spirit.

The deck of the Void spacecraft is very large. It has brought together a large number of people, or a group of three or five people, and toasted under the starry sky. Or, like Jian Chen, arrange a simple array of methods around you, and learn the mystery of heaven and earth in the stars.

The sword dust sat on the deck, and the surrounding arrays isolated everything. He said that he was enlightening. Actually, he looked up at the vast expanse of the starry sky and looked at the dense and innumerable Tianxingxing, looking at the horrible speed of the Void Warship, turned into a myriad of stars and meteorites that flew away from the eyes, and the eyes gradually became blurred.

At this moment, his heart is like the heavens and the earth, and the **** is like the universe. He feels that his whole person seems to be integrated into this universe and the stars and the sky are not separated from each other.

Of course, this is just the personal feeling of Jian Chen. In fact, he is far from the realm of integrating himself into this cosmic sky.

But under such a state, Jian Chen is very clear and feels the law of kendo intertwined between heaven and earth. It is like a sequence between heaven and earth, like a vein in the universe, and the rest is three. Thousands of avenues are intertwined to form an endless network, which constitutes a vast universe.

"The avenue three thousand, although strong and weak, but if it is the ultimate, will become a heavenly existence, take the position of the heavens and the earth"

"Three thousand avenues, that is, the three thousand rules, each of which constitutes the context of this universe, supports the spine of the heavens and the earth, plays its unique role, is unique and irreplaceable"

A kind of enlightenment, quietly appeared in the soul of Jian Chen. In the vagueness, he seems to have grasped what he seems to understand, but when he carefully understands, he finds that he seems to have nothing to grasp, what Did not understand.

The sword dust caught in such a state is not noticed. When he realizes the heavens and the earth, he feels not only the kendo he masters, but the three thousand avenues that constitute the order of the heavens and the earth. He can all clearly feel it. Their existence.

This is an incredible scene.

As everyone knows, when the military enters the realm from the source, it must understand the rules of heaven and earth and open the door to the realm of the gods.

If you want to control the rules of the heavens and the earth, you must be able to feel the existence of the rules of heaven and earth. You must first "see" the rules of heaven and earth before you can take control.

If you can't see the rules of heaven and earth even if you "look", then naturally you can't master it.

Many sources cannot enter the realm of their lives for the rest of their lives. When they die, they are unable to "see" the rules of heaven and earth and lose the prerequisites for mastery.

Some warriors can master two rules, three rules, and even more rules at the same time, because they can feel the existence of these laws between heaven and earth.

And Jian Chen, he can not only feel the kendo that he is good at, but all the other avenues, he can all feel it.

However, at this time, Jian Chen's back was suddenly cold, and a chill of bones came from his heart, which made him unable to withdraw from this state.

Jian Chen opened his eyes and stared at the void. His face became very dignified. This sudden chill made him feel a warning. There was a feeling of a big disaster. It seems that something big is about to happen.

"Sword dust, how are you here, I am looking for you everywhere." Jian Chen just retired, Kay’s voice suddenly came, I saw her just came to the deck from the cabin, quickly toward the sword The dust is close.

Behind Kea, a wrap-around dragon master in white robe followed.

Jian Chen’s eyes fell on Kea. Looking at the rush between Kay’s look, he couldn’t help but wonder: “Kaya, so anxious to find me, what happened?”

Kay came to the front of Jian Chen and heard the words of Jian Chen. There was a hint of sorrow in the look. "I suddenly felt a little restless. I wanted to immediately interrupt you and the retreat of the dragon to inform you. I found it, but your room is empty. In order to find you, I and the dragon have almost ran through the entire void ship."

Wen Yan said that the face of Jian Chen became more and more dignified. Kay suddenly felt uneasy, and he couldn't help but think of his own inexplicable bones.

"Haha, Jian Chen brother, really, you are here too." Just then, a voice with a familiar voice.

Jian Chen heard the sound, and I saw that Qian Xiangzheng, who had had a relationship at the exchange meeting, came over.

"It turned out to be a friend of Chi Xiang." Jian Chen hugged his fist.

Chi Xiang looked at the surrounding voids and countless stars and meteorites that flew like a stream of light. He smiled and said: "The stars are like rain, the light is like a waterfall, so beautiful scenery, and only in this fast speed makes the Promise Strong Can not be caught up in the void ship can be seen, such a beautiful scenery, do not appreciate a real regret in life, Jian Chen brother, it is better for us to drink under this starry sky, I do not know Jian Chen brother will not Appreciate the face."

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